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Is India Restaging ‘Sikkim Saga’ in Bangladesh?

Perhaps Bangladesh is staging a Sikkim saga in India to take over NE and Sikkim :lol:
In reality, BD and Pakistan have been encouraging the ruling class of Bhutan to have courage against an Indian political onslaught. With the encouragement of these two countries, Bhutan successfully organized a SAARC meeting a few years ago. BD PM takes every opportunity to visit and involve Bhutan in its effort to build hydro-power plants.
This is an article from an obscure website only @MBI Munshi know it's existence.Mainstream media will not publish such a low quality paranoia.

The website might be obscure but the article is being widely discussed on various discussion forums and social media.

Useless thread by Jamaati Munshi.

Two things to point out:
1. India cannot stage a Sikkim saga in Bangladesh. India can't even control Kashmir properly.
2. Even if they can they won't because of Bangladesh's high Muslim population.

This kind of click baiting thread is only good for a troll fest. Of course guys like @MBI Munshi likes it when Bangladesh is insulted. Huh the people who never wanted Bangladesh to become an independent country are now worried most about its sovereignty. Is their concern or their political propaganda? The article posted only states the opinion of an individual. No facts other than the historical Sikkim facts. They know jacksh!t about the the treaties signed. Even the leader they worship Khaleda Zia said she'd review not cancel the deals with India. This kind fear mongering by Jamaati sympathizers is surely a sign of jealousy. They can't stand the fact that their great BNP Jamaa coalition govt failed big time. When BNP Jamaat left Bangladesh had a GDP per capita of 495 USD and now it has risen to 1600USD. Suck it up Jamaati scums.

Name calling and slanders are always the first resort of the traitor.
The website might be obscure but the article is being widely discussed on various discussion forums and social media.

Name calling and slanders are always the first resort of the traitor.
I guess you are the traitor then. Since that's the only thing you can say in reply to my post. I actually did stated reasoning and you just tried to imply that I'm a traitor.

Also other than here where else this article has been discussed? Please show some links
. .
I guess you are the traitor then. Since that's the only thing you can say in reply to my post. I actually did stated reasoning and you just tried to imply that I'm a traitor.

Also other than here where else this article has been discussed? Please show some links

There was no reasoning as it was wholly based on slander and insinuation. It did not even attempt to address the real fear in Bangladesh that the country has come under the complete control and domination of India. This is not something just made up by Jamaatis but pervades every section of society. By falsely calling me a Jamaati you are clearly suggesting I am a trator I merely just pointed out who the real traitors are. The huge controversy surrounding the defense deal is evidence of that and the popularity of Khaleda Zia comments that the sovereignty of the country would not be surrendered under the BNP. I am not here supporting the BNP but merely poiting out that the vast majority of Bangladeshis distrust and hate India for their constant interference in Bangladesh. Did you not know Bangladesh if full of traitors. Not even half-sikkimization is acceptable -

There was no reasoning as it was wholly based on slander and insinuation. It did not even attempt to address the real fear in Bangladesh that the country has come under the complete control and domination of India. This is not something just made up by Jamaatis but pervades every section of society. By falsely calling me a Jamaati you are clearly suggesting I am a trator I merely just pointed out who the real traitors are. The huge controversy surrounding the defense deal is evidence of that and the popularity of Khaleda Zia comments that the sovereignty of the country would not be surrendered under the BNP. I am not here supporting the BNP but merely poiting out that the vast majority of Bangladeshis distrust and hate India for their constant interference in Bangladesh. Did you not know Bangladesh if full of traitors. Not even half-sikkimization is acceptable -

View attachment 397893
First of all this propaganda face book page post means nothing. Secondly which part of the defence agreement makes Bangladesh a puppet state? Give me facts not propaganda or conspiracy theories. And Khaleda Zia talking about sovereignty. She was the one halted many military procurements. Hasina did buy military equipments. Which includes a pair of submarine bought from not India but China. Simply posting conspiracy theories because you dislike Hasina and AL will never make any sense.
First of all this propaganda face book page post means nothing. Secondly which part of the defence agreement makes Bangladesh a puppet state? Give me facts not propaganda or conspiracy theories. And Khaleda Zia talking about sovereignty. She was the one halted many military procurements. Hasina did buy military equipments. Which includes a pair of submarine bought from not India but China. Simply posting conspiracy theories because you dislike Hasina and AL will never make any sense.

My objection is to India and has nothing to do with the AL or Hasina. Anyone acting against the interests of the country is my target. My page is not propaganda but about protecting the interests of Bangladesh. We do not yet know the details of these defence agreements so the government is not off the hook. If the AL were to win the elections with Indian backing then it would be obligated to New Delhi to go through with what ever India wants. That should be a concern for all Bangladeshis. No conspiracies in any of that. All of what I have written is entirely plausible.

