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Iran’s ‘Fake’ Stealth Fighter Is Reportedly in Production


You ask "to what end?" I could ask the same of the original unveiling. Why show off a terribly-put together mock-up that ended up being the butt of jokes in aviation circles the world-over?

For one, as I recall, when it was unveiled, the officials made it sound as though the item presented was NOT a mock-up and in fact that was the source of many many many months of wasted debate at the old IMF. In fact to my knowledge, the MoD has never acknowledged the F-313 they showed off was just a mock-up.

In addition, the mock-up was poorly executed, plain and simple. Compare it to previous examples such as the Shafagh (whose mock-up was excellent and actually LOOKED like a real flyable aircraft). The Shafagh mock-up was completed more than a decade before the F-313 and yet was pulled off beautifully. The mock-up we were shown looked as though amateurs who know practically nothing of aircraft design put it together (the joke of a cockpit being a prime example, made worse by actually having a man sit in it and prove how terribly it was put together).

Given that mess, you'll have to excuse me for treating news of this design being prepared for taxi-runs WITHOUT a big pinch of salt.

Back to your original question, "to what end" would someone fake a taxi-run. That's actually pretty simple: money. What better way to get additional funding (whether to line your own pockets or to fund a pet project that isn't quite as far along as you promised the MoD) than to show it off taxing up and down a runway?

I honestly think there is likely a real design behind the F-313, but how serious of a design it is and whether it's already been thoroughly tested enough for taxi-runs (which usually take place shortly before first flights), I'm quite a bit more skeptical about. The evidence provided thus far for how serious this design is (CAD images and an flying RC model) is interesting but hardly compelling and could be completed with far less effort/funds than many here seem to think (CAD images are VERY reminiscent of projects my classmates in 3D Drafting did some 12+ years ago and similar RC models of existing fighter aircraft are fairly cheap and easy to build).

I don't mean to come off as harsh but as a watcher of Iranian military projects for well over a decade, amateur-hour events like the F-313 unveiling really got under my skin because I KNOW Iranian aviation engineers are highly capable folks, and that event single-handedly made them a laughing stock of the entire world.

No one can argue about that. I guess I have too much thrust in Dehghan.
Boy if the first proto type is shown taxiing around, it will just rain all over the hillbilly and wahabbi party. All those years of making fun of a fiber glass display mock up will come to bite them on their asss
and even if we show video of flying Qaher , it doesn't change anything .... they have more than 500 ready for war fighter and we have an propaganda fighter that won't mass produced ever ....

we built Saegeh in 1380 ( 2002~2003 ) but after 15 years we only have 5 Saegheh with 1950 avionic ....

If the defense minister is stating that it will be performing taxi runs soon, then there is no need to fake all what you say Einstein.

If aircraft like Saegheh and many helo's among others can be serially manufactured by Iran, plonking the Owj or two into a prototype F-313 airframe with basic controls is not a hard feat for the Iranian aeronautical engineers.

How the aircraft performs is a whole different ball game. We wouldn't know until Iran wind tunnel tests and verifies the data, followed by physical flight testing. Iran hasn't reached that stage yet with the F-313.

It's obvious the aircraft is under development. What was shown 4 years ago was a fiber glass concept mockup.
don't take his words seriously ... lets bets on "Taxi runs before new Iranian year" .... I bet that won't happen and he (Defense Minister) will act like he said nothing ....
and even if we show video of flying Qaher , it doesn't change anything .... they have more than 500 ready for war fighter and we have an propaganda fighter that won't mass produced ever ....

we built Saegeh in 1380 ( 2002~2003 ) but after 15 years we only have 5 Saegheh with 1950 avionic ....

don't take his words seriously ... lets bets on "Taxi runs before new Iranian year" .... I bet that won't happen and he (Defense Minister) will act like he said nothing ....

Who is he trying to please by saying these kind of things?

Is this a propogranda pitch to calm the masses or give a false sense of security?

I just wanted to know because it seems like that is the case.
The regime will lose credibility if these ministers retract their statements, and people figure out that they were being duped all along. I doubt Dehghan is joking.

On the issue of Saegheh, it was produced 10 years ago as a stop gap. Even the most ignorant can figure out that replacing the single fin with a dual tail does not turn the F-5E into an F-18. The Saegheh can't hold a candle to an F-1EQ, let alone a Mig-29..........hence the hesitation to mass produce it. It was just a demonstrator of the manufacturing/ reverse engineering capabilities. Nothing more.

I have no arguments with you regarding the currently atrophied IRIAF or its poor future prospects. Qaher might become yet another sorry footnote in Iran's history, but it is a strong possibility, no denying it. I also believe Dehghan is fully aware of this situation the IRIAF finds itself in specially watching and learning from the RuAF's stellar performance over Syria. Dehghan has been lobbying Russia hard to transfer the Su-30SM's, and I believe he knows there is no other way to properly resurrect the IRIAF.

and even if we show video of flying Qaher , it doesn't change anything .... they have more than 500 ready for war fighter and we have an propaganda fighter that won't mass produced ever ....

we built Saegeh in 1380 ( 2002~2003 ) but after 15 years we only have 5 Saegheh with 1950 avionic ....

don't take his words seriously ... lets bets on "Taxi runs before new Iranian year" .... I bet that won't happen and he (Defense Minister) will act like he said nothing ....
Who is he trying to please by saying these kind of things?
Is this a propogranda pitch to calm the masses or give a false sense of security?
I just wanted to know because it seems like that is the case.

we have to face something like Election ( this is become disaster for us ) and he just want to make fake achievement for this government in defense sector ...

that why he brings back this project ( something this government canceled because it was unveiled by previous president ) ...

