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Is Iran engaging in sectarian discrimination against its Sunnis?

The Problem is not with style of Namaz , The problem is with your ambitions .The problem is that the real zionist(shia) is pretending to be the victim and saint and in the mean time they are executing regional sunnis in the name of Israel\Arab hostility. Always support America against whenever they attack our lands in the name of few thousands of Al-qaeda members and killed millions of our citizens. Millions of us are vanished cuz of the double standard of our saint Shia brothers.
you ridiculously and blindly claim its Iran that support USA attacks while those attacks always have been done through Sunni controlled lands and financed with Sunni owned money .
never ever USA used Iranian land or Airspace to attack any country .

Yes may be in private, but to the whole world Iran shouts:
"Death to America"
"Death to Israel"

And justifiably the US and Israel gets nervous and prepares to bomb Iran, if Iran ever starts moving towards making nukes. Your theocracy is creating too many problems and making too many enemies for Iranian people, at home and abroad.

well we rather translate those as Down with USA and Down with Israel
Correction: History has shown anyone that tried to destroy Iranian culture has been eliminated.:toast_sign:

News from couple days ago....

Roadside bomb kills nine Pakistan soldiers on Afghan border | Reuters

Bomb Attack At Pakistani Girls School

I dont understand what does these news have got to do with anything we are discussing?
This has been going on in Pakistan for some time.

I can also write that Iran lost a million men or so in the Iran-Iraq war. Now that was a tremendous loss and I am sure to this day there families are suffering. But nothing to gloat about.
Iranians have an attitude problem because they have oil and they sell it and gat billions of dollars. But look at the people of Iran. Mostly poor, so where is the money going to? It is just like Pakistan where leaders are corrupt. Same story.
But Iran is creating trouble in Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Bahrain by funding terror groups there to start a shia sunni war.
Now Iran already has problems with the West and Israel. It really cant afford to mess with us.
Pakistan dont even need its nuclear missiles, its conventional forces are enough to teach Iran a lesson. So stop bothering us and save yourself from the attack that is coming from USA and Israel.
Source: http://www.defence.pk/forums/middle...ation-against-its-sunnis-6.html#ixzz2eX6sflP4

Now Iran already has problems with the West and Israel. It really cant afford to mess with us.
Pakistan dont even need its nuclear missiles, its conventional forces are enough to teach Iran a lesson. So stop bothering us and save yourself from the attack that is coming from USA and Israel.

Slayer pleaseeee :lol: download/buy some wargames, you've a big imagination

Pakistan will never go to war with its friend, neighbour, and ancient cousin Iran for the sake of Bahrain, Yemen, Saudi Arabia.

Not to forget importing gas soon from Iran and Iran building refinery in Pakistan. No one will be able to disrupt our ties and if someone comes between Iran and Pakistan, we will break his arm.
Eh, Ahmadis are not welcome, Khalifa. They are heretics and a cult. We do not allow them to perform hajj nor does the Pakistani government and unfortunately nearly 75% of all Ahmadis are from Pakistan. But they are a tiny cult.

Nor are they recognized as Muslims by the Muslim groups. Or any eminent scholar be he Sunni, Shia etc.

They must be removed from any Arab land. We don't want that cult around us. And lastly in Makkah and Madinah of all places.


We salute the stance of the Pakistani government.

Ahmadis and others can belief in what they want, I don't have a problem with that, my problem is their association to Islam. That's where the border needs to be drawn sharply.

Where are those self righteous mods who keep telling me not start religious debates. what is this lunatic doing here? or does he get a pass because he's your sunni arab brethren? I can already see more Iranians members banned.

@al-Hasani yes I'm a Ahmadi muslim, and there is nothing you can do about it.
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Post here the sources..
Suicide attack - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The very first set of suicide terrorist attacks in the modern period began in Lebanon in the 1980s. One of the -- just the very fourth attack was the famous suicide truck bombing of the Marine barracks in Beirut, in October 1983, which killed 241 of our Marines. he "could not stay there and run the risk of another suicide attack against the Marines." Well, terrorist leaders observed that key event, and in fact, that event has motivated them, and encouraged them, to do other suicide attacks, not only Hezbolah (that is the suicide organization in Lebanon),
Conversation with Robert A. Pape, p. 3 of 4
Istishhad - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Slayer pleaseeee :lol: download/buy some wargames, you've a big imagination

Pakistan will never go to war with its friend, neighbour, and ancient cousin Iran for the sake of Bahrain, Yemen, Saudi Arabia.

Not to forget importing gas soon from Iran and Iran building refinery in Pakistan. No one will be able to disrupt our ties and if someone comes between Iran and Pakistan, we will break his arm.

