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Iranian diplomat dies after being shot in Yemen capital

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Meanwhile , bad news for al Sauds

Abu ali al Qaasmi the top Al Qida leader is dead.

The most important achievements of the ancient world. If you do a little bit of reading. Type "Semitic civilizations" on Google and you will have plenty of material. Anyway are you the spokesman of that Russian troll? Or just a crying Shia? Or both combined with something else?

Since you mentioned the Indus-Valley civilization then there are strong theories of them coming from the Middle East (ancient Semitic world) hence the similarities with the older Mesopotamian cultures in Iraq. The ancient Dilmun civilization (5000 years old) in what is now Eastern Saudi Arabia, Bahrain etc. traded with both the nearby Mesopotamian civilization and the Indus Valley Civilization across the Arabian Sea.

Now i get to laugh at retards like you even more. Whats the difference between Nazis and Arabs like you. Nazis claimed every civilisation was built by the white race. You claim all ancient civilisation was some how related to Arabs.

While your ancestors were busy riding camels and killing each other over who stole whose goat. Ancient Iranians were building water irrigation systems. The Indus Valley were thriving on trade, South Indian civilisations were base of great learning and were performing eye surgeries. The Chinese were building great cities and monuments.
If Prophet Mohammad(saw) had been non Arab your kind would never have even become Muslims and that is a fact judging by your comments and actions by your fellow Arabs.
LOL. Not my problem that your history just began 1200 years ago. You Slavic people have been more or less useless when it comes to history. No civilization whatsoever. The only thing you had was your failed and short-lived Soviet Union that lasted 50 years and that killed 30 million + of their own people and caused misery in dozens of countries.

Anyway since you are so glad talking about religion should you not return to your own religion of tree worshipping and human sacrifice?

Anyway what the hell is a Russian anyway? You are mongrels. Ruled by Mongols for centuries, Turkic people and 90% of the land you sit on just became Russian land in the last 300 years, LOL.

Without capturing German scientists nothing would have been done by you like under the Tsar who btw was an German immigrant.:lol:

Your royal house was not even Russian. LMAO.
Well first . Russia paid tribute to the Mongols from 1240 to 1480 . But we have ruled by our princes , and not the Mongols .
Secondly . After 1480 Russia could not win no conqueror .
Third . Russia alone has destroyed Napoleon and almost single-handedly - Hitler.
Fourth - Russia has always been the enemy of the West. Therefore, the West was always created about Russia horror stories .
In - fifths . Bedouin tribes can not judge one of the two of great white nations. The first great white nation - the Anglo-Saxons . Second - Russian .
Sixth . Soon the United States withdraws from the Middle East and you have to live with the thought that the next great nation to Arabia - Russian .
Romanovs , by the way - Russian , though married with the Germans. But in those days with the German rulers marriged all the rulers of Europe . There's no shame - the Germans are normal nation .

You are a clueless idiot. Over 2500 years ago Yemen for instance built the first skyscrapers in the world while 99% of all people were living in either tents or wooden houses.

You don't have a clue about Semitic people and civilizations that Arabs are a part of so further debate is useless.

As I said the most important achievements of the ancient world were made by Semitic people and Semitic civilizations in the ancient Middle East. If you do a little bit of reading. Type "Semitic civilizations" on Google and you will have plenty of material. Anyway are you the spokesman of that Russian troll? Or just a crying Shia? Or both combined with something else?

Since you mentioned the Indus-Valley civilization then there are strong theories and indications of them coming from the Middle East hence the similarities with the older Mesopotamian cultures in Iraq. The ancient Dilmun civilization (5000 years old) in what is now Eastern Saudi Arabia, Bahrain etc. traded with both the nearby Mesopotamian civilization and the Indus Valley Civilization across the Arabian Sea.

The internet is open for you to research before making a fool out of yourself.

Dilmun - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Mesopotamia - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Semitic people - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

No need to tell me that the 3 Abrahamic religions derived on Semitic lands to Semitic people.

Abrahamic religions - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

You are welcome.
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You are a clueless idiot. Over 2500 years ago Yemen for instance built the first skyscrapers in the world while 99% of all people were living in either tents or wooden houses.

You don't have a clue about Semitic people and civilizations that Arabs are a part of so further debate is useless.

As I said the most important achievements of the ancient world were made by Semitic people and Semitic civilizations in the ancient Middle East. If you do a little bit of reading. Type "Semitic civilizations" on Google and you will have plenty of material. Anyway are you the spokesman of that Russian troll? Or just a crying Shia? Or both combined with something else?

