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Iranian Missiles | News and Discussions

Here's something to ponder: the head of IRGC-ASF unveiled achievement of Basiji villagers in Mazandaran province, and shows off a guided missile. The joke is it was wired up as shown in the pictures below. Now that's what I call pure BS, corruption, waste, deceit and stupidity. Anyone wants to argue against skepticism when it comes to IRI's pronouncements?! These people lie half the time, exaggerate the other half and we are expected to believe the garbage they spew. I feel really sorry for Iranian people whose treasure is being pillaged by these lying, conniving bastards.

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مشخصه روش حسابی سرمایه گذاری کردن
پالس جت بسیار پرمصرفه بسیار هم داغ میکنه پس الیاژ مناسبی داره
به ازای هرثانیه نمونه های کوچیک 250 سی سی سوخت اعلام شده بود که تو یکی از فرو های ایرانی کسی که خودش ساخته بود گفته بود پس رو مصرف سوخت و میزان سوخت داخلی هم خوب کارکردن
به نظرم به درد ما نمیخوره چرا:
الان موتورش قوی نیست که بشه لود خوب داشته باشه
ما خودمون موتور جت با حدود 700 پاوند تراست داریم که حدود سه کیلونیوتن میشه
تولید جدید هزینه برداره یعنی باید تحقیق و توسعه دوباره بکنی اونم تکنولوژی قدیمی و یکبار مصرف
کلا به کار ماهم نمیاد دلیل توسعه این موتور چی میتونه باشه؟ کروز؟ پهپاد؟ همونا با یه موتور طلوع کارشون راه میفته پهچاد یا کروز با این موتور چه مشکلی دوا میکنه؟ موتور عملا کم تراست به دست میاد که لود بزرگ نداره پس نمیشه کروز بزرگ ساخت. البته واقف هستم که کروز وی1 هم باهمینا پرواز کرد اما چرا باید توسعه موتور جدید بدیم وقتی یکی از قبل داریم برای پهپاد هم همینطوره
کما اینکه موتور طلوع عمر مصرف سوخت بهتری داره و همچنین موتور استارت اولیه میتونه به عنوان یه ژنراتور هم عمل کنه که این پاس جت همچین چیزی نداره
تولید پهپاد هدف هم راه ساده تری داره
مثل پهپادهای لوکاست
دیدی چی ساختن؟

Masaleh Ghavi bodan neest masaleh arzoon bodan va tooled anbooh barayeh tacktick ha e Swarm e!

Baleh yeh motoreh Jet sodeh ba yek turbin va yek compressor ham metoneh ham ghodratesho beshtar koneh, ham soratesho, ham sagfe parvazeesho va ham bord o balla bebareh laken ghaymatesho neez balla tar mebareh!

Ean cheezi e keh Iran metoneh soli 10,000 ta 10,000 ta besozeh! Dar zamaneh jang jahani dovvom(WW2) Almon nazdeek 30,000 V1 sokht keh har kodoom beesh az 2 tone vazn doshtan 650 leetr benzene beshtar nemekhord va sarreh jangi ~2000lb ro 250km haml mekard "2000LB" do barra bar Tomahawk va 10 barabar mooshak e Cruise NOOR Iran

ma na modeleh 2 toni sho lazem dareem na lazem dareem 2000lb bomb haml koneh!

model ha koochek tar ba vazn e kamtar va sarreh jangi e kocheektar!

Bejayeh estefadeh az toop ha bellastic sangeen mamoli az ean ha estefadeh mekoni keh ham dagheegh tar hastand va metonan ro havva bemonan va donbaleh hadaf begardan, ham barayeh shenasaii metoni estefadashoon koni, ham baray amaliat ha va tacktic ha e mokhtalef mesleh hadaf geari helicopter ha, shenasai,......

Samaneh ha 50-80lb (sarreh jangi zeer 5lb) ta samaneh ha 300lb ba sarreh jang 30lb-50lb

Ean cheezi neest ke betoneh jayeh moshak cruise o begeareh vali choon nesbatan arzoon e va dar size ha e koocheek benzene zeyadi estefadeh nemekoneh behtarreen samanast barayeh bord kotah ba sarreh jangi kochak

Bacheh ha e sarreh marz metonan zood az paygahha kochak ya az posht e yeh vanet ean ro havva konan barayeh hamleh be takfeeri ha, barayeh poshteeboni nazdeek as afrad,.....

ean mazziyateh asleesh ean e keh arzooneh, nesbat be toop o rocket (ba hamoon bord) sabook tarreh va hamlesh va partobesh az nazareh haml o naghl rahattareh va anvaa o aghsomeh amaleyat ha e mokhtalef o metoneh anjom bedeh!
خدا لعنت کنه صداوسیمارو
expected to believe the garbage
NO ONE EXPECTED you to believe anything
really you are not important at all

