For some reason they have this weird salty mannerisms when it comes to Iran. I dunno why. Maybe cause they get paychecks from certain governments.
Just their hatred of Iran, nothing else.
So far, the dismissive comments I’ve seen on twitter and elsewhere are based on assumptions such as, “it’s almost certainly not capable of abc”, or “there’s no way the Iranians have developed an actual xyz” "Its crap aliexpress unga". Basically, it’s non-experts saying they simply can’t believe Iranians can make something serious because of their ham-handed propaganda with the Qaher fiasco etc
Even the few “experts” seem to base their opinions on the argument from personal incredulity and their personal hatred, essentially saying “It’s not possible for me to believe Iranians could have made a decent drone because of my innate hatred and contempt” without a single technical spec at their disposal (as we saw with the Ukrainian clown "analysis") neither any references. Apparently it’s too mind-boggling to accept that making a decent drone is whithin the realm of possibility for a culture that invented Algebra and produces world-class Engineers and Scientists.
Another common refrain is that it’s a “rip-off of the X drone", or “just a reversed clone of X”, which is valid for certain drones and missiles. Just as valid as calling the American Vanguard and Juno rockets a “rip-off”, or “just and upgrade”, of the German V-2 since both US and USSR missile and jet technology was not only based on German know-how, but in fact employed captured Germans such as von Braun. At least Iran haven’t been keeping US or whatever drone designers captive last I heard.
What gets lost in the noise are the real achievements of a country that has managed to fend for itself despite +40 years of crippling sanctions, and whose science and technology has been flourishing in spite of every attempt to block their progress. Case in point is how Iran have not only kept their F-14s flying but have upgraded them and are making decent drones, producing them. Not to mention radars, SAMs, smart bombs, cruise missiles, ballistic missiles, etc.
Remember that America, Britain, Israel, Germany, Russia, and France had the benefit of unlimited access to the best minds and technology in the world while designing their weapons, while Iran has accomplished this feat while under the worst sanctions and psyop in history and with the highest rate of brain-drain in the world, and 1% of the US defence budget.