Indians already showing far too much interest in our elections -

You are lying here. I have always mentioned of reports that say Bhutan would be annexed in the year 2019 CE. This date is related to Bhutan's domestic politics.

Ok 2019 it is then (I really dont want to dig out your comments in another forum where it was year after year prediction).

When that (2019) comes and goes, what will you say then? You meant 2019 by some other calendar? :P....or will you finally admit you are wrong?
Nurul Kabir famous journalist and editor of English daily said similar things. Article of this thread is not without substance and Bangladeshis (except indian and awami league dalals) feel and resent indian occupation in slow motion.

Recognizing india is enemy - is the biggest accomplishment for Bangladeshis

Recognizing india is enemy of Bangladesh - is the biggest accomplishment for Bangladeshis, that was the assessment made by popular English daily editor. Nurul Kabil who represent ultra-secular camp in Bangladesh made his observation when a TV talk show asked questions about india Bangladesh relation and latest visit of Hasina.

He clearly spelled out, india can keep few puppets but absolute majority of Bangladeshis see india as enemy. According to the editor, his observation is based on meeting and talking to people from cross section of Bangladeshi society – ordinary people, political leaders, professionals and youths. Renowned editor made case by case analysis how india made itself enemy to people of Bangladesh and to Bangladesh as a country.

1) India depriving Bangladesh from rightful share of water in common rivers using one pretext after another.

2) India blatantly interfered in Bangladesh election, installed an autocratic regime and destroyed democratic process.

3) Bangladesh is source of $15 billion dollars export and remittance earning for india. Yet, india prevent Bangladesh export of even few million dollars using tariff, para tariff and using other flimsy excuses.

4) India relentlessly killing Bangladeshis at border.

5) India gained corridor through Bangladesh using awami league regime, in virtually free of cost.

6) But india prevents Bangladeshi companies to do business with Nepal and Bhutan by putting condition and asking to do business through indian companies.

7) India blatantly interfered in Bangladesh election and installed an autocratic regime.


When asked how about loans india provided to Bangladesh. Editor explained indian loans is just another way india trying to increase sale of indian goods and services and create a captive market. Because condition for indian loan is buying Indian good and services with the money. According to the Editor, indian foreign policy establishment and policy heavily directed by age old “Chanyka” and that cannot be base for any friendship with any country, specially with South Asian countries.

Video of the interview:

Interview article in Bangla:

ভারত আমাদের শত্রু বুঝতে পারাই বড় অর্জন -নূরুল কবীর
| প্রকাশের সময় : ২৬ এপ্রিল, ২০১৭, ১২:০০ এএম

