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Iranian Missiles | News and Discussions

These facilities are very far from areas controlled by the Houthi/Ansarullah group in Yemen, so this attack shows growing capabilities on the Houthis' side. It seems, as they build more drones, they're making advances on bigger drones that can reach far distances.

Possibly done by Houthi allies among Shias of Bahrain----truth is that if Iran wants and especially in the event of war all oil refineries in Saudi Arabia will be burning like candles....This attack is just one little response to oil embargo

Possibly done by Houthi allies among Shias of Bahrain----truth is that if Iran wants and especially in the event of war all oil refineries in Saudi Arabia will be burning like candles....This attack is just one little response to oil embargo
No way by Shias of Bahrain. They are very small and insignificant.

Houthis said they had help from intelligence on the ground, this was in Shia East Saudi Arabia, so that is more likely...

Also apparently two separate sites were hit. But from the images and videos I saw at least 7 major sources of fire, suggesting 7+ major successful impacts.
It is absurd to think Iran would directly attack KSA like that, that would be a clear declaration of war.

Where is your source for Kuwait? Al Jarida???

Houthis already claimed responsibility for this and had a press conference detailing that this attack was 10 drones and intelligence from the ground.

Another possibility is that the attack originated from Iraq hence passed through Kuwait that way. But no way in hell did this originate in Iran!

i just guess as no one knows yet were they were from but they were filmed in Kuwait air space so its either from Iraq or Iran or Kuwait it self so i asked everyone did we attack SA as those sounded more like cruise missiles then small UAVs.

Houthis apparently also used their Quds-1 Cruise missile on the attack on Aramco oil facilities at Abqaiq KSA, replica of the Iranian "Sumar". The tail part can be seen without the booster which was jettisoned after launch.





With 0.1 m^2 RCS?!


It may be a good system for testing various sensors, navigation & guidance systems for LACM but not a good system for practical military use for ground launched land attack cruise missiles.

For cruise missiles you'll need a high rate of fire due to their limited speed during terminal guidance especially against modern thermal sensors that will pick them up and especially with advancements made in lasers and other directed energy weapons that will be assisting more advanced AAA and other SHORAD systems.

so Iran has to take into account the number of launches you can have per vehicle, the number of personal needed per launch, the set up time for each launch, rate of fire, storage of a large stock and the ease and survivability during transport and handling,.... all of which this missile gets negative marks on.

Putting proper retractable wings, a proper container and launchers doesn't effect your overall cost by that much for you to cut corners in that way so whomever came up with this design clearly wasn't thinking that clearly and I honestly don't see how the mass production of this missile makes any kind of sense.
i just guess as no one knows yet were they were from but they were filmed in Kuwait air space so its either from Iraq or Iran or Kuwait it self so i asked everyone did we attack SA as those sounded more like cruise missiles then small UAVs.

Houthis apparently also used their Quds-1 Cruise missile on the attack on Aramco oil facilities at Abqaiq KSA, replica of the Iranian "Sumar". The tail part can be seen without the booster which was jettisoned after launch.





What's your source for these images?

@skyshadow I found the source - a Saudi propaganda Twitter account ("MbKS15").

Please be more careful in sharing Saudi propaganda or at least state the source so it's clear it's not a reliable source.
Possibly done by Houthi allies among Shias of Bahrain----truth is that if Iran wants and especially in the event of war all oil refineries in Saudi Arabia will be burning like candles....This attack is just one little response to oil embargo
Ever since the US didn't shoot down the Iranian drone, the military momentum and advantage in the Middle east has been on Iran's side. Thats the way it looks to me.
They told us that Israel's military is HIGH TECH and BEST in the Middle east, but when Hezbollah threatened an attack, IDF cleared the entire border with Lebanon and left dummy soldiers and treated them like real humans until they arrived in the hospital for operation. Are those types of IDF ready for a real war? Saudi Arabia was given the best military technology and training that US has, and they have surplus cash for their military, but they still cant use that to have an effective military or successful military campaign in Yemen.

