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Iranian UAVs | News and Discussions

Both Su-57 and T-14 already exist you dullard, both are in low level production.
as far as I'm concerned , both were in low level production , now my guess is su-35 and t-90 is in low level production
Both Su-57 and T-14 already exist you dullard, both are in low level production. Your own military stocks are very much depleted as well, used to slaughter children in Donbass. From a country that makes 30k artillery shells annually you should be worried about your own ability to sustain a war. Shahed lives rent free in the minds of westoids.

Like I said to tsusnet, westoids would rather inject pure copium than give credit where its due. Sign of low IQ tbh.

Su-57 and T-14 are both *** backwards weapons that’ll never see any significant production. Relative to US capability, both are obsolete.

The US has only given a fraction of its military capability to Ukraine. Another $50B is already on the table for Ukraine for all of next year.
Why do some Americans have a hard time accepting that stingers are not able to perform well against this drone. It's like if you mention it, we have insulted their families or something.

Having seen 3 videos (probably more out there) so far of missed manpads. Thiers no reason for missing considering it flies at a speed of 150km/h, with virtually zero maneuverability, should be easy picking other than the simple reason of this drone having a low IR signature,

I think the newer version of Stingers will be able to better handle it, but it is very recently announced if I remember right

US general, Frank McKnzie calls Iranian drones very good/effective weapon, a killer for power grids.

50 percent success rate per McKenzie.

Low cost that Iran makes 1000s.

He has witnessed the attacks himself.
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Su-57 and T-14 are both *** backwards weapons that’ll never see any significant production. Relative to US capability, both are obsolete.

The US has only given a fraction of its military capability to Ukraine. Another $50B is already on the table for Ukraine for all of next year.

Except they're not? Given that AbramsX has an autoloader and unmanned turret, the former of which Russian tanks have had for decades and the latter since 2015. I don't happen to think it's obsolete, at least General Dynamics doesn't think so. Su-57 production is also being expanded, KNAAZ is preparing to make 24/year in 1-2 years. and another production line is being readied to make 100/year altogether in the near future.

Use that $50b to actually improve the QOL of your own people, like make your cities habitable for humans, build HSR or something, just any infrastructure 🤣
To be fair, they never had much in terms of drones, and Iran is a major producer of unmanned vehicles (sure not high tech) but still high production rate. They always were lagging in the sector for no apparent reason other than not taking it seriously.

People don't know much about Iran, but Iran can sustain Russia for the rest of the war with more easy to produce UAS, which will play a major role for them, and already has been considering nightly usage.
I wouldn’t say not high tech either they’ve come along way, yes much of it was reverse engineered but they learned the systems and can produce them to equal or almost equal standards, and some drones unique to other drones, Arash 2 doesn’t seem to be a copy of anything, fortos I’m not sure I’m spelling that correctly give it to iran they’re learning curve is faster than most,
Look who's talking LOL


The point being Russian stocks are so depleted they have to rely on Iranian drones to continue their war after only 8 months.

And Russia doesn’t have a prayer in ever mass producing a stealth bomber, much less one as capable as B-21.

PAK-DA is a PowerPoint weapon along the same lines as a SU 57 and T14.

US general, Frank McKnzie calls Iranian drones very good/effective weapon, a killer for power grids.

50 percent success rate per McKenzie.

Low cost that Iran makes 1000s.

He has witnessed the attacks himself.
Since he is a retired Gen. he is not under restrictions, and can speak his mind from his experience.

If you ask the Pentagon, they will gaslight despite the obvious impact it has on the energy infrastructure.

