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Iranian forces open fire on Afghans, dozens killed or injured

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To suggest that they were in the right to start firing is ridiculous. Do they have no discipline?

Even warning shots would have done the trick.It's utter disregard for human rights.Iranian authority should look into it.They had shot dead two Pakistanies also I think only 6 months back.They just like to be trigger happy.
To suggest that they were in the right to start firing is ridiculous. Do they have no discipline?

Oh they do. They're allowed to fire on suspected drug traffickers and when their lives are in danger.

In this case their lives were clearly in danger. 10 border guards in the middle of nowhere with no back up can't stop 300+ illegals that are coming in with the cooperation of the Afghan guards. Half of these afghans were most likely carrying bags of opium as well. They will sell that **** for 10 times what they paid for it in Afghanistan and make a killing on their investment.

Don't open your mouth about a situation you have no idea about.

If 300+ people from Canada walked into a crossing and the Canadian guards let them go through, the Americans on the other side would call every back up they had and would stop them at any cost. If this happened in a crossing in the middle of nowhere where backup wasn't an option, the American would open fire. You can be certain of that.

Canadian guards have opened fire on Americans trying to come into Canada illegally multiple times.

We are a country that is surrounded by insecure countries so everye option is on the table to deal with insecurities. Failing to consider harsh options will make our stable country into something like pakistan or iraq.

It's not even about that. Same situation in US or Canada, and you can guarantee the same result.
How the **** do you want a group of border guards in butt fuu nowhere t arrest 300+ individuals? And deport them where? The Afghan guards LET THEM walk in! They will take them and let them walk back in 10 mins flat.

I think one boarder guard carries more than 50 shots with him.And if they carry less, then they could have called in for back up.Is your high headedness more important than human lives ???
Even warning shots would have done the trick.It's utter disregard for human rights.Iranian authority should look into it.They had shot dead two Pakistanies also I think only 6 months back.They just like to be trigger happy.


Don't walk in uninvited, don't leave with holes in your skull.

We lose hundreds of good men to Afghan and pakistani smugglers every year on these borders. If they want to shoot first when it comes to illegals so they could go home to their families, then they have my full support. More power to them.

Hopefully they will send a message to other smugglers and illegals.

You want to come to Iran? Apply for a visa and go through a check point. Walking in a gang of 300 people and trying to over power our guards will just result in a bullet in the middle of your brows.
To suggest that they were in the right to start firing is ridiculous. Do they have no discipline?

Dont forget Iran-Afghan border many soldiers/police get killed by drug gangs from Afghanistan. It's a warzone and very sensitive place. I do agree that innocents never should be killed. If they knew they are illegally crossing borders they should have captured them and sent them back directly after photgraphing them and noticing their names.
Human rights is the most important. I hope this is not true.
People from countries that DON'T border Afghanistan have to understand that the inhabitants of Afghanistan DO NOT believe in international borders.

This region is plagued with drug smugglers, human trafficking, and illegal arms trade.

The opium trafficking has seen a drastic increase with the US invasion of the country. Iran is one of the biggest victims of this drug smuggling from Afghanistan.

I'm NOT justifying the loss of human life here. A few warning shots would suffice IMHO.
I think one boarder guard carries more than 50 shots with him.And if they carry less, then they could have called in for back up.Is your high headedness more important than human lives ???

ayy this guy is so god damn thick!


It's impossible. If they try they will get killed themselves.

They did not stop, they knew they were walking in illegally, they were in a group of 300+ men thinking that this way they could overpower the Iranian guards...

I'm 100% behind all these Iranian guards and I know this will happen again in the future.
MoFA Summons Iran Ambassador to Protest Killing of Afghan Travellers
Sunday May 12, 2013B


By Haseeb Maudoodi

The Afghan Ministry of Foreign Affairs called the Iranian Ambassodor on Sunday after nine Afghan travellers were killed by Iranian border police, MoFA spokesman said.

The spokesperson for the Afghan foreign ministry, Janan Musazai, said that the government has expressed its concern to the Iranian Ambassador in Kabul over the killing of nine Afghans by Iranian border police.

Meanwhile, today a delegation from Farah province has gone to Khurasan province of Iran for further investigation.

"The foreign ministry yesterday evening met with the Iranian Ambassador and expressed Afghan government's concern and asked him to provide information regarding the issue as soon as possible to the Afghan government. The ministry of foreign affairs is seriously pursuing this issue with the Iranian embassy and also with the Iranian consulate in Herat" said Janan Musazai spokesperson of ministry of foreign affairs.

It seems that illegal travel of Afghans to neighbouring countries, especially to Iran could be controversial.

Mr Musazai urged all Afghans to obtain passports to be able to legally enter Iran, so that they do not face with any threats similar to the incident in Farah border near Iran.

This is not the first time that Afghan travellers are killed by Iranian border police. So far many reports of beating, imprisonment and even killing of Afghans have been published, the incidents that the government of Afghanistan has always pledged to consider and investigate, but final results of such investigations have not been shared with the Afghan people.

MoFA Summons Iran Ambassador to Protest Killing of Afghan Travellers
ayy this guy is so god damn thick!


It's impossible. If they try they will get killed themselves.

