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Iranian diplomat dies after being shot in Yemen capital

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You are a well-known troll so historical facts is not something you accelerate in.

Arabs were never Afro-Arabs. Arabs are Semitic people and there are ancient illustrations of Semitic people made by non-Semites and they are all described as Caucasian people. Always where and even racial theorists from Germany described them as such. Afro-Arabs make up a tiny part of all Arabs. Less than 4%. It is due to the Arab slavery. Read about it a little. Your people were used in this. All people of the region were. Arabs as well.

Arab slave trade - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Jews are not a people. You are talking about the Israelites and Palestinains are not part of them. Modern Palestinians are a mixture of Arabs and Canaanites and Phoenicians. All Semitic people.
BTW, did you know that genetic tests have proven that most Turks have no or very little genetic relation to the real Turkic people in Central Asia?
And you are known as a well known lair and supremacist.

I read in other forums how you use the word Kazakh as an insult towards others.
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