Since you mentioned the Indus-Valley civilization then there are strong theories and indications of them coming from the Middle East hence the similarities with the older Mesopotamian cultures in Iraq. The ancient Dilmun civilization (5000 years old) in what is now Eastern Saudi Arabia, Bahrain etc. traded with both the nearby Mesopotamian civilization and the Indus Valley Civilization across the Arabian Sea.

Having your head stuck so far in a camel's back side has clearly made you redundant in being able to communicate effectively. I suggest you take your head out of that poor camel's back side before spitting your filthy propaganda around the forum.

I prefer our world famous Arabian horses then you can stick to your donkeys.:lol: Deal?

Anyway not my problem that you have a hard time grasping historical realities. Not my problem once again. But keep crying. It's fun.
If that makes you feel better.
More proof of Saudis and other Arab countries funding terrorist networks in Pakistan.

Wikileaks: Saudi Arabia, UAE funded extremist networks in Pakistan – The Express Tribune

Charities from Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates financed a network in Pakistan that recruited children as young as eight to wage “holy war”, a local newspaper reported on Sunday, citing Wikileaks.

A US diplomatic cable published by WikiLeaks said financial support estimated at $100 million a year was making its way from those Gulf Arab states to an extremist recruitment network in Pakistan’s Punjab province, Dawn newspaper reported.

Asked to respond to the report, Saudi foreign ministry spokesman Osama Nugali said: “Saudi Arabia issued a statement from day one that we are not going to comment on any WikiLeaks reports because Saudi Arabia is not responsible for these reports and we are not sure about their authenticity.”

The November 2008 dispatch by Bryan Hunt, the then principal officer at the US consulate in Lahore, was based on discussions with local government and non-governmental sources during trips to Punjab, Pakistan’s most populous province.

It said those sources claimed that financial aid from Saudi and United Arab Emirates was coming from “missionary” and”Islamic charitable” organisations ostensibly with the direct support of those countries’ governments.

Saudi Arabia, the United States and Pakistan heavily supported the Afghan mujahideen against Soviet occupation troops in the 1980s. Militancy subsequently mushroomed in the region and militants moved to Pakistan’s northwest tribal areas along the border with Afghanistan, seen as a global hub for militants.

Since then there has been a growing nexus between militant groups there and in Punjab. In recent years militants have been carrying out suicide bombings seemingly at will in Pakistan, despite military offensives against their strongholds.

Children sent to training camps

But militancy is deeply rooted in Pakistan. In order to eradicate it, analysts say, the government must improve economic conditions to prevent militants from recruiting young men disillusioned with the state.

The network in Punjab reportedly exploited worsening poverty to indoctrinate children and ultimately send them to training camps, said the cable.

Saudi Arabia is seen as funding some of Pakistan’s hardline religious seminaries, or madrassas, which churn out young men eager for “holy war”, posing a threat to the stability of the region.

“At these madrassas, children are denied contact with the outside world and taught sectarian extremism, hatred for non-Muslims, and anti-Western/anti-Pakistan government philosophy,” said the cable.

It described how “families with multiple children” and”severe financial difficulties” were being exploited and recruited, Dawn reported.

“The path following recruitment depends upon the age of the child involved. Younger children (between 8 and 12) seem to be favoured,” said the cable.

Teachers in seminaries would assess the inclination of children “to engage in violence and acceptance of jihadi culture”.

“The initial success of establishing madrassas and mosques in these areas led to subsequent annual “donations” to these same clerics, originating in Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates,” the cable stated.


I prefer our world famous Arabian horses then you can stick to your donkeys.:lol: Deal?

Anyway not my problem that you have a hard time grasping historical realities. Not my problem once again. But keep crying. It's fun.
If that makes you feel better.

There doesn't seem to be many donkeys around here in UK. But don't worry i am not coming to snatch your camel. You can keep Jamal.

@al-Hasani is this your tribe by any chance?

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So a diplomat working for the Mullah's and for a country that actively supports terrorism died in Yemen? Sad indeed.

Had it not been for us Semitic people you would still be worshipping trees and making human sacrifices. Don't forget that the 3 Abrahamic religions are native to our lands and people. You are following a foreign religion. Like most of the world since the 3 Abrahamic religions have been the most influential religions in human history.

You come of as very distasteful and supremacist in your posts.
You come of as very distasteful and supremacist in your posts.

Nobody forces you to read my posts. What I wrote is correct anyway.

Only replying to well-known trolls the hard way.

Anyway is that not what you people think about Arabs anyway? At least that and other criticism is something we hear all the time.:lol:
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