They did not stop, they knew they were walking in illegally, they were in a group of 300+ men thinking that this way they could overpower the Iranian guards...

I'm 100% behind all these Iranian guards and I know this will happen again in the future.

Boarder patrol guards always remain in contact with their command and hence could have easily called in for more back up and if they were not able to call in, they could have easily tracked the group from a distance.
Rifles of boarder guards have range in excess of 1km. They could have easily fired the warning shots to scare away the crowd.
Afghanistan suspects Iran holding 21 missing laborers following border shooting incident
Sunday May 12, 2013


Afghanistan has accused Iran of holding as many as 21 migrant Afghan workers following a border shooting incident over the weekend and has filed a formal complaint to Tehran, an official said Sunday, Washington Post reported.

According to local accounts, Iranian border guards opened fire on the Afghan laborers on Friday as they tried to cross the boundary illegally looking for work, said Abdul Rahman Zhawandai, a spokesman for the provincial governor in the northwestern Farah province.

Local officials and tribal leaders were trying to negotiate freedom for the 11 who were working in a U.N. program.

Several wounded laborers were brought to a district hospital in Farah, Zhawandai said. Some of them said four of their compatriots were killed in the shooting and 21 were taken by the Iranian guards, the official said.

But details remained sketchy and the laborers' testimonies conflicted, Zhawandai added.

In Kabul, Afghanistan's foreign ministry spokesman, Janan Mosazai, told reporters that a complaint was lodged Saturday with Iran's ambassador to Afghanistan.

"We are following this issue very seriously through our embassy in Tehran," said Mosazai. He added that while the migrants were trying to enter Iran illegally, "the reaction of Iran should have been a civilian reaction, not a military" one - a reference to the shooting.

In Tehran, Iran's chief of border guards, General Hamid Sharafi, denied there was any shooting at Afghan migrants, according to Iran's semi-official ISNA news agency.

"Such a report is not right. We do not confirm it based on our investigations," Sharafi was quoted as saying.

Protests over the incident erupted on Sunday, with dozens of local residents rallying in the streets of the provincial capital, also named Farah, shouting anti-Iranian slogans.

Poor Afghans routinely try to sneak into Iran in search of work as day laborers.

Elsewhere in Afghanistan, a roadside bomb on Sunday killed a district prosecutor in southern Helmand province, where Taliban insurgents roam with relative ease in much of the countryside.

The bomb struck early in the morning as prosecutor Mohammed Lal Hakimi was on his way to work, said Ummar Zawaq, a spokesman for the provincial governor.

Zawaq said the district prosecutor had received threats from the Taliban, angry about the number of insurgents he had convicted and sentenced to prison.

No one has taken responsibility for the killing, but Taliban have stepped up their targeted assassinations in recent months, attacking government and security officials they accuse of being traitors.

Boarder patrol guards always remain in contact with their command and hence could have easily called in for more back up and if they were not able to call in, they could have easily tracked the group from a distance.
Rifles of boarder guards have range in excess of 1km. They could have easily fired the warning shots to scare away the crowd.

Jeeeeezus f'ing christ!

This isn't the border crossing between Vancouver and Seattle Washington ffs! This is a border crossing in the middle of NOWHERE. 300 men are walking towards you, you're not expecting this as you would think that the Afghan guards would check their papers, they walk in freely, this means that the guards have been bought off by the men, if they're bought off than that means they're carrying drugs and in any case you start fearing your life. You have 2 options, call back up and run away and let the men walk in. Stand your ground and repell the enemy.

They took option 2. They should be given awards for doing their jobs bravely and not running away. Of course Iranian guards always stand their ground and I'm proud of them.

Warning shots are useless when you're outnumbered 30-50 to 1!!!! They fire warning shots and maybe one will move back, while 50 move forward from all directions. Next thing you know they have your gun and are shooting you and your brothers in the head.

Don't walk in uninvited, don't leave with holes in your skull.

We lose hundreds of good men to Afghan and pakistani smugglers every year on these borders. If they want to shoot first when it comes to illegals so they could go home to their families, then they have my full support. More power to them.

Hopefully they will send a message to other smugglers and illegals.

You want to come to Iran? Apply for a visa and go through a check point. Walking in a gang of 300 people and trying to over power our guards will just result in a bullet in the middle of your brows.

When did you lost your men to Afghan ??
Afghanistan has accused Iran of holding as many as 21 migrant Afghan workers following a border shooting incident over the weekend and has filed a formal complaint to Tehran, an official said Sunday, Washington Post reported.


they must be questioned

Why would you walk in with 300 other individuals at the same time and not have your papers checked? Obviously all the Afghan guards were paid off. So what's with the 300+ people? They were obviously trying to over power the Iranian guards or to intimidate them.

Job well done by our boys.

When did you lost your men to Afghan ??

Here you go Mr. know it all

Zahra, the 11-year-old daughter of one of the 3,900 policemen killed on border duty, welcomed the general, saying she missed her father but was happy that he was with God. Her mother, dressed in a black chador, nodded approvingly.

Its forces are seizing the highest amounts of opiates and heroin worldwide, according to a report by the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime, which has advised Iran through out the period.
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