It is a well known fact and strategy of usa to not only ALLOW, but also help to develop a western freindly nation, that borders a nation, they are targetting for destablization. They did it with regards to East Germany, they have done it with regards to North Korea, and China.
In our part of the World the occupied Palestine by the fascist zionists has amongst other roles been groomed to have the same function. The only difference is, that in 60 years, with all your bloodsucking of the poor American people, with all the help by the entire western World, with all your theft and genocide of the palestinian people, you have proven to be so incompetent, that you are still a broken force, not even capable of sustaining yourselves!
Hopfully one day the people of the World will finally see through your lies, unite against your bankers and blackmailers, unite against you and do to you, what has been done to us on your behest!, And I bet the key to my appartment, that you will not even last A YEAR!.
We may not live a 100 years of an empty life. We may not drive mercedes or have the newest flat screen. We are paying the Price for our independence in a World well on its way towards a global dictatorship, that will make the nazi Germany look like a kindergarden. A global nightmare created by your ideologs and your financiers! Still we will be standing tall long after you fascist zionists are nothing but a forgotten disgrace in the minds of a few academics! Have no doubt, one day people of the world will curse you for all eternity!