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Iranian Chill Thread

On the occasion of the 70th anniversary of one of the most tragic days in modern Iranian history, the 28th of Mordād 1332 (1953), when the CIA orchestrated a coup in ousting democratically elected Prime Minister Dr. Mohammad Mosadeq, who had successfully led the movement for the nationalization of the Iranian oil industry hitherto subject to sheer exploitation at the hands of the zionist-funded British empire, and initiating twenty five years of dictatorship by the pro-western regime of Mohammad Rezā shāh Pahlavi, reformists and moderates exposed the ugly essence of their politics once again by embarking on a massive propaganda campaign that was enthusiastically relayed by the western-controlled internet as well as by local liberal media, to whitewash unparallaled American and British crimes against the Iranian nation, to defame Mosadeq and to rewrite history to this effect.

While Mosadeq isn't beyond criticism, nationalizing the oil industry and thereby ending decades of economic imperial yoke doubtlessly constituted one of the grandest acts accomplished in centuries.

In a video discussion published online, leading liberal academic Ghaninejad proceeded for instance to basically rehashing the CIA-sponsored bogus narrative spread back in the day by mass media in the western and western-dominated part of the world in order to try and legitimize the coup. Namely, fabricated notions such as that:

- Mordād 28 was "not" a military coup, Operation Ajax was not decisive. The Iranian people "rose up" to overthrow Mosadeq and have the shah return to power.
- Mosadeq was a "populist" who caused huge "damage" to democracy in Iran.
- Iran had "no right" to nationalize her oil industry, Mosadeq's camp committed a heavy mistake by doing so. The oil industry was not Iran's natural property but that of the Anglo-Iranian Oil Company and Iran was not entitled to act even though the devaluation of the Pound Sterling after World War 2 was such that it reduced Iran's already intolerable share of only 16% to more than negligible amounts, and even though the British regime consistently refused to revise the terms of the concession treaty in a fair manner.
- The nationalization violated "free market principles" and caused "undue" state intervention in the economy.

Mind you, this is the same British regime which at the end of World War 1 was responsible for the crime of genocide against Iranians, some 10 to 11 million of whom (about half the entire population) were exterminated through a massive provoked famine.

Claims like the above listed ones offer a perfect illustration as to the actual mindset and the effective goals of the reformist / moderate faction in Iran. Beyond the disgusting inversion of facts and values, it raises the question, what are these agents of hostile foreign powers doing in an anti-imperialist political system like the Islamic Republic, which restored Iran's national sovereignty, independence and self-determination and has been standing up to zio-American imperial oppressors for over four decades?

By continuing to tolerate these forces and even allowing them to exert control over multiple levers of power within the system, Iran is practically shooting herself in the foot. Some patriotic-minded but gullible Iranians appear to be blind to the liberal agenda, or pretend blindness; they ought to stop welcoming these elements like they sometimes seem to do. Else they will only contribute to introducing additional obstacles and risk factors on Iran's road.

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Iranian American Spacecraft commander Jasmin Moghbeli going to space station today (crew 7 of Dragon spacecraft)..Proud of her and good luck to all :tup:

Space commander.jpg


Source :
Syrian opposition groups

Waiting to see:

Arman (400 km) ADS
Kosar-200 (5-7 km) and Kosar-222 (17 km) SHORAD
Unmanned airborne ADS
Unmanned Qaher
Mohajer-7/-8/-9 UAVs
Meraj-512/-522/-531 kamikaze drones
Sejjil UCAV
Mobin UCAV
Supersonic (300 km) CM
Supersonic (longer-range, 750 km?) CM
Unknown (600 km) IRGC-N CM
Ghadr-474 (2000 km) CM
1500-km-range AShBM
Haj-Qasem's range increase to 1800 km
Shahid Abu Mahdi Mohandes class missile trimaran

And more stuff that I probably forgot to mention.
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What makes me laugh is the chart:

