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Iranian Chill Thread

Yes there were border skirmishes on Pak/Afg border and then PAF conducted powerful air strikes on Afghans and now for some months there are no border skirmishes here

Ofcourse Diplomatic talks also happened.
You are snake of this section. Sankes are good creatures you know, we can learn from them how to crowl amongst others.
خب معلوم شد دو کاربر داریم اینجا که مزدور کثیف اجنبی هستند
اولی هک هوک هست که رسما اعلام کرده پول گرفتن از اجنبی خوب هست

(حیف نام زیبای داریوش) دومی هم یک مزدور به نام داریوش هست که البته هنوز اعتراف نکرده از کجا پول میگیره ولی معلوم هست برای چی داره نظرات چرند میگذاره

از این به بعد نظراتشان را با نظرات ترکیه ای ها و عربستانی ها و طالبانی ها و... یکی در نظر میگیرم
مزدور اجنبی کسایی هستن که قانون از ما تحتشان در میارن و شب خواب می بینن فردا میخواهند به عنوان قانون به خورد مردم بدهند. البته به اون باید هفت جد شان را اهم اضافه کرد.
شماها مرد نیستید . اگر مرد بودید قانونی را که گفته گرفتن پول از منابع خارجی ممنوع هست را میاوردید اینجا نشان ما می دادید
البته از مزدور نامردئ که برای هر پست پول میگیره انتظار بیشتر نمیره

جالب اینجاست که تا حالا نظر بعضی ها اصلا به اندازه نظر اون کسایی که اسمشان را بردن هم ارزش نداشت..​

So you want Taliban sources for counting their deaths or i'm dreaming?
don't care prove it by any means not using fake photos from last year as what خبر نظامی did
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My take on this entire fiasco:

Taliban are seriously dependent upon Iran for supplies, without an Iranian route they will have no escape. The central command is sane and talks about nationalism, diplomacy, and progress but these outer skirt warlords are more independent and the central command has no effective control over them. Even if IRI talks to the people in Kabul, will the Taliban leadership be able to establish control over the border pedo warlord who wants to attack infidels in Iran?So routes cut off will not work alone. IRI needs to see current Afghanistan as a non-centralized system in which warlords are not under the effective control of Kabul. No matter how much diplomacy Tehran does with Kabul, there will be continued border clashes. Some of them are idealistic Shia haters, some are just stupid tribal lords who want war to climb up the ranks in the chain of command. We need a mixture of strength and diplomacy at that front.

(1) Non-Kinetic control: Purchase warlords through illegal trade, paying someone one time would not work here unless the livelihood of some border pedo warlord and his entire tribe is dependent upon Iran. Make them dependent on fuel, food, and money to the point that they see Iran as a source of life. Letting Northern Alliance, Hezbe Wahdat be crushed was the worst mistake and naivety of IRI.

(2) Kinetic control:

- Expand Mashhad and Birjand bases with proper central command housing Mohajer-6, Ababil-5 UCAVS, and Shahed-136 mobile units. Normalize the border patrols, and airspace breaching just like how Israel has normalized it over Gaza, Lebanon, and Syria. Normalize cross-border missile strikes and then call it an isolated "terrorist targeting" operation, with nothing to do with Afghan people or Forces. The more we normalize this, the more they will fear us.

- Also, the bases should have three mixed squadrons of F-4E/D+Kowsar-I for all-weather, day/night heavy bombing from higher altitudes. Currently, Birjand is a semi-active base housing a few non-overhauled F-5E that cant operate during the night. The base is in same condition for decades, what a joke.

- There should also be a dedicated Missile base nearby that can barrage salvos of Fateh-110 (and BM-120), and Zelzal-2 carrying thermobaric warheads to the target base from where these pedo cavemen come out.

- Create a network of forts to guard the border housing automatic artillery and machine guns.

Striking back hard would punish atleast the local warlord enough if they lose their forts, warehouses, or whatever installations they are left with. They drove American armored carriers into the battle yesterday, where are they parked? why did not we see the compound housing this US leftover receiving Salvos of Zelzals and BM-120? YOU COMMAND RESPECT BY SHOWING FANGS in this world, there is no other way.

We see Israel massacring its enemies daily, it is always engaged in some level of deterrence against them. Forget who is who to us but see what Israelis do, they will bomb the shit out of Palestinians, they will bomb Iranian military installations in Syria, and then cause a terrorist assassination in Iran the same day. Does this mean they are not engaged in diplomacy? IRI needs to learn the modern world. We have too many old Akhoonds sitting in government with their "Doctorates" in how to enforce Hijabs on girls in Tehran and other BS. If we do not punish our enemies through kinetic and non-kinetic means we will never command the respect of outside our borders, the age of soft power is gone.
Great ideas you and @TheImmortal have some of the best analysis of this situation.Now you may ask yourself why IR did can not think of these ideas...answer is "Islamic unity".. Mullahs in Iran prefer to have Iranian soldiers being killed by the enemy ( to keep their SHAHID factories going) rather than killing enemy soldiers because they are muslims and Islamic Iran can not kill fellow muslims God forbid!!!.