50% is also what I saw as an earlier estimate, and sometimes as high as 70%. 50% does sound reasonable especially since the targets are fixed and obvious (energy grid). They will also be well protected.
And I guess American working class have to pay for it, a few more part time jobs and blood donations! but, that's ok. Russia learnt it the hard way, so will be the US.
The US is in a real rub. The Fed is in the process of destroying the currency volume in circulation ('.e. inflation') by increasing interest rates. Meanwhile the US govt is shoveling dollars into defense and the rebel province putting more worthless currency back in circulation. Russia's cheap continuation of the war is just one strategic object to break the dollar. The worthless new and shiny toys are just that in this strategy. Worthless new and shiny toys. Let the 'believers' eat a ham sammich and suck chocolate milk with a straw while Iranian pahpad strikes destroy expensive assets on the cheap….Speaking of 'believer's', no need to respond with tons of text when they simply buzz by. Just ignore.
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Why do some Americans have a hard time accepting that stingers are not able to perform well against this drone. It's like if you mention it, we have insulted their families or something.

Having seen 3 videos (probably more out there) so far of missed manpads. Thiers no reason for missing considering it flies at a speed of 150km/h, with virtually zero maneuverability, should be easy picking other than the simple reason of this drone having a low IR signature,

I think the newer version of Stingers will be able to better handle it, but it is very recently announced if I remember right
And I guess American working class have to pay for it, a few more part time jobs and blood donations! but, that's ok. Russia learnt it the hard way, so will be the US.
Caution, US military industry employs a lot of people and every US state has a stake in it as it generates income and taxes. This itself is a problem and seriously inhibits reduction. The best way to dismantle it is curbing the dollar and removing the ability for the US to print money to grow while others are left with the bag. This is the very core proposition of the post-war 'world order': who the US allows to participate in the dollar shell game and who it doesn't.
well as you are clueless about Greek history it seems its up to me to enlighten you on the matter.
In Peloponnesian war , twice Spartan navy get destroyed by Athens Navy and twice Persia rebuilt their navy and after that the third time Sparta army at last managed to destroy Athens navy , defeat them and even make them destroy their walls . that's your Athens navy that you wondered what happened to it .
if you like I go in detail about it in your profile not here

Persia only involved at first , when Sparta was still in Asia and attacking Iranian cities , do you realize the war lasted 8 year , after the Greeks were busy in Europe , Iran just made sure that the war last more

it was until Iran said they must make peace and by the way it was after Iran supported Athens and allies until they become to strong and Sparta come to Iran and ask for help.
so however you spin it in the war Persia supported both side just to make sure Asia minor remain peaceful. the result of that policy was 50 years of peace in our western border.

and you don't really knew what happened there

as if you understand what those dates mean , the war was from 395-387bc the only direct Persia intervention in that war was Achaemenid Naval campaigns of 393bc to cut Sparta route to Egypt.
and while Iran did that , we financed rebuilding Athens and allies navy we even financed rebuilding Athene long wall and then, they do the job themselves and interestingly in 392bc while we helping Athens in broad day light , we gave money to Sparta to rebuild its fleet , if that's not definition of prolonging the war and playing both side , then what is it. ?
after that date I dare you find any Iran direct intervention in that war. and I ask you till you admit you don't knew shit about history , even after a day reading and digging about this single war , you still didn't get it right . so please tell me about Iran direct intervention after that campaign.
.look at Kings Peace of 387 bc and it will tell you a lot

Persia was not party of the war , the Threat that if the Greek cities don't make a peace Persia wage war against the party who refused the term of this peace made the war stop . wonder how Persia can be part of the war and also made that threat?

and by the way resorting to name calling , and saying how bad is somebody grasp of a language that is not even his second language just show how little you are , how weak is your argument and how trivial is your knowledge of the matter.

Rebuilding a navy to give to Sparta for them to use is exactly what a proxy war is! Look at the weapons that US build for Ukraine and give to Ukraine to use, hence both situations are PROXY WARS! There is no evidence of DIRECT MILITARY INVOLVEMENT of Persian Forces in Peloponnesian! However in Corinthian War Persian fleet was DIRECTLY INVOLVED in destroying the Spartan Fleet in Battle of Cnidus, therefore it ceases to be a proxy war!

Thats it, end of discussion. I win!
I have a question
What are the problems facing Iran to get a full version of the RQ-170
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