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Is America a failed State?

No it is not.

US is facing problems right now. However don't forget they faced shut down 16 times earlier.

A failed state is one which can not offer social security, protect its people.

Following are its features>

  1. loss of control of its territory, or of the monopoly on the legitimate use of physical force therein
  2. erosion of legitimate authority to make collective decisions
  3. an inability to provide public services (All essential services in US are unaffected)
  4. an inability to interact with other states as a full member of the international community

US does not these fulfill conditions.
the current " crisis " isnt even a crisis using this criteria......this is true.....what is going on is mere political theater.......nothing more...........everybody on both sides know they need to quickly raise the debt ceiling...........most likely to 20 trillion......if they dont S&P will downgrade our debt to junk.........theyve already said as much.........but the underlying problem with this is we keep digging the hole that much deeper......interest rate are artificially being kept low by the FED.......they will eventually have to raise them........we just better hope China keeps buying our debt..........something they dont want to keep doing, in the same volume they have been, anymore.........Our currency is practically worthless in real terms......but the show must go on..........This current piece should last just under 2 weeks........just enough to distract us some more.......but not enough to have our rating drop to strategic default........the power behind our actors is too smart for that..........

No it is not.

US is facing problems right now. However don't forget they faced shut down 16 times earlier.

A failed state is one which can not offer social security, protect its people.

Following are its features>

  1. loss of control of its territory, or of the monopoly on the legitimate use of physical force therein
  2. erosion of legitimate authority to make collective decisions
  3. an inability to provide public services (All essential services in US are unaffected)
  4. an inability to interact with other states as a full member of the international community

US does not these fulfill conditions.
The news of America's demise are greatly exaggerated :)

Yes there are many problems in America just as in all other countries and yes it can go to extremes in supporting its "friends" and persecuting its "enemies" but you have to admire its positives which far out weigh its negatives.

I can understand many/most Pakistani's feel betrayed by America and no doubt America made many mistakes in its dealings with Pakistan however a more pertinent question to ask my fellow Pakistani's is why not look at your own mistakes in dealing with America? And if America really truly wanted Pakistan to fail it could have done that ages back.

Another thought that is in a way related to the topic; many/most Pakistani's hate America so much but would sell their own souls to live there, correct?
I'm confused man.

I thought the dollar was doing better, which led to the slide in the rupee.

Now you are saying both are sliding?

So if the rupee still does not go up, it means we are in even more of a terminal slide?
I'm confused man.

I thought the dollar was doing better, which led to the slide in the rupee.

Now you are saying both are sliding?

So if the rupee still does not go up, it means we are in even more of a terminal slide?

Its a lot related to interest rate swaps and currency derivatives.
I am just a small man, with a small bike, who is happy that petrol is down by 4 bucks.

If the indian govt was not constantly destroying the rupee via stealth inflation for sake of billionaire exporters, 1 dollar would have been 20 Rupees now. And petrol prices would be half.
The article is written By Mick Krever, CNN, who happens to be an American himself, and all the indian trolls are jumping up & down like they got a mirchi up der @$$, bringing Pakistan in each comment they post.... :omghaha:

I dont think USA is a failed state or will be in near future at least for now
US is uncle sam of all its not a failed state at all
Oh pul-eeeseeeee.......


Anyways, Republicans scuk balls! They're gonna looooooooossssseeeeee yet again...Inshallah! :)

Hillary 2016-2023

Michelle Obama 2023-2027

and then Republicans can try elections.... :D

Immigration reform will snatch even texas from republicans ....lol

Republicans are Muslim haters...Democrats stand by Islamic Community....

Young Muslims will work in our areas for Democrats, against Republicans (unless Republican candidate is a good man like Ron Paul etc)... I heard Muslim activists played a crucial role in the defeat of that retarded, anti-Muslim republican dumbo..Allen West...now he goes to fox news as "commentator" ... :lol:
In other words, you cannot back up the charge that Republicans will always 'play the race card'.

The article is written By Mick Krever, CNN, who happens to be an American himself, and all the indian trolls are jumping up & down like they got a mirchi up der @$$, bringing Pakistan in each comment they post.... :omghaha:

I dont think USA is a failed state or will be in near future at least for now
Anti-US people here are seriously confused. Sometimes Americans are stupid and cannot even find their own country on a map, other times, like this time, simply by virtue of being an American, whatever the American say is taken as gospel. :lol:
The news of America's demise are greatly exaggerated :)

Yes there are many problems in America just as in all other countries and yes it can go to extremes in supporting its "friends" and persecuting its "enemies" but you have to admire its positives which far out weigh its negatives.

I can understand many/most Pakistani's feel betrayed by America and no doubt America made many mistakes in its dealings with Pakistan however a more pertinent question to ask my fellow Pakistani's is why not look at your own mistakes in dealing with America? And if America really truly wanted Pakistan to fail it could have done that ages back.

Another thought that is in a way related to the topic; many/most Pakistani's hate America so much but would sell their own souls to live there, correct?
May be not sell but at least rent it out to the Great Satan for a while. A Pakistani man can do well for himself among the liberals in America. No matter how much hate he spews for the US, the host country of his residence, there will be self hating liberals who will agree with everything he said. The women will 'put out' for him because they will gullibly perceive him to be 'sophisticated' and worldly. He will be able to get on welfare and free education. Basically, he will have a far better life than he could in Pakistan.
When you criticize the political establishment or the power behind it....or the things they tell you are true...........that doesnt make you " anti American ". Quite the contrary really.....It is a fundamental right in our Constitution.....the First Amendment..........It is for brave souls with the courage to question.....to challenge......the status quo............Somewhere down the line with the use of stereotypes and the like..........being patriotic becamse synonymous with never ever challenging your government or what your government tells you.............those arent patriots..........those are the brain dead masses.........Our country was founded by men who challenged the status quo of the time.......and rebelled against their government.............Today.......under the Patriot Act and under the FISA courts.......they would be considered terrorists..................

In other words, you cannot back up the charge that Republicans will always 'play the race card'.

Anti-US people here are seriously confused. Sometimes Americans are stupid and cannot even find their own country on a map, other times, like this time, simply by virtue of being an American, whatever the American say is taken as gospel. :lol:
May be not sell but at least rent it out to the Great Satan for a while. A Pakistani man can do well for himself among the liberals in America. No matter how much hate he spews for the US, the host country of his residence, there will be self hating liberals who will agree with everything he said. The women will 'put out' for him because they will gullibly perceive him to be 'sophisticated' and worldly. He will be able to get on welfare and free education. Basically, he will have a far better life than he could in Pakistan.


Is life so easy in US?
Is America a failed state?Yes if you consider the world as a failed planet.
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