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Today I found this photo on Twitter,

and it reminded me of a post I had published in March 2019

I found another image in which you see some more elements, however the quality of the photo is low, I tried to improve it and at the top appears a structure that appears to be a part of the fuselage.

I ask if any of the users of this forum have recent information if this "prototype" has advanced the assembly stages
Wrong. Generally speaking, the public sector creates the technology and the military adapt the technology to SPECIFIC needs.

Take low radar observable, aka 'stealth', for example. Is there a need in the civilian sector to have a civilian aircraft that is difficult to detect by radars? No, there is not. While radar avoidance is %90 a military practice, there are civilian situations where a structure needs to be radar transparent, such as a radome. It is rare that the military initiates a new technology. The current Internet came from DARPANET, a military need for robust communication. Most of what is casually called 'military technology' are just adaptations to meet military needs that have next to no civilian comparisons.

Wrong! It's usually the Military and or Military industrial complex that develops and creates a technology and it's usually the civilian industry that further enhances it!
Here are some notable examples:
1.The Internet 2.Communications starting from mores code that let to land line to wireless communications that led to what you use as cell phones today to Sat communications 3.Jet Engines 4.Long list of naval Engines 5.DC electric engines 6.Examples in Metallurgy are vast and wide 7.Computers again stared as a military project
Actually the examples are all around you if you look close enough and go back far enough!
Military official especially Air Force official don't really like talking about technologies that aren't already public knowledge.

He only talked about OwJ and as for stealth in terms of design he only said they are looking into it for future designs so nothing beyond paper and CAD designs and in terms of material or RAM again he said nothing new since Iran's been working on RAM for quite a while.

Bad news is that after a year they will only have 3 Kowsar jet ready and he kind of pointed to the fact that they have up to 10 airframes almost ready so clearly something is lacking or else why only 3 after a year.... So bad news indeed!

Yes, I normally wait for higher officials like Defence ministers to reveal details about air force plana. But sadly it seems the pace of airforce is still very slow. I know at some point airforce will hopefully see rapid pace of development like we've seen in other areas, but I have no idea when that will be.
air force do not want f-5s, in the first place the whole rebuilding tiger clones was to achieve knowledge about forming an aviation industry. he said this too, rosub danesh!!!. the important part (for air force) is not the wooden chair or bench it's the wood crafting ability.
the satisfying part was the part that he said i myself visited euro fighter production line and ours is better equipped than that.

10 Air Frames wouldn't be waiting on parts if this was about want! Plus, the fact that the Kowsar is equipped with equipment necessary to use more capable PGM's that can be released at a safer distance and is equipped with far more advanced avionics totally separates it as a platform when compared to the standard American F-5's we purchased 50 years ago....

Something is clearly lacking here either that or he just didn't want to give out more accurate info as to why....
Perhaps this is just not a plane the airforce is very interested in buying in larger numbers. Given their limited budget, they might be wanting to spend on R&D on other projects?
Perhaps this is just not a plane the airforce is very interested in buying in larger numbers. Given their limited budget, they might be wanting to spend on R&D on other projects?

I would also say if their production numbers are so low Iran's Electronic Industries isn't going to invest in building a separate facility to build their radars.....
The analyzes of combat aircraft here on this forum and the technological capabilities on this subject are pathetic. Iran will surprise you and your speculations will fall into the water. I have always said here that Iran is more advanced than their announcement processes.

Surprises are coming soon:

The Commander-in-Chief of the Iranian Air Force, Brigadier General Aziz Nassirzadeh, praised Iranian capabilities to manufacture "combat aircraft" despite all restrictions: "It is recognized even by our adversaries: Iran masters the details of aeronautical technology. We manufacture, ourselves, the parts of our fighters from seats to engines and avionics systems. The aircraft’s fuselage is also built by our specialists. We continue to improve our combat capabilities in the sky. In the sky, the part which aims further and which reacts more quickly, will succeed. Hence our growing interest in long-range missiles, air-to-air, air-to-surface (sea) and air-to-ground missiles and the Fakour and Qader missiles are part of it, said the Commander-in-Chief of the Iranian Air Force before adding: "Our objective is now to equip our aircraft with air-to-ground cruise missiles. We have made progress and we will shortly be revealing the fruit of our efforts, especially that new radar technology accompanies our F-5, F-4 and F-14 aircraft. ”
The analyzes of combat aircraft here on this forum and the technological capabilities on this subject are pathetic. Iran will surprise you and your speculations will fall into the water. I have always said here that Iran is more advanced than their announcement processes.

