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Iranian UAVs | News and Discussions

The results and reactions speak for themselves. If these were extremely easy to shoot down then Ukraine wouldn't be begging the west for air defenses and the west wouldn't be whining and crying hysterically about Iran supplying these to Russia. These are more of a game changer than anything the west has given Ukraine so far and they know it.

You know what I'm thinking of lately ? How many Mohajer-6's have been destroyed or captured ? I think they captured 1 so far ? That's really the only footage/evidence I've seen. We don't see any footage from the Mohajer in action but how many did Iran sell to Russia ? Out of 2400 drones, I would guess 50-100 Mohajer-6's ? I mean even if 20 or even as few as 10 are being deployed in Ukraine right now and we've only seen evidence of 1 captured, then where are the rest ?

I mean everyday we see quadcopter footage from the Russians and recently Ukraine's air defenses have been getting depleted. Besides the Russians know where Ukrainian air defenses are deployed for the most part, so considering all that, it's likely that the Mohajer is being used.
Recently we saw footage of the Lancet drone destroying various targets, but not the Mohajer.

It's likely that the Russians don't want to provide evidence since they're denying using Iranian drones and they would rather promote their own military achievements and industry rather than Iran's. Regardless everyone knows what Iran's drones are capable of now.

Something else, it's funny how western media tries to downplay the Shahed-136 by saying that it has commercially available parts, cheap parts, not military grade. But honestly for a kamikaze drone, why does it matter ? At the end of the day it works, it's extremely effective and more importantly cost effective.

I guess 99 drones were shot down and just this one managed to pass and target that one site!
What evidence do we have that the engine are "supplied by China"? https://www.wikileaks.org/plusd/cables/08STATE50301_a.html It seems Iran got some and reversed the original Limbach itself, getting it via fake companies in the UAE

I don't understand the "China" claim or Aliexpress, like this isn't because when you type the engine name and a aliexpress china copy pops up means that Iran bought them in mass here

what the hell
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The results and reactions speak for themselves. If these were extremely easy to shoot down then Ukraine wouldn't be begging the west for air defenses and the west wouldn't be whining and crying hysterically about Iran supplying these to Russia. These are more of a game changer than anything the west has given Ukraine so far and they know it.

You know what I'm thinking of lately ? How many Mohajer-6's have been destroyed or captured ? I think they captured 1 so far ? That's really the only footage/evidence I've seen. We don't see any footage from the Mohajer in action but how many did Iran sell to Russia ? Out of 2400 drones, I would guess 50-100 Mohajer-6's ? I mean even if 20 or even as few as 10 are being deployed in Ukraine right now and we've only seen evidence of 1 captured, then where are the rest ?

I mean everyday we see quadcopter footage from the Russians and recently Ukraine's air defenses have been getting depleted. Besides the Russians know where Ukrainian air defenses are deployed for the most part, so considering all that, it's likely that the Mohajer is being used.
Recently we saw footage of the Lancet drone destroying various targets, but not the Mohajer.

It's likely that the Russians don't want to provide evidence since they're denying using Iranian drones and they would rather promote their own military achievements and industry rather than Iran's. Regardless everyone knows what Iran's drones are capable of now.

Something else, it's funny how western media tries to downplay the Shahed-136 by saying that it has commercially available parts, cheap parts, not military grade. But honestly for a kamikaze drone, why does it matter ? At the end of the day it works, it's extremely effective and more importantly cost effective.
To be fair, male drones like Mohajer-6 or Bayraktar are patrol unites for safe airspace, they aren't made for deep penetration, and if enemy has suitable air defenses they are useless in the forefront as well. so I think in that one case Russians were testing the Ukraine's air defenses and we wont see such usage of M6 anymore. for the battlefield, Russians can keep them behind the line and monitor Ukrainian activities. but then again, smaller drones like Yasir or quadcopters can do the same job more effectively.

right now I'm wondering if stealthier yasir (sayeh) or Shahed191 has been given to Russia or not.
Bunch of morons telling some lies to each other and then conclude based on their own lies!