I feel really sorry for Iranian people
we dont need that
that is a cheap student project maybe cost just 20$
and you extracted this from it?!!

pure BS, corruption, waste, deceit and stupidity. Anyone wants to argue against skepticism when it comes to IRI's pronouncements?! These people lie half the time, exaggerate the other half and we are expected to believe the garbage they spew. I feel really sorry for Iranian people whose treasure is being pillaged by these lying, conniving bastards.
with one students project?!
Here's something to ponder: the head of IRGC-ASF unveiled achievement of Basiji villagers in Mazandaran province, and shows off a guided missile. The joke is it was wired up as shown in the pictures below. Now that's what I call pure BS, corruption, waste, deceit and stupidity. Anyone wants to argue against skepticism when it comes to IRI's pronouncements?! These people lie half the time, exaggerate the other half and we are expected to believe the garbage they spew. I feel really sorry for Iranian people whose treasure is being pillaged by these lying, conniving bastards.

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yea it was flying funny! I get it now a true Fly by wire system! LOL!

These people are part of the Basij and it seems they didn't really build anything or if they did they didn't show it! so why the head of the IRGC would go there IDK! It doesn't really make any sense! Maybe they were claiming that they built something and they were trying to get funding for it & they got busted when the head of the IRGC showed up with cameras IDK! But it's a JOKE & it's even more embarrassing than when Ahmadinejad showed up for the F-313 mockup!

IRGC is mostly self funded because the cash they get from the government is chump change for them compared to their own yearly income and they aren't going to hand out money to anyone unless they have something real!
arzoon bodan
من جواب اینو دادم
شما یه سرچ بکن همیشه راه ارزونتر از موتور پالس جت فوق العاده پرمصرف هست
پهپاد های لوکاست رو دیدی چجوری هستن؟
و قیمت پایین تولید راحت کاربری اسون دارین
میدونستی تو سوریه یکی مشابهش رو نیروها گرفت؟
یه سرچ بزن
میشه باموتورهای پیستونی فوقالعاده کوچیک و کم مصرف هم درستش کردکه خیلی کم حجمتر درمیاد اصولا شما وقتی صحبت از روش حمله پرتعداد میکنی باید حجم کلی قیمت و ایناشم در نظر داشته باشی
اونم موتوری مثل موتور پالس که سوخت زیادی میخوره و همینطور جای زیادی برای پرتاب نیاز داره

لانچرش نگاه کن
موتور پالس جت اصلا تو این اندازه در نمیاد و همچین لانچری نمیشه برای حجم بزرگش توسعه داد

@ vevak
khoda nagzare ke faghat maye estehza mishan
hamin moonde bood in nekbat biad inja behemoon bekhande


اینو حتی میشه ضد رادار و یا نسخه اپتیکی انفجاری برای برخی مقاصد ازش درست کرد
مثلا خودشو بزنه تو فرماندهی پدافند یا خود ردار با اپتیک

خدا لعنت کنه صداوسیمارو

NO ONE EXPECTED you to believe anything
really you are not important at all

we dont need that
that is a cheap student project maybe cost just 20$
and you extracted this from it?!!

with one students project?!

Vagheaan khoda lanateshoon koneh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Takhseer e Hajizadeh ham hast! Ean cheh vazesheh! Rosta e moshaki o do teetr dar Farsnews darbareh ean maskharehbozi ha!

Ean cheh aberoo reezi e!




Mesleh ean keh Basiji ha e ean rosta yeh Video ferestadan be Farmondeh ha e Sepah toosh seem ha ro ghayem kardan keh az sepah pool begearan bad Chand rooz bad Hajizadeh pashodeh ba seda o sema rafteh onja o hamehchee ghar ghati shodeh o eanam bejayeh ean keh sonsoor konan yejoor degheh peechondanesh
. .
من جواب اینو دادم
شما یه سرچ بکن همیشه راه ارزونتر از موتور پالس جت فوق العاده پرمصرف هست
پهپاد های لوکاست رو دیدی چجوری هستن؟
و قیمت پایین تولید راحت کاربری اسون دارین
میدونستی تو سوریه یکی مشابهش رو نیروها گرفت؟
یه سرچ بزن
میشه باموتورهای پیستونی فوقالعاده کوچیک و کم مصرف هم درستش کردکه خیلی کم حجمتر درمیاد اصولا شما وقتی صحبت از روش حمله پرتعداد میکنی باید حجم کلی قیمت و ایناشم در نظر داشته باشی
اونم موتوری مثل موتور پالس که سوخت زیادی میخوره و همینطور جای زیادی برای پرتاب نیاز داره

