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Iranian Missiles | News and Discussions


Is he (Adelson) who the fool who said we need to drop a bomb in middle of desert in Iran ?
NO brother .

He is head of all i mean all U.S intelligence agencies i mean all . CIA +DIA +safelite**** +++++++++++++++++ all . he know every thing but he cant let cat out of bag and tell the whole world that the game is over and U.S can not do sh@t .

because U.S and every president and establishment in US have given grantee to Israel and the Saudis and Turkey and NATO +++++++ that Iran will not and US will not allow Iran to be military supper power with full capabilities
U.S need to Show to Japan and South Korea they are still in charge of persian gulf and they can score full flow oil and Iran ca not do nothing .

every American president has promised the whole world Iran will be nothing
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TEHRAN, 2011, July 09 -- Dr. Hamid Fazeli, head of Iran's Space Organization, in an interview with IRNA said the planned Kavoshgar rocket is similar to the Safir rocket in terms of structure, which will launch a biocapsule with live monkey into a suborbital altitude of 120 kilometers. The Kavoshgar rocket will be launched during the month of Mordad (July 23 to August 23) with a 285-kilogramme capsule.

TEHRAN, 2011, Aug. 22
-- The Iranian Space Agency (ISA) said Iran plans to launch a domestically-built satellite carrier Kavoshgar into space by theend of summer.
Kavoshgar's cargo, with a weight of 300 kg, contains a biological capsule in which a rhesus monkey will be placed. The rocket will be orbiting at an altitude of 120 to 130 kilometers above the Earth’s surface.

TEHRAN, 2011, Oct. 03 -- Iran's plans to send a live monkey into space have been postponed indefinitely, the country's top space official said, quoted by the state television website. "One cannot give a set date for this project and as soon as our nation's scientists announce the readiness (of the project) it will be announced," said Hamid Fazeli, head of Iran's Space Organisation. He gave no reason for the postponement.

TEHRAN, 2012, January 04
-- Head of the Iranian Space Agency (ISA) says the country will launch a bio-capsule carrying a living creature into space within the next two months. Hamid Fazeli told reporters that the national project will be carried out by sending a monkey into space using a new bio-capsule.
According to Fazeli, ISA scientists are designing and manufacturing a new bio-capsule an example of which was launched into space last winter. Since it returned to Earth, we have been trying to upgrade it by “solving its problems and boosting its technical features,” he noted.

A issue of the Jane's Defense Weekly (2012, November 21) reports that Iran has tried a third orbital launch attempt of the year with a Safir rocket sometime between September 22 and October 25, but apparently the result was even worse than the last one: it exploded (?) on the launch pad.
Here we can see the preparations for the launch. But it is not a Safir launcher to see, probably is it a Kavoshgar (Shahab-3) on TEL. Possibly should it be the launch of a liquid fuel Kavoshgar. It was announced already one year ago and then postponedindefinitely.

TEHRAN, 2013, Dec. 24 -- Director of Iran Aerospace Systems Research Center Mohammad Ebrahimi noted that the country has so far launched eight carriers into space and the last two had living creatures onboard.
He said more time will be needed to develop a more complex carrier capable of carrying human beings.
Ebrahimi further stated that Iran intends to take slow but scientific and logical steps in the field of aerospace, adding that Iranian scientists plan to cross the threshold of bio-space research in their next stride. He added that planning and conceptual designing for the ninth Iranian-developed carrier is already underway.
Note:Resumption of the Shahab-3 project with a new suitablereturn capsule ?
Quote: "The next step is to send a Kavoshgar to a height of 175 km with a payload of 500 kg" (or more)

TEHRAN, 2014, May 04
-- The head of Iran’s Aerospace Research Institute has said the country will launch new generation of Kavoshgar rockets, jetting in a higher height comparing to the previous rockets.
Dr. Mohammad Ebrahimi told Mehr News that Iran’s Aerospace Research Institute has an orbital and suborbital project to send the living thing to the space; “first we will send the living thing to suborbital space and then with the advancement of the technology, it would be sent orbital space and beyond; our ultimate goal is sending the first man from Iran to the space,” he added.
Ebrahimi said that in current Iranian year the institute had plans to send the new generation of Kavoshgar to space and added that like the new Kavoshgar's, they are not cylindrical, but like world standard.
He held that to reach the capability to send a man to the space first we should send an object up to 150 to 200 km height suborbital space and then, “we should send this object to space to the orbit of 250 km around the earth, both plans need a carrier to provide the energy needed for the object’s movement.