Actually I wonder whether they are this much dumb, or they are paid to play dumb!
Do not expect something from Saudi/Israeli funded american think tanks, they are just meant to demonize Iran and spread lies about Iran

The Hudson Institute has been criticised for pushing a climate denial agenda and accepting $7.9m from anonymous donors
The institute, which publishes frequent reports on China, has received funding from the Taiwanese government.
Employees at the Hudson Institute have made substantial donations to Republicans (jews) candidates and PACs.
57% of their revenues comes from "anonymous donators", probably evangelical jew pro-israel white supremacists and gulf state princes and emirs, 12% comes directly from foreign governments

Sometimes i wonder if there is a think-tank not funded by gulf states or israel in the USA, all of them are funded by the same govts and people
At the end of the day your making halal of khomeini and then many grand Ayat-transgenderism, constant trolling by arguing when you're clearly wrong and support of liberalism shows to me your upbringing as well.allah
I'm not a grand cleric to make it halal or Haram , it was made Halal by Grand Ayat -Allah said it had no problem , have problem with it take it to them , I just made you informed of it.
Sorry, but the two are not the same. You have to be accurate in defining anything academic. Battle of Cnidus was a planned pitched war, and the Tanker war was unplanned and avoidable. Massive difference! The destruction which America inflicted is irrelevant, US is a superpower which responds with uneven measure. Again playing both sides does not negate the fact that Peloponnesian War was the one and only proxy war. You do know you can play both sides with a direct military alliance as well?
even in pleoponnesian war at the beginning Persia was an ally and trade partner of athens. and if USA was superpower in 80s Persia was also Superpower in 400 and 300bc
As you know, ISIS was invented (Timber Sycamore Program) by US and allies, and so were one of their own shadow military but disguised as some proxy Islamist group. Athens was not invented by Persia and were an autonomous Greek state. Again, you are taking liberties with definitions to try and win this pathetic attempt of an argument.
Isis was invented because of situation in middle-east in late 20 early 21 century , USA only make it strong and prominent and used it for its agenda , they used a phenomenon that occurred in middle east , in those times .
Nowhere in your post has a reference, name of wars, except for Corinthian and Peloponnesian War which I brought up, no dates of Proxy Wars with Athens. Really pathetic. Mage bikaram beram postaye zedenaghizeto dobare bekhoonam? zereshk! Your issue is you dont know the different between proxy war and direct military intervention.
exactly there is dates in those posts that reaffirm each other and you just decided to forget about those dates , show me an incident in the last 6 year of corrinthian war that Persia directly participate in the war. you want date well that will be 393bc didn't knew you can't do the simple math.. yourself

Again you need to be clear in what you say, instead of speaking like a poshte kooh retard. Have you not heard of the Peace of Antalcidas?! That was the end of Persian involvement in Greek wars until alaksandar-i-wadwaxt! Now show me evidence of battles that came after this peace which involved Persian money, weapons and no direct involvement. I need names, dates and references if you can. Until then, claim rejected!
and again you and your argument . first i mentioned that peace two days ago by its other name The King Peace when you even were not aware of corrinthian wars and again you are wrong
and about persian involvement , let just say after the king Peace theben were resenting it and started a series of war which is known as Theban Hegemony, in 366-368bc persia founded an army to be distributed between Sparta and Arcadia that allowed them to continue their fight against Thebes

"In 367/365 BC an attempt was made to make a common peace, with the Persian King Artaxerxes II as arbiter and guarantor, through the envoy Philiscus of Abydos.[80] This was a second attempt to use the power of the Achaemenid king to influence a new King's Peace as in the Peloponnesian War.[80] Thebes organized a conference to have the terms of the peace accepted, but their diplomatic initiative failed: the negotiations could not resolve the hostility between Thebes and other states that resented its influence (such as the Arcadian leader Lycomedes who challenged the right of the Thebans to hold the congress in Thebes); the peace was never fully accepted, and fighting soon resumed.[81] The negotiation collapsed when Thebes refused to return Messenia to the Spartans"

meantime at the same time in 367bc we proposed a peace theaty in favour of thebes

"During autumn of 367 BC, first the Spartans sent envoys to the Achaemenid capital of Susa (in the persons of Antalcidas and probably Euthycles),[84][85] soon followed by envoys of the Athenians, the Arcadians, the Argives, the Eleans, the Thebans and other Greek city-states, in attempts to obtain the support of Achaemenid king Artaxerxes II in the Greek conflict.[80] The Achaemenid king proposed a new peace treaty, this time highly tilted in favour of Thebes, which required Messenia to remain independent and that the Athenian fleet to be dismantled. This Peace proposal was rejected by most Greek parties except Thebes."

now you can go and read a little about that wars and come back and claim I never heard about them
I'm not a grand cleric to make it halal or Haram , it was made Halal by Grand Ayat -Allah said it had no problem , have problem with it take it to them , I just made you informed of it.

even in pleoponnesian war at the beginning Persia was an ally and trade partner of athens. and if USA was superpower in 80s Persia was also Superpower in 400 and 300bc

