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well imran can not be pakistan's obama for a simple reason and that is:

Pakistan is not USA.........

I mean USA has the most sophisticated democracy in the world, and compare it with pakistan....a normal citizen like me and you all cannot think of becoming even a nazim (mayor) of one of the smallest cities of the country let alone the president....

and in USA a black like Obama not only can think but he actually is elected as a president of the strongest country of the world.

when a person like imran's stature is struggling for 10 years to change the systems of this country...who has refused all the luxuries of his life just for the sake of his country...and in the end all he gets is some bull**it newspaper calling him a traitor and people like us believing it :(
yes you are very right.but what we can do.atleast lets hope that some day time will come when this nation will rise.we need a good leader we can rule the world.so lets hope for the best and pray to ALLAH .at least we can support leaders like imran khan may be some day his time will come.
comparing any and every thing to US is just not logical and phenomenon of such comparison is just not a pakistani thing but a world wide thing as some where we all get inspired by the lone surviving super power. my question is what has obama done so substantial other than big talk, that all of a sudden all the hopes have been pinned on him and rest on his shoulders, secondly building of so much high hopes are bound to fail some where which will probably end the honeymoon of expectations rather abruptly, so no way am i going to make that comparison between imran and obama, and as it is the circumstances under which the two work are no way similar, and neither are the personalities.

imran from all that i have heard of him on indian media, presents a liberal face of pakistan who shows sings of bettering his present contemporary. he has not shown signs of being done in by petty politics like the present day pakistani politicians and some where he has a bigger picture of nationhood that inspires his type of politics and that for me is a great sign. he is clear that rather than bombing in the nwfp, it is dialog that is of essence as those people are pakistan's own people and i think if he were to be in power he would walk his talk, and make it adequately known to the americans that there is limit and they dont go beyond a certain limit, though as an indian i would be highly perturbed by such soothing acts for the terrorists but here i comment being totally neutral.

i have not really heard him on economics or defence per se but yes he has a take on bilateral relations which certainly are encouraging but looking at the reactions one saw on the over turns made by zardari on kashmir and nuclear bombs i would be skeptical that given a chance he would he be able to do the walk the talk on this one or be hijacked by hawks whose only appetite and staple diet is to see fractured relations with india. i have heard him on social engineering and there comes some hopes which would for sure benefit that average pakistani. he has laid more stress on things like health, education, over defence or f16's as he would like to put it and when such things get spoken in any developing country there sure get a few hopes associated.

the problem as i see is the mass base that is not associated with him, and so as to find a way to the power corridors of islamabad he has to work on some formula which gets him that mass base, will that be happening without him spoiling his hands by way of doing some dirty bargains is to be seen but clearly the first quality that one looks in an inspiring leader is amiss in his style of leadership, and please do not confuse this leadership to the one that we see on the cricket fields, and for me this is where he has completely faltered. he has not shown that capability of moving people together with him when the opportunity came knocking his doors in latter half of 2007 when the dictator was to be shooed away when the pressure to conduct elections was mounting. he did a few rallies but really he more came out as a laughing stock than really anything else, so to me he is a person with mixed bag with a certain number of limitations but still some where he does represent a hope, and a hope for a better future for pakistan. a hope may be which gets built on the stuff he has spoken or a hope may because the devil has not been tried in the power corridors.

PS: i use the term devil as power does take out that evil side in you, and corrupt you a little.
well imran can not be pakistan's obama for a simple reason and that is:

Pakistan is not USA.........

I mean USA has the most sophisticated democracy in the world, and compare it with pakistan....a normal citizen like me and you all cannot think of becoming even a nazim (mayor) of one of the smallest cities of the country let alone the president....

and in USA a black like Obama not only can think but he actually is elected as a president of the strongest country of the world.

when a person like imran's stature is struggling for 10 years to change the systems of this country...who has refused all the luxuries of his life just for the sake of his country...and in the end all he gets is some bull**it newspaper calling him a traitor and people like us believing it :(

I aggree that Imran Niazi is no traitor, but you can hardly say he has refused all luxuries, and he needs to start engaging the "local" population a lot more, hardly anyone in Mianwali wants to vote for him despite him building NUML college. Which is a shame.