Actually during Shah's time Iran gave free oil to Pakistan during its war with India. But in 1980s Zia ul ****** brought wahabi traditions to Pakistan and made anti shia militant groups. Those groups started killing innocent shia. Then Shias also made militant wings to get revenge.
Don't be fooled by some hot headed Pakistani internet jihadis. Pakistan cannot afford a war with anyone right now and will never go to war with Iran.
Actually during Shah's time Iran gave free oil to Pakistan during its war with India. But in 1980s Zia ul ****** brought wahabi traditions to Pakistan and made anti shia militant groups. Those groups started killing innocent shia. Then Shias also made militant wings to get revenge.
Don't be fooled by some hot headed Pakistani internet jihadis. Pakistan cannot afford a war with anyone right now and will never go to war with Iran.
Complete BulSh!T , You cannot prove that Local Islamic militant organizations were created before the creation of local Shi'ite terror groups or before Soviat attack in Afghanistan .
Complete BulSh!T , You cannot prove that Local Islamic militant organizations were created before the creation of local Shi'ite terror groups or before Soviat attack in Afghanistan .

What the hell was the islami Jamiat tuleba then? Do you know what they used to do at campuses in Karachi? do you know when they were armed?

and what about the muslim brotherhood in Egypt? they were committing terrorist activities long before they became the champion of democracy like they are pretending to be now.
Complete BulSh!T , You cannot prove that Local Islamic militant organizations were created before the creation of local Shi'ite terror groups or before Soviat attack in Afghanistan .

Don' reply to me mate. You could blow you self up for your jihad i could care less but don't do it in a civilian area. Cheers ''Mujahird''.
Don' reply to me mate. You could blow you self up for your jihad i could care less but don't do it in a civilian area. Cheers ''Mujahird''.
Don't spread lies about us and I have no interest in you. I've never replied you before until you haven't targeted my interests. Avoid it or face it. "Fugly Qadian".
What the hell was the islami Jamiat tuleba then? Do you know what they used to do at campuses in Karachi? do you know when they were armed?

and what about the muslim brotherhood in Egypt? they were committing terrorist activities long before they became the champion of democracy like they are pretending to be now.
I said militant organization, Islami Jamiat Tuleba have nothing to do with Shi'te\Sunni matter and Its still active . Jamiat is well known for using Islam as political purposes , They have very least influence in our society , You are also neglecting that Shi'ite also have used Jamat Islami platform for political purposes and still having an alliance. Now tell me of any Islamic militant organization those were involved in militancy against any of other sect in organized way before the formation of Banned Shi'ite terror group.
Marine barracks was a military target, not a civilian target like mosques, schools and markets. And martyr Hossein Fahmideh was a soldier who blew up a tank.

But it's a fact that today, wahabism/salafism ideology goes hand in hand with suicide attacks against civilians. I can say 95 to 99% of suicide attacks are done by wahabi/salafi terrorists. By the way, today they attacked a mosque in Iraq.
Don't spread lies about us and I have know interest in you. I've never replied you before until you haven't targeted my interests. Avoid it or face it. "Fugly Qadian".

I said militant organization, Islami Jamiat Tuleba have nothing to do with Shi'te\Sunni matter and Its still active . Jamiat is well known for using Islam as political purposes , They have very least influence in our society , You are also neglecting that Shi'ite also have used Jamat Islami platform for political purposes and still having an alliance. Now tell me of any Islamic militant organization those were involved in militancy against any of other sect in organized way before the formation of Banned Shi'ite terror group.

So when are you going full ape and joining the Taliban to kill ''kafirs''? I bet you are the same coward when you hear a explosion you hide under your bed:lol:

Marine barracks was a military target, not a civilian target like mosques, schools and markets. And martyr Hossein Fahmideh was a soldier who blew up a tank.

But it's a fact that today, wahabism/salafism ideology goes hand in hand with suicide attacks against civilians. I can say 95 to 99% of suicide attacks are done by wahabi/salafi terrorists. By the way, today they attacked a mosque in Iraq.

Wahabis are funded by USA. More wars= more choas in Muslim countires= more profit for weapon producing countries.
Islam as a whole (promotion of hate, advocacy of slavery, etc...) don't belong to the Iranian culture, so I don't know what you mean by discrimination against Sunnis? Sunni or Shiite doesn't matter. I'm personally against the very existence of this backward culture in my country. And of course I'm not trying to start a sectarian war here, because I belong to neither sect. But the undeniable reality is that Iran's small Sunni population is mainly linked to the Saudi-backed terrorism. If you can call it a discrimination, the same thing exist in Saudi, however discrimination against Shiites in Saudi is more extreme.

I understand that majority of members here are not nearly intellectually competent enough to prove my argument false (although its not possible to do so either, because my arguments are based on scientific evidence and Muslims bloodlust to slaughter each other) however, knowing this might cause some people to freak out, I stand firm behind my statements and I consider removal of my posts or suspension of my account only as a mean by the parasitic religious zealous incapable of critical thinking to silence me.

@Abii @somebozo
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