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I do not know if rumors about Turkey sending 300 headchoppers to yemen is true or false...if true...turkey is stepping out on to the Iranian turf...and we all know where that goes...both powers know where the boundaries are...may be not true ..Al saud gang is going to lose Marib province and its oil fields to the houthis ...they are desperate not to end the war with a big defeat like that..
I hope turkey is wise enough..this will not be Garabagh...it is Iran red lines.
Like I said earlier, everyone from Blackwater, to Columbian mercenaries, Sudanese, basically they've all tried their hand at Yemen and ended up coming back in caskets. Keep in mind this is with the Saudis retaining full air supremacy, so realistically I'm not sure how much impact Turkish mercenaries can make in this war.

To send them to Nagorno-Karabakh, they had to trick them, not informing them that it was an active wazone. When it comes to Yemen, everyone knows what's going on over there and $2000-$4000 is peanuts for a mercenary to be sent into a warzone. American mercenaries receive $1000 a day to be deployed to Afghanistan.

I do not know if rumors about Turkey sending 300 headchoppers to yemen is true or false...if true...turkey is stepping out on to the Iranian turf...and we all know where that goes...both powers know where the boundaries are...may be not true ..Al saud gang is going to lose Marib province and its oil fields to the houthis ...they are desperate not to end the war with a big defeat like that..
I hope turkey is wise enough..this will not be Garabagh...it is Iran red lines.
and $2000-$4000 is peanuts for a mercenary to be sent into a warzone.
Not in all cases. How much Does IRGC pay Fatemeyioun and Zaynabioun soldiers monthly? its probably $1000- $3,000 monthly also. For some who would still do it for religious duty, the money might be an extra/ a good bonus.

For ex, $2000- $4000 a month is great money for an Afghan...
I do not know if rumors about Turkey sending 300 headchoppers to yemen is true or false...if true...turkey is stepping out on to the Iranian turf...and we all know where that goes...both powers know where the boundaries are...may be not true ..Al saud gang is going to lose Marib province and its oil fields to the houthis ...they are desperate not to end the war with a big defeat like that..
I hope turkey is wise enough..this will not be Garabagh...it is Iran red lines.
I am deeply concerned with the level of infestation from the evil pan insects and their potential to do great harm from within in any Iran vs
Turkey scenario. These pan insect movements need a violent and brutal and immediate destruction ASAP!
Well that's just it. Fighting for a cause is one thing, but fighting for monetary gain is another matter entirely. A few thousand dollars to fight in an active warzone like Yemen, is simply not worth it. Like I said, the Syrian militants that were sent to Nagorno Karabakh were mostly tricked into going. Also, many militant commanders in Syria have strictly forbidden Syrian militants from traveling abroad to fight in other warzones like Libya, Nagorno-Karabakh, Yemen, etc because it depletes their own forces. Militant rebel commanders in Idlib actually blamed Erdogan/Turkey for the humiliating Saraqib loss last year.
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Yes I'm sure Sultan Murad division surely wants to help poor Yemeni women and children. Saudis are about to lose Marib. They must be really getting desperate to hire a bunch of rowdy headchoppers LOL

You talk about tasting medicine but there's an old saying "you reap what you sow" So you send head choppers into Yemen, well Houthis are not exactly YPG. Just today the Houthis hit another Saudi airport surrounded by cutting edge air defense systems.

If you send head choppers into Yemen to abuse Yemeni people don't be shocked if Houthis retaliate. Saudis have better air defenses and a better airforce than you and so far they keep getting hit. Didn't YPG kill a bunch of your militants today and hit Turkish territory with a rocket ? Seems to me like you have enough trouble in Syria & Iraq, but I've heard that Erdogan is running low on funds.That explains it.

Just keep in mind, you're not immune to retaliation and you don't have any impunity. You send forces into a foreign country without permission, expect bullets, caskets and missiles to come your way.

why do they want to hit Turkey? while there are still NGO s in Turkey making campaign to help yemeni civilians and children????
i think iranians want to hit turkey but what after that? they may taste their own medicine after an attack, bear in mind Turkey is not saudi.
So far Houthis have done a good job bypassing cutting edge air defense systems. Today they hit another airport in Saudi Arabia. If Turkey sends headchoppers into Yemen, honestly they'll make for good practice targets for Houthis. So far Blackwater, Columbian mercenaries, Sudanese, Egyptian, UAE, Saudi troops and mercenaries have all failed miserably. I feel sorry for any militants being sent to their deaths in Yemen.

