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Irans intelligence agency busts major Israeli terrorist group

Few days ago there was a news that Israel was scaling back its black ops in Iran because it was finding it harder to take cover and willing recruits.

yes see below. maybe they are scaling down cos Iran defense in this is proving robust

Israel to scale down intelligence in Iran - officials

Published: 02 April, 2012, 12:29

Israeli intelligence are scaling down their covert operations in Iran and spy recruitment, Israeli security officials say. This would also imply a cutback in alleged high-profile missions such as assassinations and detonations at missile bases.

* Senior security officials told TIME magazine that the move was met with “increased dissatisfaction” by Mossad, Israel’s national intelligence agency. One security official said Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu was afraid that the operations would get exposed by Iran. The official notes that this fear is primarily driven by Mossad’s failure to assassinate Hamas leader Khaled Mashaal back in 1997, when Netanyahu served his first term as Prime Minister.

“Bibi [Benjamin Netanyahu] is traumatized from the Mashaal incident,” the official said. “He is afraid of another failure, that something will blow up in his face.”

Western intelligence officials told TIME that Iran had uncovered one cell trained and equipped by Mossad. They also said that the televised confession of Majid Jamali Fashid, who admitted to being an Israeli spy behind the plot to assassinate nuclear scientist Massoud Ali Mohmmadi, was genuine.

If similar revelations emerge now, they could undermine the international effort to pressure Iran to give up its nuclear program via sanctions and diplomacy. Iran could effectively blame Israel for an aggressive spy campaign. This could also have ramifications for Israel’s relations with the United States, which has lately been opposed to a preliminary Israeli strike against Iran.

Mark Fitzpatrick is a former State Department nuclear proliferation specialist who opposes Israel’s shady spy tactic, which is said to have involved assassinations. ”It undercuts the consensus; the international consensus on [anti-Iran] sanctions,” he stresses.

Western intelligence officials’ confirmation of Israel’s involvement in the killing of an Iranian scientist casts doubt on Israel’s claim that it was not involved in the murder of another nuclear scientist, Mostafa Ahmadi Roshan.

U.S. President Barack Obama has said that all options are open with regards to Iran. In his meeting with Netanyahu in early March, he called on Israel to refrain from striking Iran and give time for sanctions to work. The U.S. and the EU have imposed sanctions on Iranian oil imports and financial transactions in an effort to convince it to halt its nuclear program.

IAEA inspectors have visited Iran on a number of occasions, although teams said they were barred from sites suspected of harboring nuclear weapon development programs. Tehran has maintained that its nuclear program is for peaceful purposes only, but Israel, the United States and many other Western countries debate this.
WHat hypocracy just like your indian buddy ona another post who simply
can't get beyond the fact of a 9/11 inside job if only if they could stop kissing their Neocons *** for a while.

PressTV is more imformal than the rubbish you see in India. YOU and people like you will believe anything that anyone tells them. The problem with people like yourself is that instead of doing a simple search for yourself you will simply take someone else’s word as truth just to please you white masters. AT least PAkistanis has gone outta of that.

Hi, Im just curious, are you from Palestine?
WHat hypocracy just like your indian buddy ona another post who simply
can't get beyond the fact of a 9/11 inside job if only if they could stop kissing their Neocons *** for a while.

PressTV is more imformal than the rubbish you see in India. YOU and people like you will believe anything that anyone tells them. The problem with people like yourself is that instead of doing a simple search for yourself you will simply take someone else’s word as truth just to please you white masters. AT least PAkistanis has gone outta of that.

You seem to be a great fan of press tv mate, the gospel of truth:angel:/
The question is not which source is correct and which source is not. News today is manipulated in a way, to cater the need of people for gaining higher TRP. Whether it is Press TV , Fox News, or some Indian News channel for that matter they all cater their news in same way.

Media is an important tool for propoganda which has an ability to influense public opinion.
I have no right to comment on Press TV and how accurate the news source is dear sir, but we as consumer should not start believing in anything that today's media says(i am not singling out only Iranian this goes for all of as)

I think the particular news channel in question was once responsible for rioting in kashmir once.
They had reported that US soldiers had burned Holy Quran, this enraged Shia Kashmiris and they they had torched a christian church. This particular news was not reported by any other news channel and Indian govt had banned this media outlet.
Well in many occasions Us soldiers burned Holy Quran so thequestion is which incident was the one that only that media reported.

By the way I have a question when Iran intelligence ministry announce something which news agency you expect to report it first ?
Press TV , Fars News , Mehr News , Al Alam or you Expeect the ones who report it are Fox News , New York Times , Reuters , Haartes ,...
Well in many occasions Us soldiers burned Holy Quran so thequestion is which incident was the one that only that media reported.
It is not the question of burning Quran but how you report it, i as an Nationalist Indian will not tolerate it if some news channel trying to break my country social fabric against any community.

By the way I have a question when Iran intelligence ministry announce something which news agency you expect to report it first ?
Press TV , Fars News , Mehr News , Al Alam or you Expeect the ones who report it are Fox News , New York Times , Reuters , Haartes ,...
Look dear i responded to that gentleman who stated that Press TV some sort of gospel of truth.
In today's world media is highly commercialised and has tendency to feed false news to the masses.

Regarding busting of spy ring must be true good job Iran :tup:.
PS:I am not trying to be sarcastic towards Iranians just stating some fact which i believe in, don't take this in a wrong way.
I think some Indians like media that reports the following

Anti-Syria killer thugs are "innocent peaceful protesters".

Assad's campaign to protect the nation by eradicating these thugs is "killing his own people".

Riots/unrest in UK US is caused by criminals and undesirables

The death and destruction America spawned in Iraq is is "bringing a better life to the Iraqi people".

The 9-11 attack by Saudi Arabians is a "Taliban terrorist attack".

Even George Bush became "presidential" and sold to the American people.

And, of course, America is the "Champion of Human Rights".

Oh and America is a democracy that is not run by Tel Aviv through AIPAC
I think some Indians like media that reports the following

Anti-Syria killer thugs are "innocent peaceful protesters".

Assad's campaign to protect the nation by eradicating these thugs is "killing his own people".

Riots/unrest in UK US is caused by criminals and undesirables

The death and destruction America spawned in Iraq is is "bringing a better life to the Iraqi people".

The 9-11 attack by Saudi Arabians is a "Taliban terrorist attack".

Even George Bush became "presidential" and sold to the American people.

And, of course, America is the "Champion of Human Rights".

Oh and America is a democracy that is not run by Tel Aviv through AIPAC

it's difficult for Mossad and even CIA to operate in Iran, simply b/c they dont have embassy missions there and instead would rely on a few dissident Kurds or pro-Shah elements; or of course try to support Baloch seperatist rebels in the east.....

they have options, but their options have risks (double agents, etc)

I think given years of threats, the Iranian intel is taking the job quite seriously....for their survival. It's either that or have their security and sovereignty compromised.

the west is currently trying to get Mujahideen e Khalq de-listed as a terrorist organization -- which is quite appalling and goes to confirm once again that one man's terrorist is another man's freedom fighter
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