لانچرش نگاه کن
موتور پالس جت اصلا تو این اندازه در نمیاد و همچین لانچری نمیشه برای حجم بزرگش توسعه داد

@ vevak
khoda nagzare ke faghat maye estehza mishan
hamin moonde bood in nekbat biad inja behemoon bekhande


اینو حتی میشه ضد رادار و یا نسخه اپتیکی انفجاری برای برخی مقاصد ازش درست کرد
مثلا خودشو بزنه تو فرماندهی پدافند یا خود ردار با اپتیک

Baleh eanjooreesh ham lazem doreem laken moshkeleh ean samaneh kamboodeh soraateh va zeddeh bolgard nemetoni estefadeh koni

You also need a larger and more advanced and expensive lithium ion battery that can not only power your Blushless electric motor for 90 minutes but also power all your electronics & your detonator! To mass produce for Iran the engine and gas would be cheaper and easier than that battery & motor that can last that long

And 70mph is as fast as a car which limits the type of operation they can be used for and makes them easier targets for AAA systems because they are slower

shoma shirazi hasti?

Qom o Tehran! Hardo madarbozorgam Qom bedonya omadan vali baghiyeh Tehran...
bekhater hamina goftam!
Baleh eanjooreesh ham lazem doreem laken moshkeleh ean samaneh kamboodeh soraateh va zeddeh bolgard nemetoni estefadeh koni
mitooneh porsoraat azash sakhte beshe
You also need a larger and more advanced and expensive lithium ion battery that can not only power your Blushless electric motor for 90 minutes but also power all your electronics & your detonator! To mass produce for Iran the engine and gas would be cheaper and easier than that battery & motor that can last that long
be nazar man motor electronici sade tar kam hazine tare TA MOTOR GAZI. ye motor gazi ghematesh had aghal 10 barabar ye motor electgrici sade ast. rahattar ham dakheli saz mishe.
omr bishtari ham dare kama inke mitoni ba ye gire ghollab ya chizi moshabeh dobare bigiri va bazyabish koni
bekhater hamina goftam!

mitooneh porsoraat azash sakhte beshe

be nazar man motor electronici sade tar kam hazine tare TA MOTOR GAZI. ye motor gazi ghematesh had aghal 10 barabar ye motor electgrici sade ast. rahattar ham dakheli saz mishe.
omr bishtari ham dare kama inke mitoni ba ye gire ghollab ya chizi moshabeh dobare bigiri va bazyabish koni

Mesleh yavapaymaha e RC on ha ro ham mitono boz sozi koni!
Motoreh Pulse Jet as sokhtan e botteri lithiumi rahattar va arzoontar e va benzeeneh lazem barayeh samaneh ha e 50lb-300lb Pulsejet as yek brushless electric motor engine arzoontar
We are talking about enough Gas to fill a motorcycle or a small car inside Iran $5-$15

hobby shop prices just to compare


And a simple lithium battery from a Hobby shop runs for

You'll need 3 or more of these for 90 minutes flight time let alone other electronics


So trust me pulsejet would be a lot easer & cheaper for Iran to mass produce than electric
این میتونه فقط خودشو سوختشو بلند کنه ایونیکش رو کجاش بذاریمی
البته یه چجیزی هستا
شما داری رو کدوم تایپ از بی سرنشین های با تعداد بالا صحبت میکین
رو لوکاست؟
@mse21 @VEVAK
Guys! I wonder what are talking about?
That student missile is nothing but a good achievement for some villager students. Actually they have built it with zero financial and technological support. Yea it is weak and not a considerable achievement but there is a truth with it, Iran's missile program has become a part of the country's culture insofar as some villager boys can build some of weaker versions of them.
And what did you expect from General Hajizadeh?
I guess you wanted him to tell those kids, hey damned idiots! what the fuk is this you have built? It is garbage, rubbish, waste of money .... etc while no one neither IRGC has asked/supported them in it's production phases or to produce it!!!????
He just encouraged them, and i say thank you general. Those kids can be the future Tehrani Moqaddam who , in his first days of studying missiles, failed to build a 10-30 Km rocket!!! but in the final days of his life, he wanted to put satellites in GEO orbit!
. .
If it didn't have Fly-By-Wire it wouldn't have a guidance system even if the missile was guided by regular RC type remote control it would still be considered a fly by wire guidance because there is no pilot for it to be anything other than that!!!

I would recommend them to base their power plant on a pulsejet engine with a much smaller Airframe Iranian RC hobbyist make the engines in Iran it's not complicated at all that's why it would be important to know what type of guidance they've used
Fly-by-wire controlling system:
. .
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