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Iranian Chill Thread


^ Chinese Shahed-136 equivalent named Sunflower-200 (lol) presented at Army-2023
It would be nice to imagine that maybe,juuust maybe,that the chinese might possibly have started to finally wake the fvck up.Time and actions will tell,I guess.
However,I for one certainly wont be holding my breath tho`.... :sarcastic:
Correct. This propaganda technique runs parallel to and echoes the tactic of simultaneous investing of all political camps, a,other zionist specialty. In polities where zionist agents of influence have access to and can manipulate the entire spectrum of relevant forces, they make sure to place their men in top positions. These zionist politicians will then clash in the framework of liberal "demo"cracy's theatrics of bogus "pluralism" and "free speech", while in reality all these actors share in common their staunch alignment on zionist interests. In France for instance they place Trostyists and zionist Antifa factions to the left, Zemmour to the right, while every centrist party starting from Macron's is of course subservient to zionism. This way they make sure that whoever is possibly in power, will be totally beholden to Tel Aviv.

A second objective of the fake news published by USA media about the prisoner exchange with Iran, is related to domestic politics: the Biden regime, like every USA regime in recent decades, finds itself in a more than dire situation as masses of homeless people and zombified addicts spread throughout American cities, as Washington is failing to keep Ukraine intact, as China's rise goes on unabated. Therefore supporters of zionist Democrats are now trying to sell the clauses of the prisoner exchange and of the release of Iranian funds as unfavorable to the Islamic Republic, so as to fend off the inevitable verbal attacks from zionist Republicans and Trumpists accusing Biden of "empowering the moolahs".

Dr. Marandi is a primary source in this matter: he officially works as an advisor to Iran's nuclear negotiation team on relations with foreign media (a function he fulfilled under the Rohani administration already, by invitation of Javad Zaraf who had even offered him to be part of the negotiation team itself, which Marandi declinded).

So his statement carries far more weight than those of anonymous sources cited by enemy media, or those of American NGO employees who lack access to inside information.

Within their borders, major western countries aren't really suffering fewer terrorist attacks than Iran. Several European countries have had more of their citizens killed by terrorism over the past two to three decades than Iran, their regimes blatantly failing to prevent these events.

Moreover, just in recent weeks several arrests of terrorist teams were announced by Islamic Iran. In fact Iranian security forces have a higher success rate than even western regimes in neutralizing terrorists beforehand, considering more terrorist plots are hatched against Iran. And, terrorists taking aim at Iran are generally backed and handled by the most resourceful intelligence services worldwide (CIA, Mossad etc), which further underscores the impressive aptitude of Iranian counter-terrorism services.

Not a new sort of propaganda but something that is slowly rising, posing as "Iranian nationalists" or worse, "Pan-Iranic" (a word that means nothing and has been invented by panturks)

Users condemning US acts of terrorism and propaganda worldwide against Iran, but blames every single thing on Iran, talks only about corruption, bankrupt, some unimportant details, implying there is no way for Iran to continue, but still making in sort they are seen as anti-imperialists, fouling people. This is a vicious one. When Iran continues what is does, then the answer is that Iran is risking a full scale invasion or "airstrikes" from the US, and when Iran slows down, then "Iran is bowing down and has no power". When Iran unveils a new weapon, "It will never be produced", when Iran unveils nothing for a month "Iran is doing nothing bowing down to US demands", when Iran show production lines "We are not seeing them on google earth and twitter"

Another one linked to this we see here with a user that strangely doesn't post anymore, he was at a daily basis posting random things about Ukraine, also some random pictures of NK/China/Russia production lines, for the simple reason of implying NK is doing better than Iran and that Iran produces nothing and is on the verge of collapsing and bankrupt, unlike NK which according to them is in very good shape, not having financial problems and making everything better than Iran, comparing it to Iran.

Why posting random pictures of foreign country production lines and new systems while the subject isn't related on their specifications in this thread or others? This is not random, this is made so users seeing them says to themselves NK is better and produces weapons and everything better than Iran, and also make a senseless comparison between NK and Iran, two different countries that are both impacted by sanctions, with one being the actual obsession from medias and having way more sanctions than the other, and another one having an alliance and military cooperation pact with a neighboring superpower
Horrible that an unarmed civilian had to deal with the terrorist, where was security? There was another terrorist attack at this exact same site only last year, you would think they would have 24/7 security presence

Even Jewish schools in London have constant security patrols, let alone major religious sites...
Adding obvious security is the last thing and awful practice.

