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I made a honest comment and all the Iranian members got so triggered lol. You only look at Iran's strength and not weakness. Iran has a lot of weakness. Iran air force is the weakest in the region. Iran's navy is pathetic.

Without air superiority, Iran's navy would be left almost totally vulnerable to air attack. The task is easy actually. Look at how the USA humiliated Iran in "Operation Praying Mantis". Dozens of Iranian frigates destroyed, many speedboats, 2 F-4 fighters and 56 sailors killed. Today would be no different.

This is the reason Iran relies on proxies.

To Mr.TheImmortal Israel regularly bombs and kills Iranian forces in Syria. They kill your nuclear scientis inside Iran left, right and center. This is being done by a country that has a population smaller than Tehran. The USA "blasted" your most powerful general from the face of the earth. Iran did nothing but bark. I am glad India is not like this. The USA literally slaughtered 50+ your soldiers like animals in Operation Praying Mantis. You did nothing.... Do I need to say more?

Was meant to Shah
"Nothing but bark"?
I think you`re mixing up america and iran there my 💩toiletless💩 friend,either that or you`ve simply forgotten the part where the trumpenfuhrer quite literally threatened war if iran dared to retaliate in ANY way for soliemanis murder.
Well guess what?,iran retaliated and trump did nothing......well apart from tweeting "all is well",oh and downplaying the traumatic brain injuries that the personnel at the ayn al asad air base suffered as mere "headaches".
The one thing that it did NOT do however was to restore deterrence in americas favor,quite the opposite in fact.
Its funny people like yourself always seem so utterly obsessed with comparing numbers of certain types of weapons systems [on paper],while noticeably ignoring the systems that are credible analogues or equivalents of those weapons systems.The most obvious examples of these when it comes to manned air power would be the modern long range precision guided ballistic and cruise missiles,and of course drones,ranging from large armed male class ucavs all the way down to small commercial quad copters armed with small munitions.
Do you want to know whats really "pathetic" tho?,comparing the exhausted 1988 era iranian military with the 2022 iranian military.Its a bit like me claiming that the indian military of 2022 is no different to the one that got its ar$e soundly handed to it by the chinese back in 1962,altho when one considers the utter fiasco of the 2019 failed balakot strike,not to mention the mig 21 shootdown the next day,who knows I might well be right on that score.....:sarcastic:
Iran needs to worry about itself.

Indian Navy:
Photo of India's new Aircraft Carrier Battle Group. Better than China's? -  The Aviationist's new Aircraft Carrier Battle Group. Better than China's? -  The Aviationist

Iran Navy:
IRGC Navy equipped with 340 new speedboats


Indian air force:
Indian Air Force Foundation Day: Significance, date and all you need to know

Iranian air force:

Iranian Air Force veterans stage a protest - The Frontier Post


Well , about navy ...
putting big ship in Persian gulf against USA air force , Navy and Persian gulf arabs is wast of time and resource ... couple of air ride and anti ship missiles and all of those ships will get hit ...

about air force .... we are sanctioned so we can't buy anything ... this is fate of countires which are not build their fighter jets ... if the western decide , they can sanction india army and I bet you can't even operate what you already have ...
Just as an example, Iran's UAV industry is far more advanced than that of India. Indians can't even produce enough toilets for themselves. In general, considering the sanctions and limitations imposed over 40 years, Iran's military is much more resourceful and industrious than that of India. Indians buy most of their hardware from foreigners and even the weapons that they manage to build they wouldn't be able to built without foreign assistance and technology.

Well , about navy ...
putting big ship in Persian gulf against USA air force , Navy and Persian gulf arabs is wast of time and resource ... couple of air ride and anti ship missiles and all of those ships will get hit ...

about air force .... we are sanctioned so we can't buy anything ... this is fate of countires which are not build their fighter jets ... if the western decide , they can sanction india army and I bet you can't even operate what you already have ...
Well , about navy ...
putting big ship in Persian gulf against USA air force , Navy and Persian gulf arabs is wast of time and resource ... couple of air ride and anti ship missiles and all of those ships will get hit ...

about air force .... we are sanctioned so we can't buy anything ... this is fate of countires which are not build their fighter jets ... if the western decide , they can sanction india army and I bet you can't even operate what you already have ...
Dude, with full blown US political,economic, military relationship they can't even afford to build some toilets. What you think will happen to them if sanctions were imposed? African tribes would have better living conditions (perhaps even now this is the case).
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Lastly, what would Iran even want with India? It’s like invading the Sahara.
Iran only has a population of only 80 million no way you can invade India even if you shared a border with us. If you did try Tehran would be nuked and wiped out within minutes. We would only have to call and inform the Pakistani's that the missile would be heading towards Iran prior to launch.
Iran only has a population of only 80 million no way you can invade India even if you shared a border with us. If you did try Tehran would be nuked and wiped out within minutes. We would only have to call and inform the Pakistani's that the missile would be heading towards Iran prior to launch.