"Syrian Opposition"
"Syrian Regime"
Reminds me of something

Syrian opposition groups
Jusoor for Studies is the author of the map, a pro-US/Rebel think tank with no transparency on who and what runs/fund it, it is basically "Coalition good Iran bad, Israel does not exist"

Some (funny) articles of them: https://www.jusoor.co/en/details/the-fate-of-sdf-in-light-of-the-turkish-military-escalation
The use of excessive violence by the Syrian regime's army in confronting the peaceful protests in 2011
https://www.jusoor.co/en/details/goals-and-dimensions-of-israeli-strikes-in-syria ,2017
Israeli position toward the Syrian affair is the most complicated regional positions, as Israel is still neutral vis-à-vis this crisis even though no conflicts were recorded between the Syrian opposition and Israel in the Syrian half of Golan, limiting on few airstrikes against ISIS-affiliated groups.
No critics of Israeli airstrikes killing Syrian citizens, talking of "Iran imperialist goal", this is weird from an humanitarian think tank advocating to defend Syrian people, also relays Israeli hasbara about airstrikes and ISIS.

Only 1 page of articles concerning Israel in 7 years, like it have nothing to do with Syria, only Iran, Russia, Syrian government articles

Same wording, same typo, they start to get very boring at some point, they could at least be more subtile, in those times where everyone immediately believes any paper that is nicely presented with fancy charts and statistics, looks like the videos about the "middle east cold war", people give more trust when this is fancy with nice little animations
Iranian American Spacecraft commander Jasmin Moghbeli going to space station today (crew 7 of Dragon spacecraft)..Proud of her and good luck to all :tup:

View attachment 948794

Normally I’d be somewhat “proud” but she’s as Iranian as a doorknob, which is to say, not at all. Her being born to Iranian parents doesn’t count for much when all of her accomplishments benefit the enemies of Iranians. Her career choices would have lead to the direct deaths of ham-vatans due to her being a combat pilot in the US military. Especially if a war were to have broken out over a decade ago.

-“Moghbeli was commissioned as an officer in the United States Marine Corps in 2005, and trained to become an AH-1 Super Cobra pilot.[2] While in service with the Marine Corps, she deployed overseas three times and completed 150 combat missions.”

-“As of 2019, she has accumulated over 2,000 hours of flight time and flown in 150 combat missions, including sorties in Afghanistan.[2]

I want more Iranians from Iran to go to the stars under the Iranian flag but this individual is an American (born in Germany lol) through and through.

That being said, I absolutely agree with the general sentiment Aryobarzan-Jan. Iranians should always strive to achieve great success in any field.

Please forgive me if this reply came off as rude, that isn’t my intention whatsoever.
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Normally I’d be somewhat “proud” but she’s as Iranian as a doorknob, so to say not at all.

I hope an Iranian from Iran can go to stars under the Iranian flag but this individual is an American (born in Germany lol) through and through.

That being said, I absolutely agree with the general sentiment Aryobarzan-Jan. Iranians should always strive to achieve great success in any field.
I remind you that if there was a war, she would be in her helicopter shooting on Iranians at will on US order. And she is not alone, there are probably other "Iranians" in the US army that would be capable of participating in a war against their own "country of origin"
Jasmin Mogbeli, Iranian patriot, ready to shoot at everything on US orders

She is not even a vatanforoosh, born in Germany, she probably behaves and think like the same people living here, the only thing Iranian in her is her name and nothing else

Any Iranian-American that have the skills to go to the stars with US space program will never be allowed to carry something else than the US flag, in fact US is reliant on brain drain from various countries

had fled Iran following the 1979 Islamic Revolution
Same quotes to bring pity and it's starting to get tiring

And this user is promoting submission to the west/Iranian civil war
I remind you that if there was a war, she would be in her helicopter shooting on Iranians at will on US order. And she is not alone, there are probably other "Iranians" in the US army that would be capable of participating in a war against their own "country of origin"
View attachment 948870

