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Is India a truly powerful country?

China's rank has been going down and India has just risen 1 place since last year and guaranteed to rise a lot more next year given the CWG debacle. But yes 79th is something less to be desired (though Hongkong is does pretty well and it is ranked first in the world for doing business)

According to the 2008 table,China was at #72,while at 2009,
China was at #79.

Similarly,according to the 2008 table,India was in #85,while at 2009,India was at #84.

It seems you told me pretty much opposite to what it is in reality.
According to the 2008 table,China was at #72,while at 2009,
China was at #79.

Similarly,according to the 2008 table,India was in #85,while at 2009,India was at #84.

It seems you told me pretty much opposite to what it is in reality.

My mistake then, I might have mixed up the corruption perception index with the transparency international ranking. Can you give me a source on your info?
My mistake then, I might have mixed up the corruption perception index with the transparency international ranking. Can you give me a source on your info?

Oh,I was just looking into the source that you had provided.Its a nice thing that in wikipedia you get a link for the data provided there.

Here it is...

CPI table 2008

CPI table 2009

But then,I stand by what I said.Be it,72,79,84 or 85,it still sucks,as compared to the other countries much much ahead.....
India is a large important country by definition of its huge population, very large geopgraphy and massive ancient history of thousands of years.

Heck they even have an ocean named after it.

Industrial its large but not powerful

military wise its large but not pwerful like China Israel or UK FRANCE.


but globally no its not JUST IMPORTANT for now because wat it could become.

Germany and Japan could transform themselves into military machines in just a few years. They choose not to do so at least for now. India certainly has the potential and is a regional power, but not powerful enough to project military or economical power.
Another pointless thread from someone who worries about other nations than keeping their own steady :rofl:
But yes 79th is something less to be desired (though Hongkong is does pretty well and it is ranked first in the world for doing business)

There are a LOT of mainland businesses that list their shares in the Hong Kong stock exchange for this reason. Which is why the Hong Kong economy is still growing strong, even though it is already a developed city.

Hong Kong originally became wealthy, by acting as a "bridge" between mainland China and the outside world. It's a great job to have. :cheers:

I'm sure this 79 ranking will decrease exponentially in the next few years, as major cities like Beijing/Shanghai take over the role which Hong Kong used to have, i.e. as a gateway to the outside world.
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