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Is A Nuclear Iran Good For India?

It may be hard for you to digest, but they are the only true democartic country in ME where elections are held regularly and military never tried to grab power.

People that dont vote for the right party get turfed out of the country

Ask your Hezbollah friends to stop firing rockets into Israel and kidnap Israeli soldiers and everything will be fine. As far using disproportional force is considered, face the fact that being a small country Israel place high value on their human resources. A policy that your govt or mine is still to adopt.

Give me a break. Israels behaviour is on par with a rapist. Hezbolla and or hamas hurting israel is comparable to the victim of a rapist scratching the rapist and people like you blame the raped rather that the rapist cos hes got a few scratches

Ask any Arab which nuke they fear the most. I am sure that most will point towards the Iranian one.

Arab dictators worried about not being able to use their countries as a cash card

Sure, Pakistan as the registrar and caretaker of Ummah will be more considered about Israeli nukes than Arabs themselves. Israeli leaders never said that they will wipe Iran off the map or end every rally with cries of 'Death to Iran'.

I have never said pakistan is the caretaker of Ummah who do you think you are you to suggest that. Iranian leaders never said that it was a mistranslation of the speech that have been extensivly misreported by zionists. And Israeli leaders have threatend Iran on lots of occasions. They can decide who can have a nuke and who cant what warped logic you follow,

Siding with US on Iran is not equal to a** licking them. As I mentioned in the earlier post:

Indian leaders putting american interests ahead of indias is axx licking. They promoised you a lot but have not delivered yet

Nuclear Iran=Turmoil in ME=Oil to India Cut= Problem for Indian Economy=Problem for GoI

ME is already in turmoil cos of americas actions

Learn from history, but never live in it

Yea just repeat the mistakes

If ever push comes to shove, whats the guarantee that Pakistan will not shut off gas to India. On the otherhand there may be chance that India will be held to ransom by Pakistan using IPI as a bargain chip. So unless there is some no-war deal signed b/n India & Pakistan, IPI is not viable for India.

In life there are no guarantees but if pak and indian interests converged war is less likely
does your opinion as an American matter? That's the question I want answered.

An opinion is an opinion, whether it matters or not is dependent on the person reading it. This also applies to you too.

Inaction and cowardness are two words that can describe your nation's policy towards Iran for the past 32 years. Whether or not Iran gets weapons, you guys will always be on the sidelines.

I don't speak for the US governent and whether you like our policies or not I really don't care.

I only know one thing. If Iran possess nuclear weapons, your country would be destroyed.

I can see you are a proud Iranian, so I want to ask you, is it worth it that your nation gets destroyed?.
An opinion is an opinion, whether it matters or not is dependent on the person reading it. This also applies to you too.

I don't speak for the US governent and whether you like our policies or not I really don't care.

I only know one thing. If Iran possess nuclear weapons, your country would be destroyed.

I can see you are a proud Iranian, so I want to ask you, is it worth it that your nation gets destroyed?.

Its your opinion I think in irans case the opinions that matter are iranians opinions not israeli or american opinions on iran. I hope they never give into american and israeli bullying and threatning.
An opinion is an opinion, whether it matters or not is dependent on the person reading it. This also applies to you too.

I don't speak for the US governent and whether you like our policies or not I really don't care.

I only know one thing. If Iran possess nuclear weapons, your country would be destroyed.

I can see you are a proud Iranian, so I want to ask you, is it worth it that your nation gets destroyed?.

Did you do that to North Korea? Did you do that to India and Pakistan? What about your bases in the Middle East? A war with Iran is not going to be cheap for the Middle East and the world. Especially in today's economic climate.

We can't be certain if Iran is going for nukes. I am not a great fan of nukes here.

Let's be honest here, your country's record with Iran is not a very clean one either. Being friend don't mean that you can make them do whatever you want. Or forcing them to buy your weapons.

Friendship is not a one-sided relationship. Something your leaders and politicians have a poor understanding of. Don't worry, people in the Indian sub-continent aren't that naive as you may assume.

And knowing that the arms-manufacturing sector is the only robust sector in the US - well best of luck on that :lol:
What's wrong with speaking English? It's one of the best languages to do business with.
Apart from English speakers in India, people also know their native regional language(s)

Speaking English is OK, but that most indian feel ashame to speak their native regional languages is bad.
Debate: Is A Nuclear Iran Good For India? - Analysis


Iran is the worst role model the Shia community can have. It stones its women for adultery, brutally crushes any domestic opposition, fuels insurgency in Iraq, supports Taliban elements in Pakistan, has repeatedly fiddled with neighboring Arab nations (from tanker war against Kuwait to support for Sahrawi insurgents against Morocco) and relentlessly pursues nuclear weapons development program without considering for regional peace and stability.

Iran and Saudi Arabia might have a similar human rights abuse history, but even KSA seems to be the lesser of the devils given Iran's awful foreign policy.