The regime will lose credibility if these ministers retract their statements, and people figure out that they were being duped all along. I doubt Dehghan is joking.

On the issue of Saegheh, it was produced 10 years ago as a stop gap. Even the most ignorant can figure out that replacing the single fin with a dual tail does not turn the F-5E into an F-18. The Saegheh can't hold a candle to an F-1EQ, let alone a Mig-29..........hence the hesitation to mass produce it. It was just a demonstrator of the manufacturing/ reverse engineering capabilities. Nothing more.

I have no arguments with you regarding the currently atrophied IRIAF or its poor future prospects. Qaher might become yet another sorry footnote in Iran's history, but it is a strong possibility, no denying it. I also believe Dehghan is fully aware of this situation the IRIAF finds itself in specially watching and learning from the RuAF's stellar performance over Syria. Dehghan has been lobbying Russia hard to transfer the Su-30SM's, and I believe he knows there is no other way to properly resurrect the IRIAF.

just wait ... I hope I am wrong ....
I'm following Iran military news fore more than 11 ~ 12 years ...
we have to face something like Election ( this is become disaster for us ) and he just want to make fake achievement for this government in defense sector ...

that why he brings back this project ( something this government canceled because it was unveiled by previous president ) ...

just wait ... I hope I am wrong ....
I'm following Iran military news fore more than 11 ~ 12 years ...

since when the military and defense stuff is in the hand of government? you talk like its the first time we hear lie and false news about achievements in islamic republic, most of defence news are propaganda for internal usage. its not long time ago that during previous government because of high level enmity with the world, time to time they were publishing news about their achievements in defence field which mostly were jokes .. قاهر اقارب و ... long list.. we never are able to produce any decent fighter jet because it needs extended Infrastructure. we need to have strong economy and being an industrial country which we are not, if we will be, then we need to transfer the technology from the abroad to fill the technological gap. by chanting slogans and saying death to this, death to that and being isolated in the world, we reach no where.
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All these fake achievement announcements leads one to a single conclusion: liar, liar, pants on fire. LOL IRI, the lies that you spew.
you are liar not honest people of Iran
They are real and amount of fear in your face and American commanders in region prove that
They are real and amount weapon which bought by Saudis prove that
they are real and nuclear deal prove that

you just can not see that Iran from nothing reach to these amount of achievement in just 40 years of wars and sanctions.

soon other countries follow Iran path.:-)
Fat hillbilly like you are losing to the resistance in all theaters of combat.

In the SyRaq war Iranian proxies busted up your wahabbi boys.

In Leb 2006, Iran busted up your Zionist toadies.

In AfPak, Pakistan backed forces have defeated your goons.

In the Donbas & Georgia Putin Steam rolled your lackeys.

And you don't have the balls to fart wrong in the SCS.

Now go cry like the fat kid that you are.............:wave:

All these fake achievement announcements leads one to a single conclusion: liar, liar, pants on fire. LOL IRI, the lies that you spew.
Too many jealous people that can't tolerate an independent Iran... they are jealous because they've licked US shoes for decades and they don't have our minimums
All these fake achievement announcements leads one to a single conclusion: liar, liar, pants on fire. LOL IRI, the lies that you spew.
How old are you son..?:disagree:
I must say your avatar is well chosen tho`,perhaps a family photograph?,as you sound exactly like its appearance suggests ie:a whiny little child :agree:
Now as for iran it certainly doesnt need to claim any fake achievements when it has so many real ones to its credit and many of these were carried out in the face of concerted opposition from the west and its bootlicks.
I think the lesson here is clear but I`ll restate it just for your benefit:recent history has shown that it doesnt pay to underestimate iran...or its achievements.
Too many jealous people that can't tolerate an independent Iran... they are jealous because they've licked US shoes for decades and they don't have our minimums
Not sure why would anyone be jealous if it were true. The sad fact is that these achievements are fake news.
How old are you son..?:disagree:
I must say your avatar is well chosen tho`,perhaps a family photograph?,as you sound exactly like its appearance suggests ie:a whiny little child :agree:
Now as for iran it certainly doesnt need to claim any fake achievements when it has so many real ones to its credit and many of these were carried out in the face of concerted opposition from the west and its bootlicks.
I think the lesson here is clear but I`ll restate it just for your benefit:recent history has shown that it doesnt pay to underestimate iran...or its achievements.
Seriously?! You take this personally and insult my choice of an avatar?! This is an adult conversation. I made an observation. Why would that tick you off?! You have your opinion, and I have mine. Learn to respect others point of view. You are no patriot if you silence those that disagree with you.

There is no device on earth which be able to calculate the temperature of your rectum !
Grow up. It's unbecoming.

This will...

It's a funny picture indeed, and best describes the way IRI treats its own citizens.

Report him
Report me to ban me?! You mean you are so intolerant as to want to remove an opposing view. Congrats gentlemen, showing your true colors in the end.
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