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Irfan Baloch Has Said Goodbye !!

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Don't worry you haven't missed much. Updates: BJP won their home state, lost a small state. Adani going through bad times, but desh still badal raha hai, aage badh raha hai. Modi is still winning in 2024. Sepoys seething eternally on various space
Thanx but I was more interested in micro cases.. like Hatras, Lakshadweep island, Kashmir news, etc programs by guarav arya, duruv rathi, newslaundary, akash, Ravish Kumar, AIM, etc
Good man, Irfan Baloch.

There are some really good posters here, people whose perspective I, as an Indian, like to read. Informative, insightful and patriotic, without the nationalistic or religious hysteria displayed by some posters on either side.

He’s one of the good ‘uns. Agnostic Muslim, Signalian, blain, Rescue Ranger, Waz are some others I recall, though there are more.*

I don’t comment a lot (comparatively) here, but I feel that the quality of old is being drowned out these days. Perhaps it’s just a phase.

*As an aside, now that I’ve mentioned these guys as good posters, I guess they can all be accused of being Indian spies!😁
I used to like Muse, maybe he isn't around. IB no doubt is a balanced poster, he shouldn't quit.
never seen you to be like him, I thought muse was despicable
Really? well it's been more than decade, so I can't pinpoint stuff exactly now. My memory is hazy, maybe it is him or some other such senior member I liked when I joined. Am talking about their posts in general, and being unbiased.
Please anyone in contact with him ask him to reconsider. This forum can't afford to loose our senior members.
The forum needs more decorum, members should be respectful even during disagreements. One can argue but should keep to facts or state your opinions but in a respectful manner. If we all did this I think the forum would be better. Cant keep blaming mods, most of you I am sure are grown adults and should reflect on that too.
Baloch Regiment has lost another Baloch make room for the Pakhtoons
He was a very knowledgeable member with good posts and I totally understand his decision of quitting this forum. This place has become a cesspool of political fanaticism, anti-Pakistanism and straight up racism. I wonder how many members we’ve low under the radar.
The way East India Company executives have gone bonkers and exposed themselves in past year, I am afraid that backlash will not be limited to forum or social media. You can downplay it by brand me :youthia" but it will not change the fact public in general has started realizing reality of company who have been fooling public for 7+ decades.

Anyway, @Irfan Baloch is good mod, hope to see him back.
So he left because people hate Bajwa?

I’m not understanding his reason for leaving.

It would hurt me too If I was a former army vet and my COAS removed an elected PM for wanting to buy Russian oil/gas and wheat, only to install thieves that did the same thing anyway… :lol:
Sad to hear he had some great insights. Inshallah he will be back and especially eagle when we have kicked out the rapist Usman Mirza’s in Uniform torturing journalists. It’s hard to take joy in this forum when our once beloved army is aligned against the people. For lovers of the army, honestly zindagi ka joy khatam Hoe gaya hai.
He was a treasure and one of the most oldest member of this forum...

The low life trolls should have left the forum instead, not him....

PDF suffered a set back today and I am not happy.
A bigger problem are those low iq trolls who respond with stupid low effort on liners to every post.
"Establishment ki sajish".

So he left because people hate Bajwa?
I thought he hated Bajwa.
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