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Is FATA a Colony of Pakistan?

Islam doesnt teach us to hate hindus, our duty is to guide and invite them to islam through good character....
Bacha khan spent years in jail, hundreds of his men were killed by british...on the other hand jinnah and his men never went to jail and had very good and friendly relationships with british...some call him british agent...ulema of deoband even called him kafir e azam.

And i am proud of my people that they didnt massacre helpless hindus among them...we have character, we protect those who are under our protection.

And i am proud of my people that they didnt massacre helpless hindus among them...we have character, we protect those who are under our protection.

Jinnah didn't go to Jail means he was a man of good character and good morale and Bacha Khan was not. Only Gunday Muwaali who do riots go to jail while law abiding and peaceful citizens remains outside...

So it was quaid e azam who followed a true peaceful path to attain Independence, which even Ghairat mand pathans failed to do so from britishers. Sharam Sharam
I know many such "pakistanis" in peshawer....become pakistanis through bribery for business oppurtunities

An Afghan Refugee illegally getting Nationality is not the same thing as a born Pakistani National ! :blink:

If someone loves Pakistan, calls it his Motherland & takes genuine ownership of its problems & strives for its future than there is no difference between him & the greatest of Pakistanis. Whether that someone is of Afghan, Bengali, Somali, Iraqi or Tajik descent - It doesn't matter - They & I are brothers United in our love for the Motherland where Nationalism is defined not through fickle criterion of race, language, culture or ethnicity but through Islam & its message of Brotherhood !

Anyone who believes in that is as Pakistani as I am !

...tell me if abu zolfiqar permenantly settles in kandahar and kabul and acquire Afghan citizenship, what would be your opinion about him?

I suggest you ask @Abu Zolfiqar himself, though I would imagine that he'd put two in you just for the proposition !

Ghilzai like people give bad name to ghairatmant and patriotic Afghans...

@ghilzai is a Pakistani; ghairatmand & patriotic Afghans can kiss my arse !

My family was supporter of pir zakorri who were active in pakistan movement, i never mentioned it for a reason. But i am compelled to do so because my pakistaniyat is questioned and

If that is true than I wonder how your ancestors who supported the Pakistan Movement would look upon you !

an illegal refugee is mocking me..

No not an illegal refugee @ghilzai a patriotic Pakistani, a son of the soil & as much a Pakistani as any Pakistan, questions your Patriotism & I'm sure isn't impressed by your ever changing statements that go from 'My Afghan Brothers' to 'Illegal Refugees' just when it suits you !

Wrror, tou bohat baraa fasaaadiii haiii !
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When did they try to occupy and attack Pakistan?
Any way our affection for afghanistan is natural and instinctive...it is the only country in entire history which we pakhtuns have founded.....you are fully licensed to hate afghans but kindly dont ask me to hate the country in which formation my tribe participated.

LOL - You claim to know everything about tribal areas but don't know their attempt to redraw borders and got kicked from same tribal people? Are you deliberately forget this fact as it doesn't suite your propaganda?

Nobody asks you that don't have any affection but betraying country where you are born (If you really are Pakistani) and many Pashtuns given their lives to defend it. I hate afghans because they hate Pakistan, the day they start respecting my country and stops helping our enemies to destabilize my country they will get double in return.

You didn't answered my question - Can you get love & respect from Afghan without bad mouthing Pakistan and without supporting them over Pakistan?
@Armstrong, i love Afghans whether they are in Afghanistan or as refugee in Pakistan...but i cant stand watan-farosh maajar like ghilzai...i have respect for patriotic afghans like sher malang, not oppurtunistic watan-farosh maajar like ghilzai...he should be ashamed of badmouthing country of his parents...tell me armstrong would badmouth kashmir?
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@Armstrong, i love Afghans whether they are in Afghanistan or as refugee in Pakistan...but i cant stand watan-farosh maajar like ghilzai...i have respect for patriotic afghans like sher malang, not oppurtunistic watan-farosh maajar like ghilzai...he should be ashamed of badmouthing country of his parents...tell me armstrong would badmouth kashmir?

I've called Kashmir as my Kid's Potty Trainer ! :omghaha:

How is he an opportunistic watan farosh when his watan is 'Pakistan' ? :blink:

And patriotic Afghans ? What the heck is that ? Afghan Patriotism was first about hating the encroaching Tajiks & Uzbeks & now Pakistan !
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LOL - You claim to know everything about tribal areas but don't know their attempt to redraw borders and got kicked from same tribal people? Are you deliberately forget this fact as it doesn't suite your propaganda?

Nobody asks you that don't have any affection but betraying country where you are born (If you really are Pakistani) and many Pashtuns given their lives to defend it. I hate afghans because they hate Pakistan, the day they start respecting my country and stops helping our enemies to destabilize my country they will get double in return.

You didn't answered my question - Can you get love & respect from Afghan without bad mouthing Pakistan and without supporting them over Pakistan?

Look man, if an indian ask kashmiri of his country that does he hate pakistani kashmiris? What would be his answer?
@Pak-one Continuing the usual bipolarity here , I see .

What is the point though ? Haven't you repeated the same whilst making personal attacks , badmouthing other races and using diversionary tactics like a thousand times already ?

Also , you have used the " illegal Afghan refugee " term here in this thread , interesting , so you use it when it suits you ? :azn:
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Look man, if an indian ask kashmiri of his country that does he hate pakistani kashmiris? What would be his answer?

I dunno but if someone asks me, a Kashmiri, whether I love Kashmir & Kashmiris more than Pakistan - I'd tell him to foOk off !
@Armstrong, i love Afghans whether they are in Afghanistan or as refugee in Pakistan...but i cant stand watan-farosh maajar like ghilzai...i have respect for patriotic afghans like sher malang, not oppurtunistic watan-farosh maajar like ghilzai...he should be ashamed of badmouthing country of his parents...tell me armstrong would badmouth kashmir?

I am not an afghan so why hell would i have any loyalty or love for that land.

I am born in Pakistan, i live in Pakistan, i work in Pakistan, i studied in Pakistan, my family has a huge business in Pakistan, i consider myself a Pakistani so why should i?.

Badmouthing people is different from Badmouthing the land, I hate Pakistani government, i hate alot of things about Pakistan but i love the land of Pakistan and its people.

Wroora you can say what you want, sticks and stones will break my bones but words will never hurt me.

I am sure most people here would accept me as more of Pakistani then you, if in doubt then ask them.
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@ghilzai - Wrror, how old are you & what do you do ? :)
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From an outsiders perspective:

Given the economic of history of the region in general, development in tribal areas (especially the ones non suitable for agricultulre and industrialization) has traditionally remained low. Political issues apart, tribal culture is also resistant to change in political management, I still think Pakistan over the years have given ample opportunities to people from tribal region to adapt to the practices of the new world. Development of the tribal region is not just the responsibility of the government, but also the an equal impetus must be given to development by the tribals themselves. Tribal leaders and elders need to move away from age old practices and adopt pragmatic approach to integrate the tribal regions with the rest of moderate liberal society of pakistan!
And people wonder what is wrong with pakistan. Delusional at its heights.
I'm sure @Marshmallow finding herself in a somewhat similar situation can put the record straight !
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@ghilzai - Wrror, how old are you & what do you do ? :)

I am 24 sir, i am from a very privileged family, i finished my studies and am chilling, i travel alot.

I am no refugee sir, my family had businesses here before creation of pak, i have family on both side of the border.
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