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Iranian UAVs | News and Discussions

This drone is for irregular warfare and works without an airport
I mean something really rudimentary, maybe just a single leg, just to protect the payload upon impact with ground
I mean something really rudimentary, maybe just a single leg, just to protect the payload upon impact with ground
Seems Turkish high tech 😀
Seems Turkish high tech 😀
Yeah, far beyond Iran's capabilities obviously
Yeah, far beyond Iran's capabilities obviously
I'm iranian, whenever someone non-iranian says anything about Iran, opinion, suggestion or god forbid criticsm. I LOSE MY SHIT.

I swear to god you people are some of the most thin skinned people on earth.

No wonder Iranian defense industry is so stagnant and slow.

Because why try to improve anything? everything is already perfect.
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I swear to god you people are some of the most thin skinned people on earth.
Weird because around the globe their are literally memes about 1000 Turks will react to even the slightest of negative things said about it.


This is literally an international meme.

No wonder Iranian defense industry is so stagnant and slow.
12 years ago, we were modifying ancient Hawk missiles to improve range as that was our main defense. Now high altitude, very long range interceptors are available along with more than half a dozen new AD systems.

12 years ago, our best quasi ballistic solid fuel missile had the range of 300km, and CEP of several hundred meters. Now their are tactical missiles with point strike ability with 1800km range. Today, from 300km missile, their are engines tested with thrust consistent with engines used in ICBMs.

Contrary to your believe, the last 10 years as shown very impressive growth. Enough to get some attention. I'm sure Turkish growth has also been very rapid in last 10 years so let be more respectful
Weird because around the globe their are literally memes about 1000 Turks will react to even the slightest of negative things said about it.

View attachment 964339
This is literally an international meme.

12 years ago, we were modifying ancient Hawk missiles to improve range as that was our main defense. Now high altitude, very long range interceptors are available along with more than half a dozen new AD systems.

12 years ago, our best quasi ballistic solid fuel missile had the range of 300km, and CEP of several hundred meters. Now their are tactical missiles with point strike ability with 1800km range. Today, from 300km missile, their are engines tested with thrust consistent with engines used in ICBMs.

Contrary to your believe, the last 10 years as shown very impressive growth. Enough to get some attention. I'm sure Turkish growth has also been very rapid in last 10 years so let be more respectful
Only the uneducated people with insecurities who use the accomplishments of the country as a way to stroke their own ego will act this way. Granted, there are people like that in Turkey too but with Iranians it's almost every interaction. And Erdo isn't even very popular anymore, he lost a lot of support. If the opposition didn't pick a god awful candidate in the last elections, he would be gone right now.

About the missiles, I understand what you mean, but we're still talking ballistic missiles 12 years on. You must realize that Turkey is making SRBMs and MRBMs too, we just don't talk about it much. They are for shock & awe in the first few hours of the war, they are not what's going to finish it. As you can see in Ukraine, even for a country like Russia that has everything, it's extremely difficult to make progress on land without aerial supremacy. Almost 2 years of war and Russia is still trying to hold onto what they gained in the first few days of the war. Air power is not something you can ignore, it is critical in modern war.

And Iran is still working on the F-5 12 years later. A plane we retired decades ago. In Turkey we see them in museums. I had a picture of a bunch of retired Turkish F-5s in a "boneyard" but I couldn't find it now. Here's a picture of an F-4 from my local museum.
As you can see in Ukraine, even for a country like Russia that has everything, it's extremely difficult to make progress on land without aerial supremacy. Almost 2 years of war and Russia is still trying to hold onto what they gained in the first few days of the war. Air power is not something you can ignore, it is critical in modern war.

And Iran is still working on the F-5 12 years later. A plane we retired decades ago. In Turkey we see them in museums. I had a picture of a bunch of retired Turkish F-5s in a "boneyard" but I couldn't find it now. Here's a picture of an F-4 from my local museum.

The war in Ukraine proves the exact opposite mate. Russia has one of the largest air forces in the world, in possession of heavy bombers and over 1000 aircraft that can run ground attack stories. They did not ignore airpower at all. The Israeli's with all their air power still cannot stop rockets from being fired, and with all their unlimited air superiority over southern Lebanon were not able to defeat Hezbollah and advance to Beirut while they had to most modern AF in the world. To use a current example; The JDAM inventories in the USA are around 20,000+. The Israeli's alone have already used more than 7000 JDAMs, getting close to half the inventory in 2 weeks, and this is the inventory levels of the worlds premier superpower, how many countries have this many bombs of one type? Hamas is practically unharmed in the meantime, because they've devised their strategy with this in regard. This is with 100% complete air superiority.

Now if you want to fight with a near-peer power. Airpower will be very limited to long range strikes in which high cost and low inventory takes its toll. Almost 2 years in, and air supremacy is an impossible task against even Soviet era BUKs, and S-300s. This has happened in the Iran-Iraq war as well. Learn from others experiences, getting full air superiority is practically an impossible task against a near-peer opponent. Soon enough you will find that your air assets will not survive long, and the same old grind for meters of ground will continue just as it had continued since the last 100 years. The grind will continue in Gaza, and in Southern Leb, and in Ukraine.

The real war in the north hasn't even started yet and Israel is expending bombs like theirs no tomorrow. How many men do you think Iran can mobilize there from 5 different countries? Do you think Airpower will stop it? Unlimited airpower is great when you want to take out enemy mechanized armour, but it will not be a decisive when their are 100,000s of infantry squads, many of which are armed with 25,000$ ATGMs that can knock out a 3 milllion$ tank. This is when the reality of war starts to differ from equipment written on paper.