Surprises are coming soon:

Now you could be right. But what reason do people on this forum have not to assume otherwise? The fact is, from the perspective of people here, the airforce received little funding and attention. Thus I don't think we should expect them to perform miracles. If Iranian airforce received the proper priority, then I have no doubt we will see fantastic development liked we have seen in missile, UAV, air defence etc sector.
Now you could be right. But what reason do people on this forum have not to assume otherwise? The fact is, from the perspective of people here, the airforce received little funding and attention. Thus I don't think we should expect them to perform miracles. If Iranian airforce received the proper priority, then I have no doubt we will see fantastic development liked we have seen in missile, UAV, air defence etc sector.

That's basically sums it up! According to Iran's Air Force technologically they have the capability to build anything they need so long as someone actually pay's for it's development!

The analyzes of combat aircraft here on this forum and the technological capabilities on this subject are pathetic. Iran will surprise you and your speculations will fall into the water. I have always said here that Iran is more advanced than their announcement processes.

Surprises are coming soon:

The Commander-in-Chief of the Iranian Air Force, Brigadier General Aziz Nassirzadeh, praised Iranian capabilities to manufacture "combat aircraft" despite all restrictions: "It is recognized even by our adversaries: Iran masters the details of aeronautical technology. We manufacture, ourselves, the parts of our fighters from seats to engines and avionics systems. The aircraft’s fuselage is also built by our specialists. We continue to improve our combat capabilities in the sky. In the sky, the part which aims further and which reacts more quickly, will succeed. Hence our growing interest in long-range missiles, air-to-air, air-to-surface (sea) and air-to-ground missiles and the Fakour and Qader missiles are part of it, said the Commander-in-Chief of the Iranian Air Force before adding: "Our objective is now to equip our aircraft with air-to-ground cruise missiles. We have made progress and we will shortly be revealing the fruit of our efforts, especially that new radar technology accompanies our F-5, F-4 and F-14 aircraft. ”

If the government is unwilling to actually invest properly in the development of a modern fighter jet then what do you expect the Air Force to do?

At the very least the Iranian government would need to invest a minimum of $1 Billion USD a year over the next decade in fighter development and production anything less and your expecting the Air Force & the MOD to perform miracles!

^ IIR air-to-air missile on an overhauled Iranian AH-1J attack helicopter

Source: https://en.isna.ir/photo/98112014963/Tens-of-overhauled-helicopters-delivered-to-Army-Ground-Force

The translation of the above page says Sadid,tho in the pic it also appears to have long fins at the back and bares more of a resemblance to the hellfire clone shown mounted on the fotros drone of a few years back.

Perhaps this is just not a plane the airforce is very interested in buying in larger numbers. Given their limited budget, they might be wanting to spend on R&D on other projects?

Iranian fighter jet needs 15-20 years of investment and billions poured in. Too steep a price for a country under massive sanctions and less than 400B dollar economy.

Better to sign licensing deal or pay billions for China/Russia to set up necessary infrastructure in Iran for a ToT deal.

Many nations more advanced than Iran have tackled the fighter jet program (Japan, Israel, India, etc) and ultimately failed or decided against it.

Fighter jet program without a stepping stone (HINT NOT F-5) and without a stepping stone engine (HINT NOT J-85) will just be an endless money pit. IRGC will not allow it.

First get a modern 4+ design (SU-27 or SU-30 or J-10) and a modern engine (AL-21 class) THEN master it. THEN branch off with domestic designs.
Iranian fighter jet needs 15-20 years of investment and billions poured in. Too steep a price for a country under massive sanctions and less than 400B dollar economy.

Better to sign licensing deal or pay billions for China/Russia to set up necessary infrastructure in Iran for a ToT deal.