She is not even a vatanforoosh, born in Germany, she probably behaves and think like the same people living here, the only thing Iranian in her is her name and nothing else

Any Iranian-American that have the skills to go to the stars with US space program will never be allowed to carry something else than the US flag, in fact US is reliant on brain drain from various countries

Same quotes to bring pity and it's starting to get tiring

And this user is promoting submission to the west/Iranian civil war

I’m in full agreement with you on this matter. Jasmin Moghbeli only has an Iranian name, that’s it.
Normally I’d be somewhat “proud” but she’s as Iranian as a doorknob, which is to say, not at all. Her being born to Iranian parents doesn’t count for much when all of her accomplishments benefit the enemies of Iranians. Her career choices would have lead to the direct deaths of ham-vatans due to her being a combat pilot in the US military. Especially if a war were to have broken out over a decade ago.

-“Moghbeli was commissioned as an officer in the United States Marine Corps in 2005, and trained to become an AH-1 Super Cobra pilot.[2] While in service with the Marine Corps, she deployed overseas three times and completed 150 combat missions.”

-“As of 2019, she has accumulated over 2,000 hours of flight time and flown in 150 combat missions, including sorties in Afghanistan.[2]

I want more Iranians from Iran to go to the stars under the Iranian flag but this individual is an American (born in Germany lol) through and through.

That being said, I absolutely agree with the general sentiment Aryobarzan-Jan. Iranians should always strive to achieve great success in any field.

Please forgive me if this reply came off as rude, that isn’t my intention whatsoever.
Yes she is an American and for her Iran is just a distant country..I expect nothing but full dedication to her country of United States.. but that does not negate the fact that both her parents who are "Iranians" genetics wise produced such an smart and hardworking human being....we can see the same smarts in Iranian women inside Iran that are achieving great success despite being under a draconian system of governance belonging to the middle ages who are humiliated on the streets of Iranian cities by a minority cave men on the payroll of a dark religious system.

Hoping that one day Iranian women in Iran will be free so that we can see them go into space on Iranian ships under Iranian flag. Technically we could do it today if Iranian funds were not misappropriated in overseas advantures of these cave men.
This one gives me a chuckle.....for obvious reasons.:azn:
So......russian,chinese or possibly iranian enemy action?.....or just old infrastructure and good old human incompetence to blame?
شما که دم از اصلاح قیمت بنزین می زنید ، برای حقوق و دستمزد نظری ندارید ؟!

زیر ساخت حمل و نقل ، خودروها و چطور ؟!

می دونی یکی از دلایل افزایش مصرف بنزین در تهران ، قیمت بالای خانه هست که هیچ نسبتی با درآمدها اداره و خیلی ها مجبور به حاشیه نشینی هستند. اینجوری به جای طی مثلاً ۱۰ کیلومتر تا محل کار مجبورند روزی ۵۰ کیلومتر طی کنند که ضربدر چند میلیون نفر کنید می بینید چقدر اتلاف هزینه و انرژی می شده ....

جیره خواری و ضد مردم کارگر و کارمند ایرانی بودن هم حدی داره
This one gives me a chuckle.....for obvious reasons.:azn:
So......russian,chinese or possibly iranian enemy action?.....or just old infrastructure and good old human incompetence to blame?

Google refinery fires. They happen all around the world. US hasn’t built a new refinery in who knows how long.

Every summer they go down for maintenance to try to prevent such fires.

Now if something more eyebrow raising and unusual caught fire, then I’d be more willing to agree.
Iranian American Spacecraft commander Jasmin Moghbeli going to space station today (crew 7 of Dragon spacecraft)..Proud of her and good luck to all :tup:
Unfortunately she served in the United States Marine Corps and conducted over 150 'combat missions' in Afghanistan, so she is likely a war criminal. Quite strange to be born into an Iranian family then serve in the military of the USA to bomb people next to Iran.
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