India has begun the gradual process of limiting economic links with Iran, especially crude imports. The Arabs are more than happy to fill the void -

Saudi Arabia Said to Seek Iran Crude Supply Share to India

India expected to increase oil imports from Mideast - Emirates 24/7

what India , USA and KSA are doing somewhere you are labeling to Iran
I don't know man, but Iran has a really myopic foreign policy with the current see-saw regime. They keep yo-yo ing from one decision to another regarding different countries. They just enjoy goofing up foreign relations with most valuable players such as USA, Russia, Europe and China, so I don't expect much pragmatism when it comes to dealing with us either. Iranians while generally are smart people and broad minded, their regime is just the opposite. They live in a world of fables with tyrants and monsters and knights in shining armor and all.

I support Iran for nuclear civil energy 100%. But nuclear weapons, please; we've already got enough nuclear trouble. Iran has simply no reasons to get nuke weapons if it stops meddling in Israel's internal matters through sponsoring groups against Israeli government. The two technically don't even need to know of each others' existence. But this regime is taking Iran into a whole lot of rainfall.

i don't answer your comment about Iran domestic issues coz what you wrote is meaningless and maybe you can apply about india in another way.
about the nuclear weapons, i guess it is not in Iran strategic plan to make a N.W ,but the country like India who has N.W has no right to say Iran should not have N.W
The Iranians who submitted to Islam, an Arab Religion, got their culture bastardized to the Arabs:lol:

Shows How much Subverts you are!:whistle:

this comments shows you do not know anything about Iran, 1- Iran got Islamic culture from Islam but arabs 2-most of development in Islamic country happened by Iranian scientist 3- even arabic grammar developed by Iranian. 4-........
No more nuclear states. We should try to eliminate all the nuclear weapons that are with the present nuclear powers. As a superpower, the US should start first

i agree with you ,but as long as a country has that. owners of N.W have no right to asked other countries to live in the threat of N.W without trying to have it
How hypocritical of Indian’s speaking against Iran acquiring nuclear weapon’s when they themselves possess them and as a Pakistani I would have no qualm with our Iranian neighbour’s possessing nuclear weapon’s should it help act as a deterrent from any country attacking the Iranian nation.

Shia's will never turn against our Sunni brethren. no matter how grave their crimes have been, our Prophet's teaching are strictly adhered to by our clergy and no divisionary tactic's by anti-Islamic elements present in the world community can instigate us Shia's from adopting a path where we are pitted agaisnt our Sunni brother's. Any idiot with any knowledge of Shia’s would know Imam Ali(a.s) stance on this issue with clear examples that can be drawn from the events that enfolded during the Caliphate Issue, before and after the Battle of Jamal and his stance with Mauwiya.

As a Shia, I can safely say Iran is the perfect role model for the Shia community and as a Pakistani Shia who shares no affiliation to the country I for some strange reason have a great deal of affection for that country and it’s people whom are extremely warm, kind-hearted and intelligent. Every Shia from Lebanon to Nigeria has Iran in their hearts and swells up with pride to see a Shia nation become successful not only in the Islamic world but on the world stage. Iranian rise as a major power is inevitable however sadly it has many enemies that wish to see it’s demise but let it be known there is no nation that has dealt with adversity better than the Iranian’s.

Iran has every right to procure nuclear weapon’s as does every nation under the sun however Syed Khamenei (r.a) is against weapons of mass destruction and so I doubt Iran will ever try to acquire WMD’s but should they do so I hope Pakistan supports them fully in their ambition.
I think the language which you have used in the this post is surely not Irani or Persian.... So calling us English speaking slaves is nothing but a empty attempt to justify your cause and proove Indians that they are following others philosophies..

Even if giving a person claims anything by quoting some news which has been aired on any credible news chanel, then how come you proove that individuals devoid of his own thoughts and judging ability..

There is no need to have a magnificant glass for watching a object which can be observed very well by naked eyes. I hope you got the point


I agree with you, but he replied to "Tshering22" ,comments towards Iranian and shia, in first page. I do not agree to generalize because of mistake of one guy but i did not see any comment from indian side to ask Tshering22 to be polite. off course if you shoot then will get back.
if anyone felt offensive of an Iranian comment i am sorry, i expect you understand reading offensive comment about your nation and religion when everybody is silent then has subsequence.
If Iran realy wants to develop nukes so be it.What should we care for????Their country,their decision-what we have to argue about that for????As a nation they have every right to do anything to protect themselves,it's as simple as that.What US and NATO are trying to do is what they do the besta-being the big brother and poking their long noses like elephants in every single matter.That is their f++king mentality,what can we say about that??
Why dont we be honest about this India and iran used to have excellant relations however America interfering in our region for example getting indians to cave in regarding isi limk which would have been in all three countries is affecting Indias relations. And indians understandably are dazzled by americans and are axxx licking them just like we in pakistan used to do. Bur we in Pak have learned our lesson the hard way and if the indians want to do the same its a matter for them. Thats why India is against iran having nukes

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