Just curious about some of the Iranian military college/training places. In any western align military, there are military academy for entry level officers training, after you have all arms training school like junior officers training for all arms and specialized training like armed, artillery and infantry. At mid level you have command and staff college. At mid senior level you have war college for army, navy and air force. After than Colonels and above you have National defense college/university.
In Bangladesh military staff college was setup initially with UK stuff and instructor. Same goes for the war college and National defense college.
Just curious about the situation in Iran. How the mid career officers got trained ?
Is there staff college and war colleges ? Also equivalent to National defense college for Senior officers like colonels and above ?
Also, in Bangladesh staff college and defense colleges, every year we received around 40-50 foreign officers from all over the world. Do Iranian officers goes to foreign countries as well for training ?
Just curious to know !!
Just curious about some of the Iranian military college/training places. In any western align military, there are military academy for entry level officers training, after you have all arms training school like junior officers training for all arms and specialized training like armed, artillery and infantry. At mid level you have command and staff college. At mid senior level you have war college for army, navy and air force. After than Colonels and above you have National defense college/university.
In Bangladesh military staff college was setup initially with UK stuff and instructor. Same goes for the war college and National defense college.
Just curious about the situation in Iran. How the mid career officers got trained ?
Is there staff college and war colleges ? Also equivalent to National defense college for Senior officers like colonels and above ?
Also, in Bangladesh staff college and defense colleges, every year we received around 40-50 foreign officers from all over the world. Do Iranian officers goes to foreign countries as well for training ?
Just curious to know !!