I any case as you said these adhovk attacks will continue..so Iran's ground force commanders better think of diverting some of those military hardware and billions of dollars that mullahs send to Lebanon and Palestine and at least give some supplies to our poor border guards so that they have a chance to defend against the attacks...Not much to ask ,,just have some compassion for your own country men and for once place Iranian life ahead of Arab life..
Meanwhile..Israel flys her biggest spy ballon to keep an eye on Iran...no worries..Iran will take care of Israel also ....the way we do with Taliban..lol any way they will be gone in 25 years!..or was in 21 by now!.

Great ideas you and @TheImmortal have some of the best analysis of this situation.Now you may ask yourself why IR did can not think of these ideas...answer is "Islamic unity".. Mullahs in Iran prefer to have Iranian soldiers being killed by the enemy ( to keep their SHAHID factories going) rather than killing enemy soldiers because they are muslims and Islamic Iran can not kill fellow muslims God forbid!!!.

Thank you.

I would say Akhoond-gang does not see the Taliban as some brotherly entity that can not be shot at. It is just gross incompetence and naivety of some people in control positions within Iran who are getting out of touch. I will give some examples where IRI is literally being outperformed.

- Israel has been bombing Iranian installations in Syria. What has IRI done to curb that? nothing, instead they are just taking hits in the hope that with time these now normalized Israeli strikes will die down while Assad will still be sitting in Damascus. Be it our missiles, drone facilities, or our planes carrying Air defense batteries landing in Syria, Israel has just bombed everything there. IRI has no answer to that so far. One can say these airstrikes are jst ineffective and in longer-term Iran is winning the war. Probably yes but why even allow the enemy to come to your door?

- Istanbul-Aliyev network is constantly barking against Iran hosting Anti-Iran SANAM, showing maps with land up to Tabriz broke away from Iran. What has IRI done in this regard? Have we exploited any weaknesses in these fragile countries? there are literally so many areas to exploit such as the growing Kurdish % in Turkey, and Shiite card in Azerbaycan but IRI is talking about trade and Muslim brotherly love with these nations.

- Now we have a pedophile Taliban cavemen front opened at Khorasan.

IRI acted brilliantly in Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, and Yemen. They even worked fair with Northern Alliance in Afghanistan in 90s but right now they need to clean up their ranks of these old mullahs who are out of touch with reality.

I know Iran does not forget and does not forgive either, if Taliban killed two of our boys they will pay a heavy price for that just like how Iraqi did. How many people know that Baathist pilots and missile battery operators who threw Sarin at us were sought out, and massacred decades later outside their homes in Iraq? But why even allow anyone to be adventurous with yourself at first place.

I any case as you said these adhovk attacks will continue..so Iran's ground force commanders better think of diverting some of those military hardware and billions of dollars that mullahs send to Lebanon and Palestine and at least give some supplies to our poor border guards so that they have a chance to defend against the attacks...Not much to ask ,,just have some compassion for your own country men and for once place Iranian life ahead of Arab life..

As I said, we need the Birjand base rebuilt with Ababil-5, Mohajer-6, Shahed-136, and mixed squadrons of F-4E/D and Kowsar-1 while a new missile base needs to be built in the region hosting Fateh-110 and Zelzals as they are enough to deal with the threat. Normalize the airspace breaches and isolated strikes calling them "non afghan targets" or "ISIS". Next time an American vehicle is driven by them into the Iranian border, the compound hosting these vehicles should be flattened by missile strikes the same way we have normalized missile strikes on Kurdish militias.

I would rather have Iran take out some of the battle-hardened Iraqi Shiite fighters and create their mixed legions with the Iranian border gaurds to deal with these pedophiles. Long shot but just a thought.
مزدور اجنبی کسایی هستن که قانون از ما تحتشان در میارن و شب خواب می بینن فردا میخواهند به عنوان قانون به خورد مردم بدهند. البته به اون باید هفت جد شان را اهم اضافه کرد.
شماها مرد نیستید . اگر مرد بودید قانونی را که گفته گرفتن پول از منابع خارجی ممنوع هست را میاوردید اینجا نشان ما می دادید
البته از مزدور نامردئ که برای هر پست پول میگیره انتظار بیشتر نمیره

جالب اینجاست که تا حالا نظر بعضی ها اصلا به اندازه نظر اون کسایی که اسمشان را بردن هم ارزش نداشت..​

don't care prove it by any means not using fake photos from last year as what خبر نظامی did