TEHRAN, 2014, May 19 -- Iran announced plans to launch another Kavoshgar rocket into space in the near future.
"A one-ton Kavoshgar will be sent to orbit at an altitude of 150 to 200 kilometers from the earth this year," Head of Iran’s Aerospace Research Institute Mohammad Ebrahimi, who also supervises Iran's project for sending man into space, said in an interview with the state-run Islamic republic news agency.
He said that the geometrical specifications of the Kavoshgar to be used in this launch will be similar to the previous ones, but the new Kavoshgar is cylindrospheric in form, that is a mixture of cylinder and sphere.
Ebrahimi explained that the rocket enjoys recovery and backup systems which make its launch more reliable and safe. He said once this Kavoshgar is sent to the orbit, the third step to send astronauts into suborbital space will be taken.

TEHRAN, 2014, June 06 -- Mansour Kabganian, Chief Director of Iran's national project for building a spaceship, said that Iran is working on plans to build a spacecraft to send more living creatures into lower orbits in future.
The spacecraft's dimensions are 1.5 meters and it weighs 100kg (meant is 1000kg). The spacecraft will be sent "to a low (sub)orbit" with a Kavoshgar rocket.

Dimensions. Source ARI

Iran's one-man capsule (just presented)

Capsule details: ~1,000 kg; 1.85 x 2.30 m

Kavoshgar-8 - only an intermediate step

TEHRAN, 2013, April 10 -- Head of Iran's Space Agency (ISA) Hamid Fazeli announced that his agency plans to send more living creatures into the space on the back of an Kavoshgar rocket which consumes liquid fuel.
"The Kavoshgar rocket carrying living creatures will be launched this year using liquid fuel," Fazeli said.
He referred to the previous dispatch of living creatures by Iran into the space, and said in the previous mission the carrier used solid fuel, but this time the Kavoshgar will use liquid fuel "and we hope that by using liquid fuel we can increase the speed of the launch to four to six Gs which is the best speed for launching living creatures".
TEHRAN, 2013, Sept. 07 -- Deputy Head of Iran's Space Agency (ISA) Hamid Fazeli announced that his agency plans to send a living creature into the space on board a liquid-fuel carrierwithin the next 45 days.TEHRAN, 2013, Dec. 08 -- The suborbital flight of a return capsule with a monkey aboard is now announced for the period of the next 10 days. The liquid-fuel launcher to carry the capsule to an altitude of 120 km.

TEHRAN, 2013, Dec. 10 --
Iran will launch Kavoshgar (Pazhuhesh) rocket, carrying a living creature into space next week, General Mehdi Farahi, deputy defense minister and head of Iran's Aerospace Organization, announced.
TEHRAN, 2013, Dec. 14
-- Iran says it has successfully sent a monkey into space for a second time. The liquid fueled rocket is called Kavoshgar-Pazhuhesh. The monkey is called "Fargam". After a sub-orbital trajectory to an altitude of 120 kilometers, approximately 15 minutes in duration return the monkey.
Meanwhile further details were published of the launch and return of the monkey. The surprise is that NOT a Shahab-3, but a Shahab-1 (Scud) was used as carrier rocket.




TEHRAN, 2007, Nov. 27 --- Iran has built a new longer-range ballistic missile named "Ashura" with a range of 2,000 kilometers , the defense minister Mostafa Mohammad Najjar said.TEHRAN, 2008, Nov. 12 --- Iran test fired a new generation of ground-to-ground missile, the defence minister Mostafa Mohammad Najjar as said. "This is a two-stage missile carrying two engines with combined solid fuel," Najjar said, adding that the missile was named "Sejil".

TEHRAN, 2008, Nov. 18
--- Iran flew its new missile for the second time. Iran's defense Minister Mustafa Najjer was sufficiently satisfied to release impressive video footage showing what was clearly a previously unknown large multistage ballistic missile roaring off a mobile launcher. In a series of interviews after the test, Najjer stressed that the new "Ashura" missile is renamed "Sejil", and had a range of more then 2,000 kilometers and that it was a two-stage design, powered by composite solid-propellant rocket motors.

TEHRAN, 2009, May 20
--- Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said that the country successfully launched an advanced surface-to-surface missile Sejil-2 with a range of about 2,000 km, the official IRNA news agency reported. The Sejil missiles use solid fuel and perform in two stages.