Iran, rightly, should and would never have ostentatious security presence.
These two lineups are related!:azn::azn::azn:

Fuel trucks.png

Gasoline shortage in Iran..why Iranians have to line up to fill the tank... (run away consumption and smuggling due to super cheap subsidized gasoline) . Incompetent government afraid of own people does not dare to increase the price of gas and stop this non-sense:hitwall:

Facts about gasoline consumption in Iran:
  • Daily gasoline consumption: 140 million liters
  • Daily gasoline production:.....115 million liters
  • Gasoline smuggled out of Iran: 15 million liters (minimum per day mostly to Pakistan)
  • Annual gasoline subsidies by government: ($80 billion dollars) more than Iran's entire Oil and gas revenue!
  • Price of gasoline per liter $0.05 dollars (5 cents)!
  • Now Iran needs to import $3 billion dollars of gasoline from outside and pay around $1 dollar per liter for it,

دولت نه تنها هیچ برنامه‌ای برای افزایش قیمت بنزین ندارد، بلکه این امر را حتی در دستور رسیدگی هم قرار نداده است.
Good news is that we are providing some of Pakistan's gasoline needs at very cheap price (Islamic solidarity!!!!):rofl:

همین امروز در خیابان‌های زاهدان یک گالن 20 لیتری بنزین را 300 هزار تومان (یعنی 10 برابر قیمت بنزین یارانه‌ای) از شما به صورت نقد خریداری می‌کنند. قیمت خرید بنزین در مرز پاکستان در روزهای اخیر به ازای هر لیتر 3 هزار تومان افزایش داشته است.
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These two lineups are related!:azn::azn::azn:
View attachment 946293
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Gasoline shortage in Iran..why Iranians have to line up to fill the tank... (run away consumption and smuggling due to super cheap subsidized gasoline) . Incompetent government afraid of own people does not dare to increase the price of gas and stop this non-sense:hitwall:

Facts about gasoline consumption in Iran:
  • Daily gasoline consumption: 140 million liters
  • Daily gasoline production:.....115 million liters
  • Gasoline smuggled out of Iran: 15 million liters (minimum per day mostly to Pakistan)
  • Annual gasoline subsidies by government: ($80 billion dollars) more than Iran's entire Oil and gas revenue!
  • Price of gasoline per liter $0.05 dollars (5 cents)!
  • Now Iran needs to import $3 billion dollars of gasoline from outside and pay around $1 dollar per liter for it,

دولت نه تنها هیچ برنامه‌ای برای افزایش قیمت بنزین ندارد، بلکه این امر را حتی در دستور رسیدگی هم قرار نداده است.
Good news is that we are providing some of Pakistan's gasoline needs at very cheap price (Islamic solidarity!!!!):rofl:

همین امروز در خیابان‌های زاهدان یک گالن 20 لیتری بنزین را 300 هزار تومان (یعنی 10 برابر قیمت بنزین یارانه‌ای) از شما به صورت نقد خریداری می‌کنند. قیمت خرید بنزین در مرز پاکستان در روزهای اخیر به ازای هر لیتر 3 هزار تومان افزایش داشته است.

3-6 litters per 100 Km Vs 7-12 litters per 100 Km in cars.

250 Km metro line vs 1200 Km ( Turkiye )

Number of active buses and mini buses ? Unknown.
These two lineups are related!:azn::azn::azn:
View attachment 946293
View attachment 946296

Gasoline shortage in Iran..why Iranians have to line up to fill the tank... (run away consumption and smuggling due to super cheap subsidized gasoline) . Incompetent government afraid of own people does not dare to increase the price of gas and stop this non-sense:hitwall:

Facts about gasoline consumption in Iran:
  • Daily gasoline consumption: 140 million liters
  • Daily gasoline production:.....115 million liters
  • Gasoline smuggled out of Iran: 15 million liters (minimum per day mostly to Pakistan)
  • Annual gasoline subsidies by government: ($80 billion dollars) more than Iran's entire Oil and gas revenue!
  • Price of gasoline per liter $0.05 dollars (5 cents)!
  • Now Iran needs to import $3 billion dollars of gasoline from outside and pay around $1 dollar per liter for it,

دولت نه تنها هیچ برنامه‌ای برای افزایش قیمت بنزین ندارد، بلکه این امر را حتی در دستور رسیدگی هم قرار نداده است.
Good news is that we are providing some of Pakistan's gasoline needs at very cheap price (Islamic solidarity!!!!):rofl:

همین امروز در خیابان‌های زاهدان یک گالن 20 لیتری بنزین را 300 هزار تومان (یعنی 10 برابر قیمت بنزین یارانه‌ای) از شما به صورت نقد خریداری می‌کنند. قیمت خرید بنزین در مرز پاکستان در روزهای اخیر به ازای هر لیتر 3 هزار تومان افزایش داشته است.

There is no other conclusion than that fuel mafia has occupied important posts in islamic republic, irrelevant of reformist or conservatives leading the country. Billions get wasted.