Many nations more advanced than Iran have tackled the fighter jet program (Japan, Israel, India, etc) and ultimately failed or decided against it.

Fighter jet program without a stepping stone (HINT NOT F-5) and without a stepping stone engine (HINT NOT J-85) will just be an endless money pit. IRGC will not allow it.

First get a modern 4+ design (SU-27 or SU-30 or J-10) and a modern engine (AL-21 class) THEN master it. THEN branch off with domestic designs.
those are not that modern
Iranian fighter jet needs 15-20 years of investment and billions poured in. Too steep a price for a country under massive sanctions and less than 400B dollar economy.

Better to sign licensing deal or pay billions for China/Russia to set up necessary infrastructure in Iran for a ToT deal.

Many nations more advanced than Iran have tackled the fighter jet program (Japan, Israel, India, etc) and ultimately failed or decided against it.

Fighter jet program without a stepping stone (HINT NOT F-5) and without a stepping stone engine (HINT NOT J-85) will just be an endless money pit. IRGC will not allow it.

First get a modern 4+ design (SU-27 or SU-30 or J-10) and a modern engine (AL-21 class) THEN master it. THEN branch off with domestic designs.

they are not even serious yet just they did for their missile programe and air defense sector...

recently they showed some activities on naval systems but without any serious measure IRIAF will remain in stone age.

serious investments and dedication...all they need.. The laggings on technology and know how will be solved eventually.

Both in drone and fighter jet development, the expected activities r quit low. even though the new fighter showed some hope, but disappointed us for production and hope they have their eyes on these issues.
those are not that modern

They are more modern than a 1960’s F-5 or a 1970’s F-4.

SU-30 is a very modern plane. If you are expecting Russia or China to hand over 5th gen tech and latest in engine tech then keep dreaming.
Iranian fighter jet needs 15-20 years of investment and billions poured in. Too steep a price for a country under massive sanctions and less than 400B dollar economy.

Better to sign licensing deal or pay billions for China/Russia to set up necessary infrastructure in Iran for a ToT deal.

Many nations more advanced than Iran have tackled the fighter jet program (Japan, Israel, India, etc) and ultimately failed or decided against it.

Fighter jet program without a stepping stone (HINT NOT F-5) and without a stepping stone engine (HINT NOT J-85) will just be an endless money pit. IRGC will not allow it.

First get a modern 4+ design (SU-27 or SU-30 or J-10) and a modern engine (AL-21 class) THEN master it. THEN branch off with domestic designs.
First---the old USSR had a GDP PPP of 2,5trln$ (in current prices), while Iran has a GDP PPP of 1,6trln$ today.

Soviets, having a 2,5trln$ GDP could build fighters, helicopters, ICBMs, nuclear subs and many more

See no reason why modern Iran with 1,6trln$ GDP can't afford indigeneous military projects

Second---Iran has a long-term strategy of development of military-industrial complex.

Over the last 15 years Iran unveiled many new types of weapons-- from modern cruise and ballistic missiles to advanced air defense systems of various ranges.

You see, today Iran produces virtually every type of weapon for its armed forces and we can assume that in the near future Iran will achieve total self-sufficiency.

Regarding the most complex project---indigeneous fighter aircraft.

Iran produces Yasin as a subsonic trainer and F-5 as a supersonic trainer for the future.

But news about Iran developing stealth fighter come from as early as 2005. It is in its 15th year of development already.

Finally by 2029---50th anniversary of the Islamic Revolution----it will be 24 years of development of indigeneous "stealth fighter"-----enough time to finish the project

We can assume that by 2029, after 24 years of development, F-313 will turn into a 5th generation fighter and will have indigeneous (reverse engineered )RD-33 engines +locally developed radar+ stealth airframe+ locally developed avionics

Instead of wasting money for buying foreign technology, Iran decided to develop indigeneous school.

By 2029----50th anniversary of the Islamic Revolution, Iran will have a fully developed military industry with tanks, APCs, IFVs, artillery, attack and transport helicopters, UAVs, trainer and fighter aircrafts, cruise and ballistic missiles, air defenses, trimarans, destroyers, submarines, SLVs and ICBMs and probably nuclear weapons
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