Brave IRIS crews!!!!. PLAN started with patrols around Gulf of Aden 15 years ago and nowadays they have some of the best warships with hundreds of trained crews. Iran can easily build newer frigates and equipments, but trained crews are the truly core of a modern Navy, and IRIN have shown an ambition truly remarkable. Train, train train... warships will come. No other nation ride corvettes sized warships in so long distances in peacetime.
but this mission with IRIS Dena 75 and the one last year arrived in St. Petersburg Russia with IRIS Sahand 74, have shown that these light frigates are good and reliable ships.
But surely sailing with ships of small dimensions and low displacement for stormy oceans and for many months should not be comfortable, indeed month after month it can become stressful, different for the crew on board the gigantic IRIS Makran 441 ship.
These considerations made me think of a hypothesis:
Do you think it is possible that IRIS Dena 75 set sail for the mission with a number of sailors to form +/- 2 crews, let me explain, a group of sailors and officers make up a crew aboard the frigate and a second group of sailors and officers who make up another crew resting on board the IRIS Makran 441, who then, at the end of a certain number of days of navigation, all or in groups, replace the personnel who were on board the frigate, who in turn will go to rest at aboard the IRIS Makran 441.
If they eventually used this method, the mission to circumnavigate the globe, instead of giving all-important experience to one crew, this experience would be doubled