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Iranian Chill Thread

@mohsen @haman10 Brothers, which Government Agency forms the Motor Vehicle Safety Regulations in Iran? I think that would be the best way to restart my search. Any ideas on this? Please point me to that Organization, and I'll see if I can find any additional info thereafter.

And Mohsen baradar, I know as much Persian as you know Kannada.:lol:
@al-Hasani IS BANNED!:partay:

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is the Safavid Surenas coming back, he had good info
No, he was permanently banned for being a stupid double user.
BTW, please do not use the term Safavid in your quotes anymore. I am from Qajar tribe which is also known as Qajar Safavid as well, and we were one of twelve Qizilbash tribes. Your misusing from this term is personally insulting for me. ;)
BTW, please do not use the term Safavid in your quotes anymore. I am from Qajar tribe which is also known as Qajar Safavid as well, and we were one of twelve Qizilbash tribes. Your misusing from this term is personally insulting for me. ;)

Will do my best, but they have brainwashed me calling me Safavid day and night

Well, he asked for it, first he was racist against Iranians, then Kurds, then Turks, then Romanians and lately Russians.

The most funny part is he called 3-4 times Chinese members to join his racist discussions against Turks but the Chinese didnt give a sh*t about him, how pathetic. :rofl:
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