Indonesia and Malaysia both chose Secular paths, and are secular Republic States
Pakistan is a Islamic Republic. Even Turkey the most powerful Muslim Majority Country is Secular and doesn't have a state religion.
When you try and mix Religion with Politics thats where things go wrong, I hope people understand this. State should be separate from Religion.
We are not secular, just in between. We have ministry that works for Muslim for instant. This ministry is there to serve Muslim and its related matters (haj, marriage, ect). Religious matter is still in some way in the hand of government like marriage. I think it is the best version. And even for Aceh province we apply Shariah.
Whereas independence is a genuine right of all nations and any form of alien occupation should thus be erased from the earth as not in conformity with humanity and justice,
Whereas the struggle of the Indonesian independence movement has reached the blissful point of leading the Indonesian people safely and well before the monumental gate of an independent Indonesian State which shall be free, united, sovereign, just and prosperous,
By the grace of
ALLAH Almighty and urged by the lofty aspiration to exist as a free nation,
Now therefore, the people of Indonesia declare herewith their independence,
In Indonesian language:
Bahwa sesungguhnya Kemerdekaan itu ialah hak segala bangsa dan oleh sebab itu, maka penjajahan di atas dunia harus dihapuskan, karena tidak sesuai dengan peri-kemanusiaan dan peri-keadilan.
Dan perjuangan pergerakan Kemerdekaan Indonesia telah sampailah kepada saat yang berbahagia dengan selamat sentausa mengantarkan rakyat Indonesia ke depan pintu gerbang kemerdekaan Negara Indonesia yang merdeka, bersatu, berdaulat, adil dan makmur.
Atas berkat rahmat
Allah Yang Maha Kuasa dan dengan didorongkan oleh keinginan luhur, supaya berkehidupan kebangsaan yang bebas, maka rakyat Indonesia menyatakan dengan ini kemerdekaannya.
Pancasila (politics) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Pancasila (pronounced
[pantʃaˈsila]) is the official
philosophical foundation of the
Indonesian state.
[1] Pancasila consists of two
Old Javanese words (originally from
Sanskrit), "
pañca" meaning five, and "
sīla" meaning principles. It comprises five principles held to be inseparable and interrelated:
- Belief in the one and only God, (in Indonesian, Ketuhanan Yang Maha Esa).
- Just and civilized humanity, (in Indonesian, Kemanusiaan Yang Adil dan Beradab).
- The unity of Indonesia, (in Indonesian, Persatuan Indonesia).
- Democracy guided by the inner wisdom in the unanimity arising out of deliberations amongst representatives (in Indonesian,Kerakyatan Yang Dipimpin oleh Hikmat Kebijaksanaan, Dalam Permusyawaratan dan Perwakilan)
- Social justice for all of the people of Indonesia (in Indonesian, Keadilan Sosial bagi seluruh RakyatIndonesia
Commitment to Islam | Pew Research Center's Religion & Public Life Project