স্টাফ রিপোর্টার : প্রখ্যাত সাংবাদিক ইংরেজি দৈনিক নিউ এইজ সম্পাদক নূরুল কবির বলেছেন, আমাদের প্রধানমন্ত্রীর দিল্লি সফরে বাংলাদেশের অর্জন নেই বলা যাবে না। বড় অর্জন হলো ভারতকে চিনতে পারা। ভারত যে আমাদের (বাংলাদেশ) শত্রু এটার প্রমাণ হয়ে গেছে শেখ হাসিনার দিল্লি সফরে। বাংলাদেশের ভূ-খন্ডের মধ্য দিয়ে একরাজ্য থেকে আরেক রাজ্যে ভারত দ্রব্যাদি, পণ্য নিয়ে যাচ্ছে। এতে খারাপ কিছু দেখি না; গোঁড়ামির কিছু নেই। নেপাল এবং ভুটানের সঙ্গে ব্যবসা করতে চাইলে তারা মধ্যস্বত্বভোগীর মতো ব্যবসা চায় কেন? ভারতের পররাষ্ট্র মন্ত্রণালয় দিল্লির চাণক্যপুরীতে। তারা চাণক্যনীতিতে অভ্যস্ত। তাই ভারত কখনোই প্রতিবেশী দেশের বন্ধু হতে পারে না। গতকাল চ্যানেল আই-এর টকশো তৃতীয় মাত্রায় তিনি এসব কথা বলেন। তিনি বলেন, দেশে আওয়ামী লীগ ধর্ম নিয়ে রাজনীতি করছে; আর বিএনপি করছে ধর্মকেন্দ্রিক রাজনীতি। জিল্লুর রহমানের সঞ্চালনায় টকশোর নুরুল কবিরের বক্তব্যের চুম্বক অংশ তুলে ধরা হলো।
নূরুল কবির বলেন, প্রধানমন্ত্রীর ভারত সফর একটা দিক থেকে সফল। একটা দেশের দু’একটা রাজনৈতিক দল এবং গুটিকয়েক বুদ্ধিজীবী যেই প্রতিবেশীকে বন্ধু রাষ্ট্র হিসেবে চিহ্নিত করে। তারা যে আসলে বন্ধু নয়, এদেশের মানুষ এ সফরের মাধ্যমে এটা বুঝতে পেরেছে। রাষ্ট্র যেহেতু একটি রাজনৈতিক ব্যবস্থা, সে রাষ্ট্রকে টিকে থাকার জন্য তার যেমন শত্রæ-মিত্র চেনা দরকার। রাষ্ট্র থাকলেই ব্যবস্থা-বাণিজ্য, বিদ্যা-শিক্ষা, আয়-উন্নতি হওয়ার কথা। ফলে একটা বৃহৎ প্রতিবেশী যে বন্ধু নয়, সেটা বুঝতে পারা একটা ভীষণ রাজনৈতিক সাফল্য।
কেননা তিস্তা নদীসহ ৫৪টি অভিন্ন নদীর পানি ন্যায্য হিসা আন্তর্জাতিক আইন অনুযায়ী বাংলাদেশের পাওয়ার কথা তার কোনোটিই হয়নি। তিস্তা চুক্তি হয় হয় করেও শেষ পর্যন্ত হয়নি। ভারতের কিছু কিছু মিডিয়া যারা বাংলাদেশের স্বার্থবিরোধী তারা এবং এখানেও (বাংলাদেশে) কেউ কেউ মিনমিনিয়ে বলার চেষ্টা করেছে, যে মমতা ব্যানার্জি নাকি এটা করতে দিচ্ছে না। আমরা সবাই জানি, ভারতের সংবিধান অনুযায়ী বিদেশের সঙ্গে সম্পর্ক তৈরি করার ক্ষেত্রে অথবা সম্পর্ক নষ্ট করার ক্ষেত্রে অর্থাৎ তার পররাষ্ট্রবিষয়ক ব্যাপার কেন্দ্রীয় সরকারের জুরিসডিকশনই একমাত্র জুরিসডিকশন। সেখানে রাজ্যগুলোর কিছুই করার থাকে না। এখানে খুব স্পষ্ট করে বোঝা যায়, পশ্চিমবঙ্গকে আসলে কেন্দ্রীয় সরকার বা রাজনৈতিক ও কূটনৈকিতকরা একটা উপলক্ষ হিসেবে ধরে নিয়ে বাংলাদেশকে পানি থেকে বঞ্চিত করতে চায়। বছরের পর বছর যে রাষ্ট্র তার নিকটতম প্রতিবেশীকে আন্তর্জাতিক আইন অনুযায়ী ন্যায্য পাওনা দেয় না। তাকে বন্ধু মনে করার যুক্তিসঙ্গত কারণ বাংলাদেশের মানুষ দেখে বলে আমার মনে হয় না।

- See more at: https://www.dailyinqilab.com/articl...রাই-বড়-অর্জন--নূরুল-কবীর#sthash.VoEkYBYD.dpuf
Myanmar is a more lucrative piece of real estate than the swamp in the Bay of Bengal.

So doing some calculation here. India annexed Sikkim in 1975 and they will annex Bhutan in 2019. 44 years. After the annexation of Bhutan is completed next in line comes Nepal. Since Nepal has a bigger population than Bhutan, it will take like 60 years. So here we are in 2080. Next comes Bangladesh. And since Bangladesh has a much bigger population it will take at least 70 years. And we are in 2150. Oye Munshi and Banglar Bir you've started the fear mongering like a century early. You will be long dead by then.

By that logic, when will we annex China and Russia, and subsequently EU and US?
First of all this propaganda face book page post means nothing. Secondly which part of the defence agreement makes Bangladesh a puppet state? Give me facts not propaganda or conspiracy theories. And Khaleda Zia talking about sovereignty. She was the one halted many military procurements. Hasina did buy military equipments. Which includes a pair of submarine bought from not India but China. Simply posting conspiracy theories because you dislike Hasina and AL will never make any sense.

Did you by chance read the book titled " The India Doctrine" written by the brilliant scholar and academician MBI Munshi, after years of hectic research and efforts. I really wonder. Or just blabbing like an ignorant buffoon, desperately trying to prove that you are a brilliant researcher ?

Myanmar is a more lucrative piece of real estate than the swamp in the Bay of Bengal.
By that logic, when will we annex China and Russia, and subsequently EU and US?

Dhotis+RSS thugs,= Rip Van Winkle.

India is not allowing Bangladesh to annex to India even if Bangladesh begs to.....
. . .
Salam, thanks for highlighting these basic RAW agendas, unfortunately all the negative ratings awarded to me by the Mods of this prestigious forum were basically due to my efforts to bash these RAW scumbags, on occasions in Bangla language, perhaps not understanding the reasons for my posts. I as such, nowadays exercise utmost restraint from participating in RAW bashing agendas,many thanks to our Muslim brothers.:-):-):-):-)

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