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Is defending the Muslims and Islam anti-Indian?

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2007 News?

People here are spending hours on Google to find anything against India. Since couldn't find anything, then they come up with 4 years old news!

Sick man..
Very unfortunate responses from some of our Indian members - instead of addressing the arguments in the lead article, they have taken to attacking the author for being hypocritical and etc.,

Why not just address the arguments the author presents ? After all, if those arguments are unfair, why not show that Indian do not have an anti-islam bias? The author keeps contending "Madani" innocent - will you not pick this up for your argument? is not charged the same as innocent?
You fascists are the great Hypocrites. You people think that by killing and massacring and making the Indian muslim hapless you will go scot free but there is one more court. The court of Allah and it does not leave any criminal scot free. When a person writes the reality he becomes a hypocrite in your eyes. This double standard is taking the Indian muslims towards frustration and this will not be good for India's future. Remember this.

so where do cows go when they die?they can also complain to allah?

---------- Post added at 09:49 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:47 PM ----------

Very unfortunate responses from some of our Indian members - instead of addressing the arguments in the lead article, they have taken to attacking the author for being hypocritical and etc.,

Why not just address the arguments the author presents ? After all, if those arguments are unfair, why not show that Indian do not have an anti-islam bias? The author keeps contending "Madani" innocent - will you not pick this up for your argument? is not charged the same as innocent?

Basically this is a usual victimization article,where whenever a minority does a crime,he starts saying i am a minority thats why u r abusing me,this article is on those lines.
Basically this is a usual victimization article,where whenever a minority does a crime,he starts saying i am a minority thats why u r abusing me,this article is on those lines.

That should make it all the more easy to refute -- Don't hide from this stuff, because you only fuel the suspicion, confront it with fact and argument
Indian Law treats everybody equal... Court is always there to help anybody if you are innocent.
Very unfortunate responses from some of our Indian members - instead of addressing the arguments in the lead article, they have taken to attacking the author for being hypocritical and etc.,

Why not just address the arguments the author presents ? After all, if those arguments are unfair, why not show that Indian do not have an anti-islam bias? The author keeps contending "Madani" innocent - will you not pick this up for your argument? is not charged the same as innocent?

muse, I think by now you would know that there is no use arguing or addressing arguments of a bigoted fake. Abdur Ruff is a "well known" fake name probably the result of the ISI media wing and a couple of crores of ur tax payer money being put to use. If you do a search on this forum, there was a student from JNU who posted a link to all faculty members there and there was no one with the name listed.

check out his address
Profile - abdulruff - Zimbio

Personal Info
Dr.Abdul Ruff Colachal (Male)
Born on 10-May-77
Lives in New Delhi , USA 10005
reading, writing

A simple answer, to the question is NO

If you can come up with some sensible arguments or a sensible article, I will be happy to respond.
Not everybody on the forum is bigoted and unfair - and I think the theme presented in the lead article can be easily dealt with - you make a mountain of a molehill
^^^^I was referring to the author as bigoted and biased. Hence why I said that it would be unproductive to discuss this particular article.

If there are valid themes in this article, it would be better to discuss it separately.

For eg. what are you suppose to say when the author says that Al Qaeda is an Indian plot to destablise "muslim world"
Thanks to a bold judgment, innocent Madani is back alive now from the Coimbatore jail after having been terrorized there by all concerned and unconcerned people for about one decade without trials. But generally the police and court take the view of the government in case a Muslim is involved in a case. When a Hindu convict is jailed the Indian media argue for their release, but there were no such attempt from national parties in a concerted way to seek the release of Madani, because the media quite clearly understand the mood the governments and the conspiracy behind his arrest and jail for nearly a decade, because as a Muslim he was a “suspected terrorist”. One does not if a Hindu politician could be jailed for such long period without even allowing him for daily necessities in India? The Indian media insists that Indian law should be merciful when it comes to the fate of a Hindu, but in case of Madani or Afzal they have been silent. Hypocrisy on the part of the media is not good for any civilized society. One does not know how many more Madanis are still languishing in dark cells....

Comments on this?
I'll comment on this, As I am from Coimbatore, the ill fated Coimbatore Bombing on LK Advanis arrival to coimbatore happened in 1998. My father is a INSPECTOR for the Railway Protection Force(RPF) and he received almost 3 letters to the RPF office all threats to release Madani and if not LeT will strike the city of Coimbatore and all Tains reaching coimbatore.
This man was not kept with out trail in jail for so long, he was kept in Jail for his alleged involvement in the Coimbatore Bomb blast.
I'll comment on this, As I am from Coimbatore, the ill fated Coimbatore Bombing on LK Advanis arrival to coimbatore happened in 1998. My father is a INSPECTOR for the Railway Protection Force(RPF) and he received almost 3 letters to the RPF office all threats to release Madani and if not LeT will strike the city of Coimbatore and all Tains reaching coimbatore.
This man was not kept with out trail in jail for so long, he was kept in Jail for his alleged involvement in the Coimbatore Bomb blast.
Indian Government is involved in killing of Muslims and protect those who insult Islam so defending Islam will be very much anti Indian
Why must everything be given a comunnal angle ?

Yes, there will be slippages but anyone bold enough to cross the line surely is old enough to realise that the system will respond.

This applies to all.
Why must everything be given a comunnal angle ?

Yes, there will be slippages but anyone bold enough to cross the line surely is old enough to realise that the system will respond.

This applies to all.

Because your government killed thousands of Muslims in Gujrat and Kashmir
Because your government killed thousands of Muslims in Gujrat and Kashmir
It is sad you have such an opinion without witnessing ground realities. Not touching on Kashmir Pakistani's only see Muslims killed in Gujarat. We see Indians (Hindus, Muslims, Sikhs, Christians) killed in the riots as well.
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