حرومزاده ترین آدما اونایین که ۸ سال همه چی کشورو واسه یه هواپیمای ایرباس اوراقی فروختن؛ برنامه هسته ای موشکی و فضایی کشورو واسه گریه های وندی شرمن (که میگفت دی ان ای ایرانی ها مشکل داره) و تیپ جان کری یه دهه عقب انداختن و حرومزاده تر نجس تر و زنازاده تر از اونا کسایین که صبح تا شب از الان ایران بد میگن تا خایه مالی روحانی حرومزاده و لیبرال های تخم امریکا و انگلیس رو بکنن
مزدور اجنبی کسایی هستن که قانون از ما تحتشان در میارن و شب خواب می بینن فردا میخواهند به عنوان قانون به خورد مردم بدهند. البته به اون باید هفت جد شان را اهم اضافه کرد.
شماها مرد نیستید . اگر مرد بودید قانونی را که گفته گرفتن پول از منابع خارجی ممنوع هست را میاوردید اینجا نشان ما می دادید
البته از مزدور نامردئ که برای هر پست پول میگیره انتظار بیشتر نمیره

جالب اینجاست که تا حالا نظر بعضی ها اصلا به اندازه نظر اون کسایی که اسمشان را بردن هم ارزش نداشت..​

don't care prove it by any means not using fake photos from last year as what خبر نظامی did
You want that some Iranian/Afghan spies go on the field and take photos of dead corpse of Talibans with their Nokia phone? This is not Ukraine where everyone takes photos of dead corpses or show themselves eating Russian soldier cadavers on barbecue.

You think the eternal liars Taliban will say how much casualties they have?

You want that Amnesty or some western countries to give numbers of deaths by using the same "methods" they did to count "1500" deaths during the riots?
حرومزاده ترین آدما اونایین که ۸ سال همه چی کشورو واسه یه هواپیمای ایرباس اوراقی فروختن؛ برنامه هسته ای موشکی و فضایی کشورو واسه گریه های وندی شرمن (که میگفت دی ان ای ایرانی ها مشکل داره) و تیپ جان کری یه دهه عقب انداختن و حرومزاده تر نجس تر و زنازاده تر از اونا کسایین که صبح تا شب از الان ایران بد میگن تا خایه مالی روحانی حرومزاده و لیبرال های تخم امریکا و انگلیس رو بکنن
بله پس منظورت همونهایی هست که توی شورای عالی امنیت ملی اونرا تایید کردن
همونهایی که توی مجلس در عرض 10 دقیقه تاییدش کردن

You want that some Iranian/Afghan spies go on the field and take photos of dead corpse of Talibans with their Nokia phone? This is not Ukraine where everyone takes photos of dead corpses or show themselves eating Russian soldier cadavers on barbecue.

You think the eternal liars Taliban will say how much casualties they have?

You want that Amnesty or some western countries to give numbers of deaths by using the same "methods" they did to count "1500" deaths during the riots?
some drone can easily do that, we don't lack them, i wanted at least those humvee that were opened fire on Iran border post were blown out of existence, I wonted those cannon which were towed toward iranian border were destroyed to send a message . i wanted those terrorist who attacked Iranian border post were made example of ,.
i don't care if some shell were send behind the lines . i wanted those supposedly rouge element of Taliban were made an example of for the rest of them
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بله پس منظورت همونهایی هست که توی شورای عالی امنیت ملی اونرا تایید کردن
همونهایی که توی مجلس در عرض 10 دقیقه تاییدش کردن

روحانی و داداش جاسوسش و اون وزیر وزرای پیر و جاسوس و دزد رفسنجانی که ۸ سال گند زدن به همه چی مملکت

مجلس هم تحت رهبری لاریجانی و رفسنجانی اکثرا لیبرال بودن

شورای عالی امنیت هم قشنگ بود -)

تا وقتی روحانی و رفسنجانی و دار و دستشون که تو سال ۸۸ فتنه انتخابات درست کرده بودن هستن شورای عالی امنیت کاری نمیتونه کاری بکنه

بعد فقط مسئله برجام و گند زدشون تو مسائل نظامی و هسته ای و موشکی و فضایی نیست

روحانی با دلاریزه کردن اقتصاد ایران از جنگ ایران و عراق بیشتر به اقتصاد ایران ضربه زد !
روحانی و داداش جاسوسش و اون وزیر وزرای پیر و جاسوس و دزد رفسنجانی که ۸ سال گند زدن به همه چی مملکت

مجلس هم تحت رهبری لاریجانی و رفسنجانی اکثرا لیبرال بودن

شورای عالی امنیت هم قشنگ بود -)

تا وقتی روحانی و رفسنجانی و دار و دستشون که تو سال ۸۸ فتنه انتخابات درست کرده بودن هستن شورای عالی امنیت کاری نمیتونه کاری بکنه

بعد فقط مسئله برجام و گند زدشون تو مسائل نظامی و هسته ای و موشکی و فضایی نیست

روحانی با دلاریزه کردن اقتصاد ایران از جنگ ایران و عراق بیشتر به اقتصاد ایران ضربه زد !
do you really think Iran economy is decoupled from dollar right now.
by the way what is raesi achievement for our economy ? 70% inflation?
Be it IDF, IMF, or Defencepk internal Iranian cockfights will continue.
. .

اغا تو راست میگی روحانی که قیمت همه چیو تو ایران ۲۰ برابر کرد خوب بود

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