I'm sorry, but it still needs 500km more for Izmir. However, according to this map, Antalya, which our Iranian brothers love so much, may remains within the circle, if all other countries airspaces are passed by like drawing with a ruler. Of course, this can be a good hobby to improve map drawing skills, but still at the beginner level. :)
Not in all cases. How much Does IRGC pay Fatemeyioun and Zaynabioun soldiers monthly? its probably $1000- $3,000 monthly also. For some who would still do it for religious duty, the money might be an extra/ a good bonus.

For ex, $2000- $4000 a month is great money for an Afghan...

nowhere near Afghan get paid 400$ to 500$ two month
Pakistani about 300$ two maanth
Azerbaijani fighter + they have to apply in there form for martyrdom mean free otherwise they will not be accepted,
Nigerian $500 to 600$ a manth
Irgc FIGHTER GET Zero nothing exact what where getting paid as they were before working for irgc in Iran,
Iranian volunteers - Basji again Zeo i mean big Zero
Iraqi Fighters get paid by Iraqies but again nothing special
Heres a rather remarkable piece of footage courtesy of our old friend and "military expert" babak taghvaee
It shows a yemeni qasef 2k drone being engaged by a saudi f15 firing an aim-9x a2a missile at it.
Whats quite striking is that even after the a2a missile has detonated,the drone itself still appears to be physically intact,tho likely tumbling out of control.
I do have to wonder how much this a2a engagement cost in dollar terms?,likely at least several hundred thousand dollars for the aim-9x,plus however many thousands of dollars per hour of f15 flight time,and all this just to shoot down a small kamikaze drone that likely cost under ten thousand dollars,tho it could be even cheaper......
Heres a rather remarkable piece of footage courtesy of our old friend and "military expert" babak taghvaee
It shows a yemeni qasef 2k drone being engaged by a saudi f15 firing an aim-9x a2a missile at it.
Whats quite striking is that even after the a2a missile has detonated,the drone itself still appears to be physically intact,tho likely tumbling out of control.
I do have to wonder how much this a2a engagement cost in dollar terms?,likely at least several hundred thousand dollars for the aim-9x,plus however many thousands of dollars per hour of f15 flight time,and all this just to shoot down a small kamikaze drone that likely cost under ten thousand dollars,tho it could be even cheaper......
I do have to wonder how much this a2a engagement cost in dollar terms? 1,5 million dollar for US army for SA its up to somewhere between 2 - 2,5 million dollar
Heres a rather remarkable piece of footage courtesy of our old friend and "military expert" babak taghvaee
It shows a yemeni qasef 2k drone being engaged by a saudi f15 firing an aim-9x a2a missile at it.
Whats quite striking is that even after the a2a missile has detonated,the drone itself still appears to be physically intact,tho likely tumbling out of control.
I do have to wonder how much this a2a engagement cost in dollar terms?,likely at least several hundred thousand dollars for the aim-9x,plus however many thousands of dollars per hour of f15 flight time,and all this just to shoot down a small kamikaze drone that likely cost under ten thousand dollars,tho it could be even cheaper......

Very good point, indeed. That is what is killing Saudis. The West is not talking about this, but Saudis are burning through so much money, they are themselves very concerned. They just don't want to admit they totally f**ked up in Yemen.
Heres a cool looking pick,its a naseh jet powered uav armed with 4 manpads,probably misagh.
Excellent spotting:tup:.
So,probably an even more expensive engagement for the saudis then[LOL!].
Considering how quickly the f15 appears on the scene,the missile must`ve had to have been fired at extremely close range,not that surprising considering how small the radar signature of a drone this size likely is.
Very good point, indeed. That is what is killing Saudis. The West is not talking about this, but Saudis are burning through so much money, they are themselves very concerned. They just don't want to admit they totally f**ked up in Yemen.

True, but it goes deeper than that. The US has Saudi over a barrel (a milking cow so to speak). This also has impacted IRI's thinking on peeling Saudi away from the US as she retreats rather than outright moving to implode it. Saudi implosion doesn't benefit anyone. Saudi transition away from the US does, however..:)
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