Isis was invented because of situation in middle-east in late 20 early 21 century , USA only make it strong and prominent and used it for its agenda , they used a phenomenon that occurred in middle east , in those times .

exactly there is dates in those posts that reaffirm each other and you just decided to forget about those dates , show me an incident in the last 6 year of corrinthian war that Persia directly participate in the war. you want date well that will be 393bc didn't knew you can't do the simple math.. yourself

and again you and your argument . first i mentioned that peace two days ago by its other name The King Peace when you even were not aware of corrinthian wars and again you are wrong
and about persian involvement , let just say after the king Peace theben were resenting it and started a series of war which is known as Theban Hegemony, in 366-368bc persia founded an army to be distributed between Sparta and Arcadia that allowed them to continue their fight against Thebes

"In 367/365 BC an attempt was made to make a common peace, with the Persian King Artaxerxes II as arbiter and guarantor, through the envoy Philiscus of Abydos.[80] This was a second attempt to use the power of the Achaemenid king to influence a new King's Peace as in the Peloponnesian War.[80] Thebes organized a conference to have the terms of the peace accepted, but their diplomatic initiative failed: the negotiations could not resolve the hostility between Thebes and other states that resented its influence (such as the Arcadian leader Lycomedes who challenged the right of the Thebans to hold the congress in Thebes); the peace was never fully accepted, and fighting soon resumed.[81] The negotiation collapsed when Thebes refused to return Messenia to the Spartans"

meantime at the same time in 367bc we proposed a peace theaty in favour of thebes

"During autumn of 367 BC, first the Spartans sent envoys to the Achaemenid capital of Susa (in the persons of Antalcidas and probably Euthycles),[84][85] soon followed by envoys of the Athenians, the Arcadians, the Argives, the Eleans, the Thebans and other Greek city-states, in attempts to obtain the support of Achaemenid king Artaxerxes II in the Greek conflict.[80] The Achaemenid king proposed a new peace treaty, this time highly tilted in favour of Thebes, which required Messenia to remain independent and that the Athenian fleet to be dismantled. This Peace proposal was rejected by most Greek parties except Thebes."

now you can go and read a little about that wars and come back and claim I never heard about them

He is in no position to make halal what is clearly haram, and you're in no position to blindly follow. Both you and him are at fault and it is an insight in both of your debased view of Islam. May Allah guide you and if he is alive may Allah guide him.

They did trade together and thats it, no alliance or partnership. Stop making things up! When did I say Persia was not a superpower?! Lol you need to build strawman arguments to keep these dead debate alive! You sad loser!

Again you're making stuff up. There was no such thing as ISIS prior to US involvement in Iraq! They all popped up out of nowhere with US weapons! Al-Qaeda was the same story and even more phoney than ISIS. They created the phenomenon in Timber Sycamore Program! You know this but are disagreeing because you have many voids in your life that need filling lol I can tell...

Citing the Corinthian War is a moot point because Persians faught directly there so it ceased to be a proxy war. I told you this many times but your poshte kuh magze e pehen has ignored or forgotten this! You need to give dates of PROXY WARS AFTER PELOPONNESIAN WAR! stop squirming and get these dates. Claim rejected until you do!

LOL so not only have you failed to give me a source for these copy and pastes, but none of them state that Persia supplied any money or weapons to Greeks to fight each other after the peace failed. You said that Persia "supplied an army", okay where does it say that in your references? It just says both Spartans and Athenians came to the Persians to negotiate a new peace treaty, which failed. And even if Persia raised an army then that would be a direct involvement and not a PROXY WAR lol! Checkmate!
He is in no position to make halal what is clearly haram, and you're in no position to blindly follow. Both you and him are at fault and it is an insight in both of your debased view of Islam. May Allah guide you and if he is alive may Allah guide him.

and you are in no position to say he is wrong , Ijma of Shia cleric say its halal and there is nothing in Hadith or Quran to say it's not.
end of discussion
They did trade together and thats it, no alliance or partnership. Stop making things up! When did I say Persia was not a superpower?! Lol you need to build strawman arguments to keep these dead debate alive! You sad loser!
when you say because usa is superpower the rules are different for it , well as persia was superpower the rules were different for it
Again you're making stuff up. There was no such thing as ISIS prior to US involvement in Iraq! They all popped up out of nowhere with US weapons! Al-Qaeda was the same story and even more phoney than ISIS. They created the phenomenon in Timber Sycamore Program! You know this but are disagreeing because you have many voids in your life that need filling lol I can tell...
not nowhere , the situation in middle east and USA attack on Iraq was also the situation in middle-east but it don't mean they built it , it was built by itself they saw opportunity in it prop it up and used it