You didn’t even answer my question you retard. What a dumb troll
Iran only has a population of only 80 million no way you can invade India even if you shared a border with us. If you did try Tehran would be nuked and wiped out within minutes. We would only have to call and inform the Pakistani's that the missile would be heading towards Iran prior to launch.

Irani vs Super Power US + KSA




India vs Super power China + Pakistan

You didn’t even answer my question you retard. What a dumb troll

You think Poo-in-street is here for the Logic? just keep playing
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Please don't let manure eating jabroni trolls derail the threads too much; just click ignore button like I did on that lowlife insect after it's first post a few pages back.
I can tell the trolls from the ones who have legit criticisms especially when they pop up out of no where and start spewing sewage.
No offence but the only retards are people like you that think Iran has got a chance against USA lmao. The US would wipe the floor with Iran. It would be a one side "gangbang" worse than the 1991 gulf war.

Regarding your question. Your energy independence would not matter as your oil and gas field would be targeted with missiles. You think we dont have enough oil for our jets and ships in case of war? We have enough. All we have to do is pull all Indian workers back to India from GCC. Indian workers contribute the most to GCC. As soon as Indian call them back, GCC will definitely suffer a lot.

You still didn’t answer the question....are you this dumb?

What would Iran want with India?

You literally have nothing that Iran wants....You make up a fairy tale war in your head like a child just to compare militaries like some Xbox fanboy. It doesn’t make sense.
Yeah we saw how the entire NATO alliance ran away from Afghanistan like chickens with their heads cut off, but now they're going to invade Iran ? India is a sh#thole. Nobody wants it. More of a liability than an asset.

No offence but the only retards are people like you that think Iran has got a chance against USA lmao. The US would wipe the floor with Iran. It would be a one side "gangbang" worse than the 1991 gulf war.

Regarding your question. Your energy independence would not matter as your oil and gas field would be targeted with missiles. You think we dont have enough oil for our jets and ships in case of war? We have enough. All we have to do is pull all Indian workers back to India from GCC. Indian workers contribute the most to GCC. As soon as Indian call them back, GCC will definitely suffer a lot.

Didn't the Britain rule India for 200 years when they were outnumbered 1000 to 1 by Indians ? Why was Iran never colonized ? ask yourself.

Iran only has a population of only 80 million no way you can invade India even if you shared a border with us. If you did try Tehran would be nuked and wiped out within minutes. We would only have to call and inform the Pakistani's that the missile would be heading towards Iran prior to launch.
No offence but the only retards are people like you that think Iran has got a chance against USA lmao. The US would wipe the floor with Iran. It would be a one side "gangbang" worse than the 1991 gulf war.

Regarding your question. Your energy independence would not matter as your oil and gas field would be targeted with missiles. You think we dont have enough oil for our jets and ships in case of war? We have enough. All we have to do is pull all Indian workers back to India from GCC. Indian workers contribute the most to GCC. As soon as Indian call them back, GCC will definitely suffer a lot.
If you say so poopdog millionaire.... 💩
Dude, with full blown US political,economic, military relationship they can't even afford to build some toilets. What you think will happen to them if sanctions were imposed? African tribes would have better living conditions (perhaps even now this is the case).
Dude, your country Iran is synonyms with terrorism and female oppresion. We are in the 21st century. Freedom and rights should be a given unless you are born a female in Iran.... Sad....
Dude, your country Iran is synonyms with terrorism and female oppresion. We are in the 21st century. Freedom and rights should be a given unless you are born a female in Iran.... Sad....
Bro, India itself is hinduvata terrorist state, Batukeshwar Dutt,Bhagat Singh was terrorist who did terrorism in early 90's and now RSS, BJP, Gerua and a lot of hinduvata rapist started terrorism, even terrorism in mid-east even started a few days ago when USA invaded mid east. may be they have learned from Indian how to suicide bombing.

as for women and human right violation, the country can surpass india is india itself. a terror state for every women souls, look they even now ripping of women's hijab so they can fulfill their lust and enjoy muslim women's body..terrifying hinduvata nationalist...
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Says the guy whose country ranks nr.1 in rape and female assault.
Iranian women are treated with utmost respect except a few isolated cases. Women, in your toilet-less smelly dark country are counted as second rank citizens and raped every second.

India the most dangerous country to be a woman​

View attachment 834950

Imagine how freaking desperate Indian males must be to rape ^^ these shi.t

What would you have done if your females even looked a bit normal like human?

This Samar dude is dumb as rocks... and I sincerely mean it.

He's making himself look like an idiot whilst trying in vain (like so many before him) to slander Iran/Iranians. I won't judge the entirety of India based on his actions here on PDF since it isn't new lol. We've been through this same song & dance a thousand times.

Look in the mirror, jackass. You might not like what you see.....
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Disregarding Indian nationalist trolls derailing the thread, is the IRIAF planning on getting stealth fighters this decade, and if so would you expect FC-31, Su-75 or a domestic developed model (Qaher 313 iirc)?
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