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Iranian forces open fire on Afghans, dozens killed or injured

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Jeeeeezus f'ing christ!

This isn't the border crossing between Vancouver and Seattle Washington ffs! This is a border crossing in the middle of NOWHERE. 300 men are walking towards you, you're not expecting this as you would think that the Afghan guards would check their papers, they walk in freely, this means that the guards have been bought off by the men, if they're bought off than that means they're carrying drugs and in any case you start fearing your life. You have 2 options, call back up and run away and let the men walk in. Stand your ground and repell the enemy.

They took option 2. They should be given awards for doing their jobs bravely and not running away. Of course Iranian guards always stand their ground and I'm proud of them.

Warning shots are useless when you're outnumbered 30-50 to 1!!!! They fire warning shots and maybe one will move back, while 50 move forward from all directions. Next thing you know they have your gun and are shooting you and your brothers in the head.

Now stop cooking up the stories, nowhere in the OP ,it is mentioned that there were only 6 guards patrolling the boarder, and how could be they in middle of nowhere ??Iranian border are littered with posts at every 5 km or even closer.
Boarder patrol guards always remain in contact with their command and hence could have easily called in for more back up and if they were not able to call in, they could have easily tracked the group from a distance.
Rifles of boarder guards have range in excess of 1km. They could have easily fired the warning shots to scare away the crowd.
Indians BSF does the same to Pole vaulting Bangladeshis ...So lets not take the moral High ground here :confused:

As for the Afghans ,I feel sorry for the Poor souls.It is big fish eat small fish world,Its is a crime to be born

in a poor country. Life is Very Unfair .
Indians BSF does the same to Pole vaulting Bangladeshis ...So lets not take the moral High ground here :confused:

They shoot back only when they are fired at, their first intention always remains of arresting those BD smugglers.
Now stop cooking up the stories, nowhere in the OP ,it is mentioned that there were only 6 guards patrolling the boarder, and how could be they in middle of nowhere ??Iranian border are littered with posts at every 5 km or even closer.

Yeah I'm sure there's a police station right beside the border crossing in the middle of an uninhabited region.
People from countries that DON'T border Afghanistan have to understand that the inhabitants of Afghanistan DO NOT believe in international borders.

This region is plagued with drug smugglers, human trafficking, and illegal arms trade.

The opium trafficking has seen a drastic increase with the US invasion of the country. Iran is one of the biggest victims of this drug smuggling from Afghanistan.

I'm NOT justifying the loss of human life here. A few warning shots would suffice IMHO.

Use your head before believing this usual excuse of Iranian posters, how can you believe smugglers cross border in group of 300?
Wonder what Pres. Karzai says about this. Lets see if the Afghans unite and rally against Iran.

drug lords of northern alliance are basically puppets of iran, how do you expect them to stage anti iran protest.

On the contrary, I expect them to be celebrating the dead pashtoons.

One must know, Iran is a key supply route to Afghanistan and expect lots of labourers to be available all the time and even crossing border in given limits as a regular practice.
Afghan Senate Protests Killing of Afghans by Iranian Border Guards
Sunday May 12, 2013


By Rafi Sediqi

Afghan Senators in reaction to the killing of Afghans citizens by Iranian border guards asked the government to address the issue seriously.

A number of senators on Sunday said that Iranian border guards have repeatedly ignored principles of neighborhood and international norms by targeting Afghan citizens.

It is said that Iranian border forces early Friday opened fire on around 300 Afghan citizens in boundary areas of Farah province. The Afghans intended to go to Iran to seek jobs.

"Iran does not observe international humanitarian norms and targets Afghans. The Afghan government should take action in this regard. This action is a big crime," Senator Gul Ahmad Azami said.

"Iran border guards have targeted Afghan workers who were seeking jobs. This is a big crime. The penalty of immigration and seeking jobs should not be death," Senator Khaliq Dad Balaghi said.

The senators added that the Afghan people should react to the killing of Afghans by Iran as they showed reactions against Pakistan's last aggression.

"The government and people showed reaction against Pakistan's aggression. They should not keep silent against killing of Afghans by Iranian border guards. We must show a reaction," Senator Daoud Hasas said.

Iran has previously targeted Afghans on accusations of different crimes but still there is no clear strategy by the Afghan government to avoid killing of Afghans by Iranian forces.

Afghan Senate Protests Killing of Afghans by Iranian Border Guards
shut the hell up... you people work for 1 cent month and you still keep praising your white british and jewish masters. Worry about your own country where terrorists blow themself up in your capital lmao.

very interesting!
what do you expect gaurds to do? iran is surrounded by al-qaede in afghanistan pakistan iraq and independent fighters in turkey and azerbaijan border. if we wanted to play games like human rights , arrest and deportation and ... now iran was 5 times smaller than this is now. good job by guards.keep it up :sniper:
We should close our border with afghanistan... nothing good comes out of it anyway.
Use your head before believing this usual excuse of Iranian posters, how can you believe smugglers cross border in group of 300?

From the article the OP posted:
However a eyewitness said Iranian forces opened fire on a group of 300 Afghans and around 50 people were killed and dozens of others were injured.

The source of the article is Afghan and we don't know who this "eyewitness" is. The Nationality of the "eyewitness" is not revealed so i don't know how you jumped to a conclusion that it was an Iranian claim.

You clearly need to use your head.
Any news on how the Afghanistan Government or particularly Karzai's response to this is? Had this happened on the Pakistan-Afghanistan border and Pakistani army fired on 300 Afghans there would be a massive riot and demonstration in Kabul. Though of course their "Pashtunistan" is on Pakistan's side of the border not Iranian.
They were border guards, what kind of hospitality were these Illegal immigrants anticipating? There is no moral indignation when you have this many people stampede your borders. Guards were merely doing their job by following protocol. Which is how it should be!
I don't know, perhaps they are suffering from the same mindset as those british and American pilots who carpet bombed Dresden and other non-military German cities after every German military installation had already been blown to smithereens.
:cuckoo: Are you at war with Afghanistan?
I don't know where to start...what a stupid thing to say.
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