The US was played a card, and the US didn't play it well,and i hate to say that(but maybe thats a good thing called peace).

i just guess as no one knows yet were they were from but they were filmed in Kuwait air space so its either from Iraq or Iran or Kuwait it self so i asked everyone did we attack SA as those sounded more like cruise missiles then small UAVs.

Houthis apparently also used their Quds-1 Cruise missile on the attack on Aramco oil facilities at Abqaiq KSA, replica of the Iranian "Sumar". The tail part can be seen without the booster which was jettisoned after launch.





i hope this is clear evidence that Iran supports the Houthis militarily? I know this has been considered a cospiracy theory by several members of PDF, but we are seeing direct clear evidence. Countries seem to be transferring weapons via transfer of source information and knowledge vs transfer of physical military hardware.
It may be a good system for testing various sensors, navigation & guidance systems for LACM but not a good system for practical military use for ground launched land attack cruise missiles.

For cruise missiles you'll need a high rate of fire due to their limited speed during terminal guidance especially against modern thermal sensors that will pick them up and especially with advancements made in lasers and other directed energy weapons that will be assisting more advanced AAA and other SHORAD systems.

so Iran has to take into account the number of launches you can have per vehicle, the number of personal needed per launch, the set up time for each launch, rate of fire, storage of a large stock and the ease and survivability during transport and handling,.... all of which this missile gets negative marks on.

Putting proper retractable wings, a proper container and launchers doesn't effect your overall cost by that much for you to cut corners in that way so whomever came up with this design clearly wasn't thinking that clearly and I honestly don't see how the mass production of this missile makes any kind of sense.

You are confusing stealth cruise missiles with regular cruise missiles. A stealth cruise missile does not in fact need to be fired in large numbers and would actually be illogical as a large swarm of stealth cruise missiles would cause a higher likelihood of radar scatter and greater detection.

And I don’t know what Star Wars world you live in, but there isn’t a laser that can take down a stealth cruise missile at 30,000 altitude going 900km/hr.

If stats are correct a 900km/hr very low RCS cruise missile operating under a avoidance radar route can easily pass most Air defense envelopes and strike the target.

The world isn’t as Hollywood Movie like as you like to portray as the recent attack on Saudi Arabia oil terminal illustrated.

This missile is valuable as an asset to use. As this the 1st generation, I expect more improvements.
Iran IRGC_AS chief Gen. Hajizadeh: 2000KM anti-ship ballistic missile

Iran Brigadier General Amir Ali Hajizadeh, the commander of the IRGC's Aerospace: US military vessels are within reach of our anti-ship ballistic missiles ( ASBM ) up to a radius of 2,000 kilometers, readiness of the forces to respond after shot down U.S MQ-4 drone in case of any U.S military retaliation

“In addition to US bases in the region, we have all their vessels, including aircraft carriers and warships, under fire of our missiles to a radius of 2,000 kilometers, and are constantly monitoring them,” the Iranian commander said.
He added, "They (Americans) thought that they could get out of our range of [missile] fire if they stand 400 kilometers away [from Iran's territorial waters]. However, no matter where they are, if a conflict is ignited, their warships will be first to be targeted by our fire."
Iran IRGC_AS chief Gen. Hajizadeh: 2000KM anti-ship ballistic missile

Iran Brigadier General Amir Ali Hajizadeh, the commander of the IRGC's Aerospace: US military vessels are within reach of our anti-ship ballistic missiles ( ASBM ) up to a radius of 2,000 kilometers, readiness of the forces to respond after shot down U.S MQ-4 drone in case of any U.S military retaliation

“In addition to US bases in the region, we have all their vessels, including aircraft carriers and warships, under fire of our missiles to a radius of 2,000 kilometers, and are constantly monitoring them,” the Iranian commander said.
He added, "They (Americans) thought that they could get out of our range of [missile] fire if they stand 400 kilometers away [from Iran's territorial waters]. However, no matter where they are, if a conflict is ignited, their warships will be first to be targeted by our fire."

How Iran is going to track and target a warship at 2000km...You need satellites for that
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