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Screw Imran Khan, the man does nothing but ***** all the time. He's not fit to lead a nation like Pakistan.

You do have a point. Not to screw IK but that he has to be more open. He is very opinionated. To lead a country, one has to be diplomatic and open to other opinions. All of our other leaders also ***** all the time. If they didn't do that..... they would actually get some work done.

Pakistani politicians always try to make their opponents look bad. Take an example of any BB and Nawaz govts. Each time they came to power, they only pointed out mistakes by their predecessors. It's even happening in this current govt.
Screw Imran Khan, the man does nothing but ***** all the time. He's not fit to lead a nation like Pakistan.

Neither the nation is fit to be lead by true leader like P.Musharraf.

I cannot understand Imran properly, he talk more about international conflicts rather than the issues at hand like corruption, power, development etc.
He need to prove him self more Pakistan centric rather than solving Pakistan's issue by solving problems in foreign nations.
He sound to me more like 'parah likha' Nawaz Sharif. Typical khocha.
can you elaborate your thoughts without being "angry". In your opinion what is needed to be qualified or be fit to lead a country like Pakistan?
Just by learning how to type on a website in english "does not" qualify you to make judgement on thers either...

Not that I am endorsing Imran Khan. He sort of has proved something with Shaukat Khanum Hospital. I would still prefer giving him a chance over any current party leaders. I don't see how his party could win parliamentary elections. Even if he got elected as member of parliament, no way other members are voting for him...... for that you needs lots of money and promises to voting members. In this case that would make him the same as the rest of the lot. Same issue for presidents post. Senate will not vote for him.
imran khan can never be that high since he got no political ideology and he keep changing his own stands, he is one day on one side and other day you find him on right opposite.

Pakistan had its Obama in Mr Musharraf, but some people just couldn't digest it.

What do you know!

Musharraf has ruined this country. All he did was fast-track the lives of elite class. Banking, communications, stock market all went up, while agriculture, manufacturing all went down. Gareeb admi got more gareeb and ameer admi more ameer. He was only a Army dictator who knew how to speak on TV, that's it.

Do not judge politicians on how the seem on TV, come to Pakistan and see what people on the road think about him. How their life has changed in the last 8 years.
imran khan can never be that high since he got no political ideology and he keep changing his own stands, he is one day on one side and other day you find him on right opposite.

Pakistan had its Obama in Mr Musharraf, but some people just couldn't digest it.

He has vision and solid reasons for changing his stands. He had every thing, fame wealth and love from people even no celebrity can even thing of. So he decided to return this love and affection by entering in dirty politics. He was being offered by big guns but he refused and chose the difficult path.
I am totally agree with you about Musharaf.we couldn’t recognized him in his time but I am sure we well regret after some time when we will admit our fault. Like myself,.i was toatallly against him and unable to see his positive aspects just because of hatred but now after comparing Zerdari and nawaz with MUSHARAF , I have realized that mushraf was far better leader.
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can you elaborate your thoughts without being "angry". In your opinion what is needed to be qualified or be fit to lead a country like Pakistan?
Just by learning how to type on a website in english "does not" qualify you to make judgement on thers either...


The man supports BLA, a terrorist organization supported by Hindus and Zionists, that kills innocent people and want Pakistan to be broken into pieces. The worst person who could be president of Pakistan is Imran Khan, if he ever becomes president (Allah na karay) then Pakistan will be broken into 4-5 pieces (Allah na karay). I wish he wasn't even in Pakistan.... I should stop now before I say things that will cause Qiyamat in this forum.
The man supports BLA, a terrorist organization supported by Hindus and Zionists, that kills innocent people and want Pakistan to be broken into pieces. The worst person who could be president of Pakistan is Imran Khan, if he ever becomes president (Allah na karay) then Pakistan will be broken into 4-5 pieces (Allah na karay). I wish he wasn't even in Pakistan.... I should stop now before I say things that will cause Qiyamat in this forum.

Hold on bro .some body has really misguided you a lot about him. Imran khan talked about rights of Balouchistan ,which everybody is accepting. He never supported any terrorist organization. we know that how much fame imran khan have in Pakistan due to his cricket and than after cricket his social work .he knew that he will be dragged in dust and people will hate him in polititics but had vision and wanted to return that love and respect. It’s not easy to leave your position like he had and decided to start much difficult task.
Hold on bro .some body has really misguided you a lot about him. Imran khan talked about rights of Balouchistan ,which everybody is accepting. He never supported any terrorist organization. we know that how much fame imran khan have in Pakistan due to his cricket and than after cricket his social work .he knew that he will be dragged in dust and people will hate him in polititics but had vision and wanted to return that love and respect. It’s not easy to leave your position like he had and decided to start much difficult task.

I understand that theres a huge difference between BLA and the people of Balochistan. He clearly said he would do the same thing like those 2 men who were part of BLA and undergoing trial were doing. Those two men were part of BLA..what do the BLA do? Kill innocent people and want to break Balochistan away from Pakistan.

Imran Khan clearly said he would do the same http://www.defence.pk/forums/nation...ran-khan-traitor-defends-terror-suspects.html

BLA's objective is to break Pakistan...and those people who say they would do the same should not be anywhere near Pakistan let alone in Pakistani politics. Before I was like you and I thought Imran Khan was the most patriotic Pakistani but I was wrong big time.
If your YOB is 1984, then I would not blame you for your immature comments.

If your YOB is 1984, then I would not blame you for your immature comments.


I didnt say any lies here about your hero Imran Khan. Read the link I provided in my previous post and understand the objectives of BLA and whose funding this terrorist group.
txbashi and Omar1984,
Respect each others opinions. Don't take it personally.
Omar, Don't base your opinion completely on that one case. Look at the broader picture in regards to that BLA article. Imran's stance is against Musharraf and he is supporting the Balochi people. One more thing I respect your opinion on Imran Khan but think twice before calling him a traitor. Traitor is a serious accusation. This man has served and represented Pakistan well during his cricket years.
I didnt say any lies here about your hero Imran Khan. Read the link I provided in my previous post and understand the objectives of BLA and whose funding this terrorist group.

So this is source of your allegation. Have you read the news on daily express ?whose news was base of the article?. Have you read other newspapers on the same matter? Imran khan at no time supported BLA or supported any terrorist group .he was giving statement in a trial that two in London. just see the bias reporting of English press against any south Asian Muslim. But irony of fact is that you start believing English media and making slogans of traitor even not knowing the background. You are flare up with tiny news and make your perception
I think we've had a discussion about Imran and BLA.

He's the only politician who's done social work without being in power. And he's disliked by MQM, which I regard as his best qualification :P

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