80 billions spent on waste of fuel, instead of taxing fuel consumption! other billions of damage due to accidents, traffic, pollution. It's a disasterious policy which (untill now) shows that islamic republic is incompetent in creating an effective policy and combating corruption.

So 80 billion fuel subsidy actually translates to 100-120 billion wasted.
There is no other conclusion than that fuel mafia has occupied important posts in islamic republic, irrelevant of reformist or conservatives leading the country. Billions get wasted.

80 billions spent on waste of fuel, instead of taxing fuel consumption! other billions of damage due to accidents, traffic, pollution. It's a disasterious policy which (untill now) shows that islamic republic is incompetent in creating an effective policy and combating corruption.

So 80 billion fuel subsidy actually translates to 100-120 billion wasted.
You are absolutely right..in every other country with normal rational economy fuel is taxed and the revenue is used in government budget to pay for projects..in IR it is exactly in reverse..government revenue from oil and taxes are used and turned into fuel so population does not complain about every thing else that is going wrong (governance by bribery!!)...the upside down economy of Islamic Republic..what a shame.
Adding obvious security is the last thing and awful practice.

Iran, rightly, should and would never have ostentatious security presence.
Strange logic

The problem is that their presence is not obvious even when it is needed
You are absolutely right..in every other country with normal rational economy fuel is taxed and the revenue is used in government budget to pay for projects..in IR it is exactly in reverse..government revenue from oil and taxes are used and turned into fuel so population does not complain about every thing else that is going wrong (governance by bribery!!)...the upside down economy of Islamic Republic..what a shame.
تا جایی‌ که من به یاد دارم ۳ تا رئیس جمهور پشت سر هم ، کار‌های مشابهی برای اصلاح قیمت بنزین و گازئل انجام دادند

آقای خاتمی با افزایش قیمت ۸۰ تومنی برای ۱ لیتر بنزین
آقای احمدی نژاد با بوجود آوردن سازمان هدف مندی یارانه
آقای روحانی با اصلاح قیمت بنزین ۳۰۰۰ تومانی

جالبه که توی این کشور حتا زمانی‌ که منافع ملی‌ و عموم مردم به یک سمت بره منافع این عده خاص غیر قابل تغییر به نظر میرسه. جوری که در آخر حرف و نظر این گروه کوچیک و پر قدرت به کرسی میشینه

آقای ریئسی در زمان انتخابات و مناظره‌ها چهره دیگی‌ از خودش نشون میداد ولی‌ بد از انتخابات یک دفعه به چیز دیگه‌ای تبدیل شد جوری که آبان ۹۸ و اصلاح قیمت بنزین رو بعضی‌ از رسانه‌ها و طرفدار‌های دولت فعلی‌ تبدیل به فوتبال سیاسی کردند

این تنها دولتی در این ۲۵ سال اخیر هست که ساز متفاوتی با ۳ دولت قبلیش زده( در حرف و تا به حال در عمل )
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نکته بعدی ساختار بودجه کشور هست

وقتی‌ شما بتونی‌ بدون هزینه سیاسی ۵۰ درصد تورم تولید کنی‌ و از اون طرف هم به اصطلاح ننه من غریبم بازی در بیاری مگر دیوانه هستی‌ که از اعتبار سیاسی خودت برای منافع ملی‌ خرج کنی‌ ؟
توی هم چین شرایطی اصلاح مالیاتی بی‌ معنی‌ می‌شه چون راه ساده و کم هزینه جلوی پاته

باید شرایط کشور جوری عوض بشه که بی‌ انضباطی هزینه داشته باشه و اصلاح و درست کردن امور پاداش بگیره

تا زمانی‌ هم که رسانه‌های ما به این شکل هستند من فکر نکنم تغییری ببینیم​
Strange logic

The problem is that their presence is not obvious even when it is needed
Correct. Strange. But to you who deems the need for security as obvious. Simple and incorrect thinking.
Correct. Strange. But to you who deems the need for security as obvious. Simple and incorrect thinking.
you're right, security is not needed

unfortunately this is the attitude that permeates across iran and we see the results
Iran's currency has plummeted under U.S. pressure, so if you put a fair price on fuel, no one will be able to drive.
Similarly, electricity will not be available to ordinary citizens.
As long as the US dominates the global financial system at will, the Iranian government is unfortunately helpless.
The limit is the long-term promotion of renewable energy development that does not depend on fuel prices.
Iran's Frozen Funds in South Korea(Tasnim News)

According to Tasnim News Agency's economic correspondent, Central Bank Governor Mohammad Reza Farzin announced the release of all Iranian foreign currency resources in South Korea last week on his page on the social network, stating The resources will be used in the form of bank payments for the purchase of non-sanctioned goods (livestock and medicines).
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