He keeps kicking the gifts he gets in the mouth, he had a very good opportunity to get some seats for his party when the dissidents left PPP due to bilawal or Faheem issue.

Oh Well.... I am not too keen on Politics anyway.
I aggree that Imran Niazi is no traitor, but you can hardly say he has refused all luxuries, and he needs to start engaging the "local" population a lot more, hardly anyone in Mianwali wants to vote for him despite him building NUML college. Which is a shame.

He keeps kicking the gifts he gets in the mouth, he had a very good opportunity to get some seats for his party when the dissidents left PPP due to bilawal or Faheem issue.

Oh Well.... I am not too keen on Politics anyway.

he did won a seat from mianwali...i guess...in previous elections...
he did won a seat from mianwali...i guess...in previous elections...

That is the problem, one seat is just token money! He needs to start getting senior seats and people like the nawabzadeys of both Zadeykhale and Rokhri to support him and phir ap dheko...
comparing any and every thing to US is just not logical and phenomenon of such comparison is just not a pakistani thing but a world wide thing as some where we all get inspired by the lone surviving super power. my question is what has obama done so substantial other than big talk, that all of a sudden all the hopes have been pinned on him and rest on his shoulders, secondly building of so much high hopes are bound to fail some where which will probably end the honeymoon of expectations rather abruptly, so no way am i going to make that comparison between imran and obama, and as it is the circumstances under which the two work are no way similar, and neither are the personalities.

imran from all that i have heard of him on indian media, presents a liberal face of pakistan who shows sings of bettering his present contemporary. he has not shown signs of being done in by petty politics like the present day pakistani politicians and some where he has a bigger picture of nationhood that inspires his type of politics and that for me is a great sign. he is clear that rather than bombing in the nwfp, it is dialog that is of essence as those people are pakistan's own people and i think if he were to be in power he would walk his talk, and make it adequately known to the americans that there is limit and they dont go beyond a certain limit, though as an indian i would be highly perturbed by such soothing acts for the terrorists but here i comment being totally neutral.

i have not really heard him on economics or defence per se but yes he has a take on bilateral relations which certainly are encouraging but looking at the reactions one saw on the over turns made by zardari on kashmir and nuclear bombs i would be skeptical that given a chance he would he be able to do the walk the talk on this one or be hijacked by hawks whose only appetite and staple diet is to see fractured relations with india. i have heard him on social engineering and there comes some hopes which would for sure benefit that average pakistani. he has laid more stress on things like health, education, over defence or f16's as he would like to put it and when such things get spoken in any developing country there sure get a few hopes associated.

the problem as i see is the mass base that is not associated with him, and so as to find a way to the power corridors of islamabad he has to work on some formula which gets him that mass base, will that be happening without him spoiling his hands by way of doing some dirty bargains is to be seen but clearly the first quality that one looks in an inspiring leader is amiss in his style of leadership, and please do not confuse this leadership to the one that we see on the cricket fields, and for me this is where he has completely faltered. he has not shown that capability of moving people together with him when the opportunity came knocking his doors in latter half of 2007 when the dictator was to be shooed away when the pressure to conduct elections was mounting. he did a few rallies but really he more came out as a laughing stock than really anything else, so to me he is a person with mixed bag with a certain number of limitations but still some where he does represent a hope, and a hope for a better future for pakistan. a hope may be which gets built on the stuff he has spoken or a hope may because the devil has not been tried in the power corridors.

PS: i use the term devil as power does take out that evil side in you, and corrupt you a little.

