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Is Israel really Pakistan’s enemy?

Jews were fighting for their survival after being attacked by the Arabs. Jews prevailed so some Arabs left.

We're going in circles.

The population was predominantly, almost entirely, Arab for centuries. Beginning in 1888, waves of Jewish migration increased Jewish population, legitimately, to about 7%. At that point, the colonial masters, at the Zionists' behest, declared that the area would become a "Jewish State". The vast majority (93%) Arabs rejected that colonial imposition, and the Jews used military force to establish their colonial estate.

Where your lack of education seems to fail you, is that population does not equal entitlement.

For example, 1 Jew legally purchasing half of Palestine, is entitiled to half of Palestine no matter how many Arabs are on it.

With Arab breeding rates, they outnumbered Jews (not in Jerusalem though pre48)

However, their population size was taken into consideration, as larger populations need more space. This is why the Arabs were offered 78% in the original partition plan.

The greed of the Arabs meant they wanted 100% and went to war.

A war they lost.

Now could you pack up your bags and get out of Australia please. You are occupying Aboriginal land.

Why do you insist on showcasing your ignorance?

Even Jewish land ownership didn't exceed 7% at the time of the Balfour declaration.

So, with less than 7% population and less than 7% land ownership, somehow the land was deemed a "Jewish State"?

Also, I am not sure what kind of democracy they teach in Israel, but in modern democracies, it is one man (or woman) one vote, not one acre one vote. Land ownership was the ancient determinant of democracy, not in the modern world.
We're going in circles.

The population was predominantly, almost entirely, Arab for centuries.
More accurately is to say that land was desolated for centuries. Palestine had population of 2-3 million during Jesus time and only 400 thousand at the beginning of Zionism.

Beginning in 1888, waves of Jewish migration increased Jewish population, legitimately, to about 7%. At that point, the colonial masters, at the Zionists' behest, declared that the area would become a "Jewish State". The vast majority (93%) Arabs rejected that colonial imposition, and the Jews used military force to establish their colonial estate.
Actually Jews were 1/3 of the population and according to partition plan they gt mostly empty lands: negev desert swampy east galilee and swampy part of coastline.

What is also ironic that while in 1948 Arabs started to fight against Jewish state today they dream to get Israeli citizenship and they fiercely oppose plans to pass some Arab Israeli towns to Palestinian state.
perceptions and threats evolve and change; however i personally dont view them as the enemy...unfortunately our immediate enemies are in the immediate neighbourhood

despite discontent over the Palestine issue and the denial of peaceful 2-state solution, there's no real reason for us to be enemies.....again, personal opinion

We will all normalize the relations with Israel, it has the right to exist. We have been trying to achieve that but unfortunately Iran and it's proxies have been always there to foil them. Iran and it's proxies are the main obstacles in the way of peace. As soon as they get finished, ME will much better place to live in.

today they are foes but weren't they allies while the Arabs were fighting israelis?

Quran asks you to hate jews?? :what:

it does not
Dear friend, with due regards, if you go through any record other than islamic literature, you will find that situation is completely other way around,
tell me from your own records, how many times jews have raided muslims and how many times muslims have raided jews in the life times of paigamber hazrat muhammad sahab itself ?? you will find the answer.

I was saying what the Quran says. I didn't give my opinion.
I was saying what the Quran says. I didn't give my opinion.

all religious books say so, to herd their followers and to prevent them to see the truth. but god has given you brain to apply reasoning and logic, so use it frequently and make your own conclusion
Pak Israel relations can be analyzed at different levels.

1. Ordinary person in the street. Doesn't care one way or the other. Same way an ordinary Israeli is busy in his stuff and doesn't care and even doesn't know about Pakistan.

2. TPP-Alqaida Goons: They are the ones who consider everyone including Sunnis (who don't believe in their extremist vision) as enemies. For them Israelis are just another target (albeit a distant one)

3. Pakistani Shias - For many of them, Ayatullah words are divine revelation (or close to it). As Iranian regime is hostile to Israel, so are the views of Pakistani Shias. Poor thangs don't realize that such blind hatred is wrong as it is killing Pakistani Shias too.

4. Pakistani Commies and lefties - They have an axe to grind with "Capitalist Juice" and hence they follow the Anti-Israeli line not unlike the one adopted by non-Muslim but anti-Isareli groups.

The lie that Pakistanis use for being pro-Arab pro-Muslim
Many Pakistanis on PDF go horse $hit barking about Arab rights and Muslim rights. This is all the while, so many Arabs and so many Muslims are being butchered by other Arabs and other Muslims.

We in Pakistan have lost almost 50,000 innoncent lives at the hands of Islamist goons. And still no fat fat fatwa, and no hatred for the TTP goons.

This is why I say Pakistani supporters of Palestinians are the biggest drama-baz on the face of the earth.

Lol, just looking at this thread goes to show why Israel and Pakistan are unlikely to become "freinds" anytime soon.

To the Pakistani members you should conisder the phrase: “Nations have no permanent friends or allies, they only have permanent interests.” As such, getting bogged down in history is not going to further the interests of your nation one bit it is only going to leave you chasing your tails, all while the Israelis arm your Nemesis to the East and improve relations and cooperation across the board (agro tech, water tech, military tech, mineral tech etc).
Lol, just looking at this thread goes to show why Israel and Pakistan are unlikely to become "freinds" anytime soon.