TEHRAN, 2009, Dec. 16
--- Iran has successfully tested an optimized version of the solid-fuel Sejil-2 missile. This new version of the Sejil-2 is faster during the powered flight portion of its trajectory and also during the re-entry phase. It is also harder to detect for anti-missile systems, as it is covered with anti-radar material. The new highly maneuverable missile is also more efficient as it requires less amount of time for prelaunch preparations. The engine and various fuels have been tested and the platform is now highly reliable.

Against first conjectures is this new large Iranian two-stage solid propellant missile "Sejil" not based on ChineseDong Feng missiles DF-11 or DF-15 because the diameter is approximately 1.25 m and not 0.88 or 1.10 m. An affinity to the Chinese M-18 (Pakistani Shaheen-2) with a diameter of 1.40 m can not be recognized also. That means that the origin is unknown up to now. It is reported that this missile was developed and produced under the leadership of the Air and Space Organization Department of the Iranian Ministry of Defense.

I can not believe that Iran has developed the Sejil missile without technology transfer. For other missiles, such an technology transfer was always detectable.
The little-known Soviet 5Ya27 missile and the South African “Arniston” missile (Jericho-II in Israel) are the world's known two missiles with a diameter of about 1.3 m. The Arniston (Jericho-II) missile is not more in consideration, after a objection by Israeli experts.




A military truck carries a Sejil missile during the military parade Tehran on September 22, 2009

ressure gas boxes for first stage thrusters Second stage thrusters with four boxes


Pipeline and covered thrusters


Open boxes at the rear



On the Sejil missile are visible four little boxes at the base of both stages of the rocket. They contain probably high-pressure-gas or hydrazine. From these tanks the filling is supplied to thrusters in the middle part of the first stage and at low end of the second stage. The thrusters are activates to stabilize the flight of the rocket, as well as with the intent of avoidance of a potentially collision after separation from the first stage, before the second stage ignites
On the pictures below, is to see that the boxes are closed by plates. It is now clear that the jet vanes are welded on the plates.


Sejil missile in launch position



That's new

Recently there was a missile exhibition in Tehran and for the first time there are exact specifications for several of Iran's missiles such as the Ghadr-I (called the Ghadr-F in Iran) and the Sejil missiles. Also Iran displayed the specifications for the Qiam-1 and Shahab-2 as well. These have been accompanied by images. Also of interest is excellent close up images of the Sejil's engine exhaust area, showing it uses jet vanes.

Max. Range: 800 km
Total Weight: 6155 kg
Length: 16 m (!? I guess it is 10.6 m )
Diameter: 88 cm
Warhead Weight: 747 kg
Propellant: Liquid Fuel
Flight Ceiling: 126 km
Flight Path: Ballistic


Max. Range: 500 km
Min. Range: 50 km
Total Weight: 6055 kg
Length: 11 m
Diameter: 88 cm
Warhead Weight: 747 kg
Propellant: Liquid Fuel
Flight Ceiling: 125 km
Flight Path: Ballistic

Max. Range: 2000 km

Total Weight: 23623 kg

Length: 17.57 m
Diameter: 1.25 m
Warhead Weight: 500 kg (!!!)
Propellant: Solid Fuel
Flight Time: 835 s

Flight Path: Ballistic


Max. Range: 1948 km
Length: 15.86 m
Propellant: Liquid Fuel
Guidance System: Inertial (imu)
Flight Path: Ballistic

One of interesting points of information of these posters is warhead weight of Sejil, I don't know how much these information are credible, but I think if warhead weight of Sejil is really 500 kg (less than Fateh-110 or Qiam-1 or Shahab-2), So max. range of two stage Sejil missile with 23 tons weight and 17.5 m length, is much more than 2000 km (the same range of liquid fuel 15.86 m Ghadr-F missile).

Qiam-1 missile:

Warhead of Qiam-1:

Differences of jet vanes of Ghadr-F and Sejil missiles:

Ghadr-F, Sejil, Shahab-2 and Fateh-110 missiles:


Scared Defence exhibition in Baharestan square in Tehran: 1- Persian Gulf missile.

When Persian Gulf missile was introduced for the first time, a question was raised on it: Is it radar guided missile or optical guided?
First published images didn't show nose section of missile clearly. But when images of this missile on September 2011 parade was published, it was found that it uses an optical guidance system.
Like previous years, Scared Defence exhibition was held in September 2011 in Tehran. Now Images of nose section of displayed Persian Missile on this exhibition shows it uses an Infra Red seeker:

Seems these missiles have been "Fateh 110" missiles that have been converted to Persian Gulf (Khalij Fars) missiles, notice to the nose section:

And These are images of new launcher of "Persian Gulf" missile:


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