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Is A Nuclear Iran Good For India?

No I wasn't alive back then, but it seems you were!
If we were to speak of things that we only know about when we were alive, then there would be very less topics that we can discuss. I am not aware of your age but I don't think you are old enough to comment on WW1 ,WW2 or earlier. So from now on, kindly refrain from commenting on that area of history.

Again, what does religion have to do with ethnic background and culture? Italians, Greeks, Russians and the Brits, all Christians with their own native culture. Iran is influenced more by its pre-Islamic history than its Islamic one. The language, food, art, music, architecture...

your futile attempt to wind me up is frankly embarrasing, stop it.

Whatever your claim is, Iran has a distinct Islamic outlook. The Battle of al-Qādisiyyah was the first step in which that identity was forced upon you by the Arab Muslim conquerors.Deal with it rather than denying it.
The Iranians who submitted to Islam, an Arab Religion, got their culture bastardized to the Arabs:lol:

Even the name of your country Iran comes from the word Aryan, which was adopted by the Nazi Fanatic White Blonde Blue Eyed Shah!

Shows How much Subuerts you are!:whistle:

You obviously have no idea what the term Aryan even means. I thought it is well ingrained in Hinduism(?)

Too much Hollywood? :rofl: Excessive Western influence these days and throwing away ancient history is just sad.

Islam is a religion, not a race, country, or culture. I am surprised that such idiotic comments get thanked.
You obviously have no idea what the term Aryan even means. I thought it is well ingrained in Hinduism(?)

Too much Hollywood? :rofl: Excessive Western influence these days and throwing away ancient history is just sad.

Islam is a religion, not a race, country, or culture. I am surprised that such idiotic comments get thanked.

Don't encourage him to post a reply. Was a stupid post for him to put up.
If we were to speak of things that we only know about when we were alive, then there would be very less topics that we can discuss. I am not aware of your age but I don't think you are old enough to comment on WW1 ,WW2 or earlier. So from now on, kindly refrain from commenting on that area of history.

you told me "do you remember..." so I made a wise crack.
Whatever your claim is, Iran has a distinct Islamic outlook. The Battle of al-Qādisiyyah was the first step in which that identity was forced upon you by the Arab Muslim conquerors.Deal with it rather than denying it.

are you stupid? when did I deny it? Infact I agreed with your statement. I'm sayin that religion doesn't run counter to our own culture. Do you think Zoroastrianism was a native Persian religion? No.

Did Europeans stop being Europeans when they became Christians?

Have your brain cells gone on vacation?
Doesn't change the Fact that Iran formed an alliance with the Nazis!

Iran's axis with the Third Reich began during the prewar years, when it welcomed Nazi Gestapo agents and other operatives to Tehran, allowing them to use the city as a base for Middle East agitation against the British and the region's Jews.

Denial of Holocaust nothing new in Iran / Ties to Hitler led to plots against British and Jews - SFGate

Also Doesn't change the fact Iranians gave up their religion to the sword of the Arabs and continue to this day be following their Religion!
You obviously have no idea what the term Aryan even means. I thought it is well ingrained in Hinduism(?)

Too much Hollywood? :rofl: Excessive Western influence these days and throwing away ancient history is just sad.

Islam is a religion, not a race, country, or culture. I am surprised that such idiotic comments get thanked.

Actually typed in the Henzy while rushing to work in the morning from my BB!
Indo-Iran relation is buyer seller relation... We don't bother where they make Nuke or Puke.. They are not our neighbors...
you have reading comprehension problems? I told you what's wrong with it. I said you guys are easily influenced by the Western media because of the fact that you speak English in your country.

that's wrong. our own media is also powerful.

its lie that we are easily influenced by the Western media. we and our govt both know west is big liar.

but its natural that as we speak English, we have option of watching channels like BBC and CNN.

however majority of Indians use local/ regional media for gathering info. these media uses local languages like Hindi, Marathi, Bengali, Punjabi.
Good or bad, commenting is so late. Now we should talk over impact on region by nuclear Iran.
you Indians still have the slave mentality from the British days.
You guys still speak English in India and consequently get influenced by the English speaking media.

what you wrote could be a transcript from a Fox news segment ffs
get a clue

Every group of people took from the their invaders the Western Europeans are no different. In their case the Romans. And Iran has taken Ideas from their invaders esspically the Arabs, no denying that. Every post-Colonial nation are influenced by their former colonial masters.

India however like many people/nations in Africa, Caribbean, etc still holds its hundreds of languages, religion, etc, etc unlike others who have converted and lost all of their language..

Is A Nuclear Iran Good For India?

As far as this goes. We don't want any more nukes anywhere, Iran is no different..
you Indians still have the slave mentality from the British days.
You guys still speak English in India and consequently get influenced by the English speaking media.

what you wrote could be a transcript from a Fox news segment ffs
get a clue

Oh and you are all free true Zoroastrian ancient Iranians having the ancient Lion and Sun flag still on? Or did the mid century Arabs just visit over the end of your dying empire for a friendly chat? :lol: Some big hero.

We speak English which makes our life easier outside India and our familiarity with a language that is universal. English itself derives significant words from Sanskrit for example Father from "pitr", mother from "Matr", brother from "Bhratr" etc.

Don't embarrass yourself with half-made self-denial argument points.

The "brave warriors of Tehran against the evil demon west". :rofl:. That's a story only bought in PDF. Not even your real life "Islamic brother countries" value that in real life.

Next time you fancy talking about slave mentality, do some homework on your real language and real culture rather than what Arabs taught you in good ol' days. :wave:
We are cultural partners.

What culture other than invasions of medieval era do we share? Zoroastrians are now a part of India. Iran under its current regime is simply isolating its wonderful potential from rest of the world.
You obviously have no idea what the term Aryan even means. I thought it is well ingrained in Hinduism(?)

Any first year student in Sanskrit from around the world would tell you the meaning. Aryan means noble; not some stupid Anglo-Germanic fancy race living in the colds of Thule :lol:.

Islam is a religion, not a race, country, or culture. I am surprised that such idiotic comments get thanked.

Agreed. But what is being followed in Iran is not Zoroastrian culture and way of life as well.
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