"keeninterest" as your nick you have taken keen interest in writing this post. I am not agreeing with some parts of your posts but still very good analysis.
We don't need Obama or anyone like him. That con artist has a lot more than his smiling (rather frowning) face. Don't be fooled with his superb PR tactics.

In that sense, he could be the "compassionate conservative" George Bush miserably failed to portray. In other words, he could drop bombs on civilians while running a smooth PR campaign at the same time---That is the most grave threat to the third-world I could perceive.

So thanks but no thanks, Pakistan doesn't need Obama.

Pakistan needs Mahatir Mohammed. That's what Pakistan needs. And Mahatir Mohammed took close to two decades to actually start shining in the politics before changing the fate of his country. Imran Khan, does remind me of Mahatir Mohammed. (If you know what Mahatir Mohammed stands for and struggled to achieve).

Imran maybe immature politician, but he is the most honest person among the entire lot we have. We need honest people who can do something for the country, not politicians. We have politicians and the majority agrees that we don't need them anymore.

Imran Khan deserves a chance and he will get it, today or tomorrow. His time will come (provided he is not killed to pave way for another corrupt chief).
Arey yaar we are all sitting here saying he is bacha and flanra is bacha what are we huh atleast he is out there trying to do something trying to convey something to us to others while we sit here calling him bacha same bachi has helped thousands of poor patients who could not afford cancer treatment...same bacha has courage to speak to foreign govts when ever he visits unlike rest of Pak govt swining their tails when they go outside Pakistan...

Duhast....Imran khan can never be that high since he got no political ideology and he keep changing his own stands, he is one day on one side and other day you find him on right opposite.

Yaar Is not that what all politicians do lol....and this also he is sometimes neutral too :)
Every bacha becomes an Adult let that bacha Imran come forward and give him a chance he might get a blue print of Malaysian economic plan and come up with what we expect from an Adult..
We don't need Obama or anyone like him. That con artist has a lot more than his smiling (rather frowning) face. Don't be fooled with his superb PR tactics.

In that sense, he could be the "compassionate conservative" George Bush miserably failed to portray. In other words, he could drop bombs on civilians while running a smooth PR campaign at the same time---That is the most grave threat to the third-world I could perceive.

So thanks but no thanks, Pakistan doesn't need Obama.

Pakistan needs Mahatir Mohammed. That's what Pakistan needs. And Mahatir Mohammed took close to two decades to actually start shining in the politics before changing the fate of his country. Imran Khan, does remind me of Mahatir Mohammed. (If you know what Mahatir Mohammed stands for and struggled to achieve).

Imran maybe immature politician, but he is the most honest person among the entire lot we have. We need honest people who can do something for the country, not politicians. We have politicians and the majority agrees that we don't need them anymore.

Imran Khan deserves a chance and he will get it, today or tomorrow. His time will come (provided he is not killed to pave way for another corrupt chief).

Good post.

I think you're giving Obama too much credit though.

His "slick" appearance isn't difficult given all the PR/news channels in his favour.

He's made enough gaffes.

Also, it doesn't matter who Pakistan's "Mahathir" is. Whether it's Imran Khan or not. Personally I don't think he is.
I have noticed that Imran does not accept mistakes and his geopolitical knowledge is limited to few books which he have read.
I personaly have no big hopes out of him, other than that he may not be as anti Pakistan as Zardari and not as much of a goofy as No.Sharif.
can you elaborate your thoughts without being "angry". In your opinion what is needed to be qualified or be fit to lead a country like Pakistan?
Just by learning how to type on a website in english "does not" qualify you to make judgement on thers either...


Khan sahib is that you posting as Txbashi? :)
Problem with IK is that he tries to act like politicians and he tries to lie ... but he is 'kacha kiladhi'.

Few days a go, Hamid Mir (corrupt journalist) asked IK to figt MQM in Karachi by holding up rallies ... in resonse IK blushed and started to laugh ...

IK is okay with BB and Nawaz Sharif but he has a problem with musharraf who in facct is better than BB and NS.

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