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Iranian forces open fire on Afghans, dozens killed or injured

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Iranian forces open fire on Afghans, dozens killed or injured
Friday May 10, 2013


According to local authorities in western Farah province of Afghanistan, dozens of Afghans were killed or injured after Iranian security forces opened fire on a group of Afghans inside the Iranian soil.

The incident took place after a group of Afghans illegally entered Iran from Pashmaki bordering region.

A local security official speaking on the condition of anonymity said at least ten Afghans were killed and nine others were injured.

However a eyewitness said Iranian forces opened fire on a group of 300 Afghans and around 50 people were killed and dozens of others were injured.

In the meantime the local security official said the deceased individuals were residents of western Herat province and their dead bodies have been taken Lash-o-Joyand district.

Provincial governor spokesman for Farah province also confirmed the report and said around nine people injured in today’s incident have been taken to hospital for treatment purposes.

He said there are fears that the number of casualties could rise.

Iranian forces open fire on Afghans, dozens killed or injured - Khaama Press (KP) | Afghan Online Newspaper
Wonder what Pres. Karzai says about this. Lets see if the Afghans unite and rally against Iran.

Karzai (the guy with batman like clothes) should stop corruption and work towards stability (I know this sounds funny when I mention Karzai to end corruption).

He should kick out all Nato forces and instead work with his neighbours to make his country stable. That will reduce the refugee problem for his neighbours.
Believe me there haven been already "death to Amadinejad etc." rallies in Afghanistan. Chanting will not solve anything.
load of ****

Sec. forces probably opened fire on a bunch of smugglers and now this news paper is making **** up. They make stuff up like this all the time.
but but india is building a port in chabahar for afghans to do custom free duty free everthing free trade and come and go as they like , no ?
Got this from BBC

An earlier government statement said about 300 labourers had tried to make the crossing. As well as the 10 who died, at least eight were wounded, it said.

The statement also criticised Afghan border guards for allowing the migrants through without passports or visas.

The alleged incident triggered protests on the Afghan side of the border, in the provincial capital Farah, the Associated Press reported.

So the Afghan guards just let them go through the crossing without even checking their papers and the other side you have 5-6 iranian guards watching the whole thing.


Let 300+ people walk in?

If 300 mexicans tried to walk through a border crossing on the US-Mexican border, with the full cooperation of the Mexican guards, the US sec. forces would do exactly the same.

HUNDREDS of people can't just walk through a border crossing illegally and not expect to be fired upon. The iranian border guards, if anything, would fear their own lives when they see 300+ illegals walking through the border. They obviously can't arrest them. So this was the only way to stop them.
Sad news ,RIP to dead Afghanies.They were without weapons ,so must have been arrested and deported back .
Sorry but people give the Americans crap for killing innocents.
If true, then this is nothing short of a massacre.
If the refugees were unarmed then why didn't they call for backup? They had guns, all the power was with them.
To suggest that they were in the right to start firing is ridiculous. Do they have no discipline?
To suggest that they were in the right to start firing is ridiculous. Do they have no discipline?

I don't know, perhaps they are suffering from the same mindset as those british and American pilots who carpet bombed Dresden and other non-military German cities after every German military installation had already been blown to smithereens.
Sad news ,RIP to dead Afghanies.They were without weapons ,so must have been arrested and deported back .

How the **** do you want a group of border guards in butt fuu nowhere t arrest 300+ individuals? And deport them where? The Afghan guards LET THEM walk in! They will take them and let them walk back in 10 mins flat.
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