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Iranian Ground Forces | News and Equipment

Iraqi Miltias have more iranian MRAPs than Iranian army
I am sure if the Army wanted to spend the money, the DIO would build Toophan's for them as well. The Army needs IFVs more than MRAPs anyways. We have seen IRGC operate the Toophan in Sistan/ Baluchistan. Those MRAPs are more suited for the border guards and they have purchased the upgraded Raksh (APC/MRAPs?) in limited numbers. I wonder why they did not choose Toophans or Raad MRAPs? Most likely they didn't want to spend the money.
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New howitzer?(next to the 122mm D-20)
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Fajr-5 artillery rocket with ... range. ... close to 150 KM...

Is it possible to expect satellite guidage, fragmentation, and anti-tank ammunition?
If so it could be a redoubtable asset in Iranian's hands.
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