The Americans tried to degrade Russian AD by proving HARMs to UKR to pave way for the eventual arrive of some small number of F-16's. This plan has failed completely and unsurprisingly. Everyone wants to act like the US military, forgetting that they practically starved Iraq to death before invading it. Perhaps Russia felt this delusion and thought they can stomp Ukraine with a large mechanized maneuver and airpower. Airpower is not a magic tool, and you have to learn from others experiences. You don't want to rely on tacair so much and then find yourself stuck when you hedged too much into it and the airspace is denied.
The war in Ukraine proves the exact opposite mate. Russia has one of the largest air forces in the world, in possession of heavy bombers and over 1000 aircraft that can run ground attack stories. They did not ignore airpower at all. The Israeli's with all their air power still cannot stop rockets from being fired, and with all their unlimited air superiority over southern Lebanon were not able to defeat Hezbollah and advance to Beirut while they had to most modern AF in the world. To use a current example; The JDAM inventories in the USA are around 20,000+. The Israeli's alone have already used more than 7000 JDAMs, getting close to half the inventory in 2 weeks, and this is the inventory levels of the worlds premier superpower, how many countries have this many bombs of one type? Hamas is practically unharmed in the meantime, because they've devised their strategy with this in regard. This is with 100% complete air superiority.

Now if you want to fight with a near-peer power. Airpower will be very limited to long range strikes in which high cost and low inventory takes its toll. Almost 2 years in, and air supremacy is an impossible task against even Soviet era BUKs, and S-300s. This has happened in the Iran-Iraq war as well. Learn from others experiences, getting full air superiority is practically an impossible task against a near-peer opponent. Soon enough you will find that your air assets will not survive long, and the same old grind for meters of ground will continue just as it had continued since the last 100 years. The grind will continue in Gaza, and in Southern Leb, and in Ukraine.

The real war in the north hasn't even started yet and Israel is expending bombs like theirs no tomorrow. How many men do you think Iran can mobilize there from 5 different countries? Do you think Airpower will stop it? Unlimited airpower is great when you want to take out enemy mechanized armour, but it will not be a decisive when their are 100,000s of infantry squads, many of which are armed with 25,000$ ATGMs that can knock out a 3 milllion$ tank. This is when the reality of war starts to differ from equipment written on paper.

The Americans tried to degrade Russian AD by proving HARMs to UKR to pave way for the eventual arrive of some small number of F-16's. This plan has failed completely and unsurprisingly. Everyone wants to act like the US military, forgetting that they practically starved Iraq to death before invading it. Perhaps Russia felt this delusion and thought they can stomp Ukraine with a large mechanized maneuver and airpower. Airpower is not a magic tool, and you have to learn from others experiences. You don't want to rely on tacair so much and then find yourself stuck when you hedged too much into it and the airspace is denied.

You bring up an important point which is pace and tempo.

Just how long can all respective parties keep up their kinetic engagement regimes before completing objectives or having to dial back their strategic goals and adjust strategy.

Missiles, drones, jets and all the flashy gadgets are tools meant to be used in tandem with other part’s of an armed force.
The war in Ukraine proves the exact opposite mate. Russia has one of the largest air forces in the world,
On paper yes, but the lack of pilot training and absence of modern munitions greatly retarded that big force to the point of just dropping glide bombs from behind the lines and returning to base If this is your operational capability it doesn't matter if you're flying Su-35 or F-5.

Russia doesn't have dedicated SEAD squadrons like we have and that was their greatest weakness from the first hours of this war. And Ukraine's method of attaching AGM-88 HARM to ancient Su-24s quite simply isn't good enough. It takes more than that.

And let's not ignore the elephant in the room. We're flying wooden biplanes in an age of all metal fighters. 5th gen fighters are a necessity. It's the same reason why Israeli air force is able to carry out strikes in Syria with impunity even in an airspace controlled by S-400 systems.

; The JDAM inventories in the USA are around 20,000+. The Israeli's alone have already used more than 7000 JDAMs, getting close to half the inventory in 2 weeks, and this is the inventory levels of the worlds premier superpower, how many countries have this many bombs of one type?
Israelis are using airstrikes on targets they could easily hit with artillery. Why would you fly F16 sorties in gaza when you can get the job done with laser guided artillery shells and Heron UAVs? I don't know. Their methods make little sense but daddy USA pays the bill so it's alright I guess.

JDAMs are rather simple weapons and can be made cheaply, that's not the issue.

We mostly drop laser guided bombs on such easy targets, we don't even waste JDAMs on everything
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Iran ‘Ghadeer’ wingman UAV (est 1393 skunkworks):

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Yeah, far beyond Iran's capabilities obviously
Oh yeas, turkish high techs, so high, it's way up in the sky above skies, so out of reach. lol.

That said, you turks are so jealous of Iran and its technological progress that you must come here to put them down no matter what Iran does or make with your pipe dream "high techs" delusions. How pathetic of You!

Dude, give it up, you're making a turk out of yourself.

Iran's fighter jets, helis, and so forth may not be most advance, but Iran can design and manufactured them independently unlike your "high techs (LOL)" DYI kits.

You can't make the engines, landing gear, avionics, frames, and ejection seat, all of which Iran can except TB, a work in progress.

Instead of Putting Iran down so much, you should've joined in to develop jointly, not kick it like a mule that you are.
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