To the Pakistani members you should conisder the phrase: “Nations have no permanent friends or allies, they only have permanent interests.” As such, getting bogged down in history is not going to further the interests of your nation one bit it is only going to leave you chasing your tails, all while the Israelis arm your Nemesis to the East and improve relations and cooperation across the board (agro tech, water tech, military tech, mineral tech etc).

This is true.

I just have one comment.

Israel is not "arming" our "Nemesis to the East" (aka Hindustan) ONLY!

Israel is also "arming" our "BFF" aka China and Turkey.

This is no different from other weapon manufacturers like France who sell to whoever givens them $$$.

So please go easy on this high-school girls style catfight. Thanks.
This is true.

I just have one comment.

Israel is not "arming" our "Nemesis to the East" (aka Hindustan) ONLY!

Israel is also "arming" our "BFF" aka China and Turkey.

This is no different from other weapon manufacturers like France who sell to whoever givens them $$$.

So please go easy on this high-school girls style catfight. Thanks.

I agree, however I would just say there seems to be a real overlap of ideology and understanding specifically between India and Israel and the Israelis are desperate to get closer to India. Israelis seem to have a real affinity with India and seem very interested in its culture.

Additionally the military cooperation between India and Israel is unmatched by Israeli ties/sales to either China or Turkey. Indian and Israeli personal train together, exercise with each other, exchange with one another and their defence companies tie up with one another.
Pak Israel relations can be analyzed at different levels.

1. Ordinary person in the street. Doesn't care one way or the other. Same way an ordinary Israeli is busy in his stuff and doesn't care and even doesn't know about Pakistan.

2. TPP-Alqaida Goons: They are the ones who consider everyone including Sunnis (who don't believe in their extremist vision) as enemies. For them Israelis are just another target (albeit a distant one)

3. Pakistani Shias - For many of them, Ayatullah words are divine revelation (or close to it). As Iranian regime is hostile to Israel, so are the views of Pakistani Shias. Poor thangs don't realize that such blind hatred is wrong as it is killing Pakistani Shias too.

4. Pakistani Commies and lefties - They have an axe to grind with "Capitalist Juice" and hence they follow the Anti-Israeli line not unlike the one adopted by non-Muslim but anti-Isareli groups.

The lie that Pakistanis use for being pro-Arab pro-Muslim
Many Pakistanis on PDF go horse $hit barking about Arab rights and Muslim rights. This is all the while, so many Arabs and so many Muslims are being butchered by other Arabs and other Muslims.

We in Pakistan have lost almost 50,000 innoncent lives at the hands of Islamist goons. And still no fat fat fatwa, and no hatred for the TTP goons.

This is why I say Pakistani supporters of Palestinians are the biggest drama-baz on the face of the earth.



Couldn't have said it better.
I agree, however I would just say there seems to be a real overlap of ideology and understanding specifically between India and Israel and the Israelis are desperate to get closer to India. Israelis seem to have a real affinity with India and seem very interested in its culture.


May be there is "real affinity", may be not. Just remember your own post that says:

“Nations have no permanent friends or allies, they only have permanent interests.”

Just remember this.

Additionally the military cooperation between India and Israel is unmatched by Israeli ties/sales to either China or Turkey. I..

Again! Follow the military news on global level and not just Israel-India.

There are plenty of other posters copying stuff from ToI and HT. We do not need yet another one.

May be there is "real affinity", may be not. Just remember your own post that says:

“Nations have no permanent friends or allies, they only have permanent interests.”

Just remember this.

In this sense I speak purely of the people-people ties and not govt-govt.

Again! Follow the military news on global level and not just Israel-India.

There are plenty of other posters copying stuff from ToI and HT. We do not need yet another one.


Sir, I've done my research and I stand by my statement. The level of defence cooperation between India and Israel is unmatched by Israel and anyone else- other than the US of course!

China has been denied the most sensitive Israeli military tech thanks to the Americans.
all religious books say so, to herd their followers and to prevent them to see the truth. but god has given you brain to apply reasoning and logic, so use it frequently and make your own conclusion

Use your brain and learn to comprehend a sentence first.:tup:
Pak Israel relations can be analyzed at different levels.

1. Ordinary person in the street. Doesn't care one way or the other. Same way an ordinary Israeli is busy in his stuff and doesn't care and even doesn't know about Pakistan.

2. TPP-Alqaida Goons: They are the ones who consider everyone including Sunnis (who don't believe in their extremist vision) as enemies. For them Israelis are just another target (albeit a distant one)

3. Pakistani Shias - For many of them, Ayatullah words are divine revelation (or close to it). As Iranian regime is hostile to Israel, so are the views of Pakistani Shias. Poor thangs don't realize that such blind hatred is wrong as it is killing Pakistani Shias too.

4. Pakistani Commies and lefties - They have an axe to grind with "Capitalist Juice" and hence they follow the Anti-Israeli line not unlike the one adopted by non-Muslim but anti-Isareli groups.

The lie that Pakistanis use for being pro-Arab pro-Muslim
Many Pakistanis on PDF go horse $hit barking about Arab rights and Muslim rights. This is all the while, so many Arabs and so many Muslims are being butchered by other Arabs and other Muslims.

We in Pakistan have lost almost 50,000 innoncent lives at the hands of Islamist goons. And still no fat fat fatwa, and no hatred for the TTP goons.

This is why I say Pakistani supporters of Palestinians are the biggest drama-baz on the face of the earth.


I agree 100% with everything EXCEPT you calling these takfiris as "Islamist" or calling Palestine supporters as biggest drama-baz

pretty unfair generalization there!

even in the west there are those who sympathize with the Palestinian cause; what's wrong with that? Don't you?

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