Citing the Corinthian War is a moot point because Persians faught directly there so it ceased to be a proxy war. I told you this many times but your poshte kuh magze e pehen has ignored or forgotten this! You need to give dates of PROXY WARS AFTER PELOPONNESIAN WAR! stop squirming and get these dates. Claim rejected until you do!
as i see you can't find direct involvement of iran in last 6 year of war and as i said before , you are an impolite person with foul mouth and no upbringing
LOL so not only have you failed to give me a source for these copy and pastes, but none of them state that Persia supplied any money or weapons to Greeks to fight each other after the peace failed. You said that Persia "supplied an army", okay where does it say that in your references? It just says both Spartans and Athenians came to the Persians to negotiate a new peace treaty, which failed. And even if Persia raised an army then that would be a direct involvement and not a PROXY WAR lol! Checkmate!
and you failed to notice all of those copy paste come with the link to the sources at bottom of Wikipedia pages , show your observation skill
and interestingly you failed to provide any source or reference for your claims.

you knew we haw a word , a blind can be cured , someone who simulate can't be.
bye you won't receive any answer from me till you fix your foul language ,don't care if you think you won the discussion . other people who read the thread can decide for themselves
I'm not a grand cleric to make it halal or Haram , it was made Halal by Grand Ayat -Allah said it had no problem , have problem with it take it to them , I just made you informed of it.

even in pleoponnesian war at the beginning Persia was an ally and trade partner of athens. and if USA was superpower in 80s Persia was also Superpower in 400 and 300bc

Isis was invented because of situation in middle-east in late 20 early 21 century , USA only make it strong and prominent and used it for its agenda , they used a phenomenon that occurred in middle east , in those times .

exactly there is dates in those posts that reaffirm each other and you just decided to forget about those dates , show me an incident in the last 6 year of corrinthian war that Persia directly participate in the war. you want date well that will be 393bc didn't knew you can't do the simple math.. yourself

and again you and your argument . first i mentioned that peace two days ago by its other name The King Peace when you even were not aware of corrinthian wars and again you are wrong
and about persian involvement , let just say after the king Peace theben were resenting it and started a series of war which is known as Theban Hegemony, in 366-368bc persia founded an army to be distributed between Sparta and Arcadia that allowed them to continue their fight against Thebes

"In 367/365 BC an attempt was made to make a common peace, with the Persian King Artaxerxes II as arbiter and guarantor, through the envoy Philiscus of Abydos.[80] This was a second attempt to use the power of the Achaemenid king to influence a new King's Peace as in the Peloponnesian War.[80] Thebes organized a conference to have the terms of the peace accepted, but their diplomatic initiative failed: the negotiations could not resolve the hostility between Thebes and other states that resented its influence (such as the Arcadian leader Lycomedes who challenged the right of the Thebans to hold the congress in Thebes); the peace was never fully accepted, and fighting soon resumed.[81] The negotiation collapsed when Thebes refused to return Messenia to the Spartans"

meantime at the same time in 367bc we proposed a peace theaty in favour of thebes

"During autumn of 367 BC, first the Spartans sent envoys to the Achaemenid capital of Susa (in the persons of Antalcidas and probably Euthycles),[84][85] soon followed by envoys of the Athenians, the Arcadians, the Argives, the Eleans, the Thebans and other Greek city-states, in attempts to obtain the support of Achaemenid king Artaxerxes II in the Greek conflict.[80] The Achaemenid king proposed a new peace treaty, this time highly tilted in favour of Thebes, which required Messenia to remain independent and that the Athenian fleet to be dismantled. This Peace proposal was rejected by most Greek parties except Thebes."

now you can go and read a little about that wars and come back and claim I never heard about them
Mate with all due respect Persians were no friends of athens

I don't know where you bring up your sources

End this chit-chat please

Just look at the size of that crater. Each Shahed-136 really packs a punch. What kind of explosives are they using ? It seems to be highly incendiary. Remember that Ukrainian fighter jet that was destroyed by shrapnel. He underestimated how intense the explosion would be.



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What evidence do we have that the engine are "supplied by China"? https://www.wikileaks.org/plusd/cables/08STATE50301_a.html It seems Iran got some and reversed the original Limbach itself, getting it via fake companies in the UAE

I don't understand the "China" claim or Aliexpress, like this isn't because when you type the engine name and a aliexpress china copy pops up means that Iran bought them in mass here

what the hell
lol, love to see that swarm.
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