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32 members of the Israeli Knesset (parliament) signed a letter affirming support for separatism in Iran. The Knesset is made up of 120 members.

knesset Iran Apr 28 23.jpg
32 members of the Israeli Knesset (parliament) signed a letter affirming support for separatism in Iran. The Knesset is made up of 120 members.

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Isn't this what they are already trying to do since 43 years? This would only give Iran a direct A+B proof that separatism isn't only forment by internal things, but by external foreign entities that have nothing to do with Iran or Iranians, with political, financial and military support. So it couldn't be qualified as "Iranian propaganda" anymore.

Are they idiot of admitting it in their parliament in public when this is what they are trying to forment undercover and secretly for decades?
Israel strikes Homs, Syrian air defense activated

Military officials told SANA that Syrian air defenses responded to Israeli airstrikes. However, three civilians were wounded in the strike and a civilian fuel station caught fire as several fuel tankers and trucks were burned.
The attack comes as Syria continues to face threats from US, Israeli, and ISIS forces simultaneously.

It is doable. No airfields -> no airforce -> no israel. But as long as all around fire rockets at civilians instead on airfields, military production, energy plants...
If it has no airport inside of Israel to land anymore, they will probably use U.S ones in Syria which needs to be also destroyed, without bringing the US into war. They could ask regional countries, which would undoubtedly refuse as it would put them at risk of entering the war, and most of these countries barely represent a threat to Iran defending.

The total destruction of US assets in the region including the total annihilation of the 5th fleet is possible only if Iran strikes first and quick, but it would lead to a total war with the U.S possibly including nuclear blackmail, something they tried to do to China during the Korean war, thus China acquiring nuclear weapons. Iran should never be prey to nuclear blackmail.

Israel is not the real threat as it is such a little country and a volley can lead to the destruction of their airfields, nuclear reactors and military warehouses, this would lead to the massive immigration of people in Israel to Europe or the United States, they don't care of the apartheid, but if their lives are in danger, they will leave.

The real challenge for Iran is to be able to target US homeland and do everything to not be the prey of nuclear blackmail, forcing any opponent to stick to conventional weapons, this would destroy their ability of nuclear blackmailing and sustain heavy losses if trying to continue a war.
Israel is not the real threat as it is such a little country and a volley can lead to the destruction of their airfields, nuclear reactors and military warehouses, this would lead to the massive immigration of people in Israel to Europe or the United States, they don't care of the apartheid, but if their lives are in danger, they will leave.

The real challenge for Iran is to be able to target US homeland and do everything to not be the prey of nuclear blackmail, forcing any opponent to stick to conventional weapons, this would destroy their ability of nuclear blackmailing and sustain heavy losses if trying to continue a war.

Zionist lobbies are one of four or five categories of interest groups which largely control the USA regime (with several others closely linked to the zionists, e.g. the masonic secret society, Wall Street etc).

To the ruling oligarchy in Washington, the apartheid entity's survival therefore will matter at least as much as its own (including for esoteric reasons).

@jauk, @SalarHaqq ..notice that "Dariush" and "sha ah" accounts have been activated again...co-ordinated with the trip of "1/4 pahlavi" to Israel....someone is cooking something !!...lol

Can't comment on the mentioned users in this specific context, that being said the impression I gain from taking an occasional look at the exiled oppositionist clown show as well as from listening to the discourse of their foreign sponsors, is that they're desperate to foment some kind of unrest come summer.
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Zionist lobbies are one of four or five categories of interest groups which largely control the USA regime (with several others closely linked to the zionists, e.g. the masonic secret society, Wall Street etc).

To the ruling oligarchy in Washington, the apartheid entity's survival therefore will matter at least as much as its own (including for esoteric reasons).

Can't comment on the mentioned users in this specific context, but that said my impression when taking an occasional look at the exiled oppositionist clown show as well as at the discourse of their foreign sponsors, is that they're desperate to instigate turmoil come summer.

Influence of Pro-Israel Zionist groups along with deluded Christian Evangelicals (Christian Zionists). Has been a well known phenomenon here in the states but it’s difficult to combat them given just how embedded they are within the very fabric of American politics.

I want to say that given time, their base will eventually “die out” as younger, far for more Western progressively liberal people begin to take various office positions. But their presence will be felt for quite some time to come.
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32 members of the Israeli Knesset (parliament) signed a letter affirming support for separatism in Iran. The Knesset is made up of 120 members.

View attachment 927042
I wonder if the son of the former exiled shah will take any steps to condemn this, days after he bent the knee and visited occupied Palestine to support the far-right Zionist regime.

Even the monarchists don't support separatism. This is a wedge that the IRI should use.
They need enough missiles & sufficient air defenses to act as a deterrent. Of course, Syria is in a weakened state but the question is, are they going to allow Israel to do this to them indefinitely ? Do you think the Houthis would ? Sometimes you have to take a stand to earn respect.

Houthi’s are a guerrilla force. SAA is a traditional military with bases and ammo depots and likely infiltrated by hundreds of spies. USAF couldn’t stem the Taliban because they were guerrilla force that were well scattered and used the terrain to hide well. SAA all it’s bases are well known and Israel has likely mapped the country’s topography 10x over using spy sats.

Also if Ukraine with all these air defense systems cannot stop Russian strikes, you think Syria can? Even if you gave them Mobin, Bavar, and Khordad systems they would still struggle. And iran would be on hook with resupplying all the expended missiles. Syria is broke so Iran would be losing money unlike the Russian-Iranian military equipment deals that bring it revenue.

Defending Syrian airspace is very difficult against one of the most potent air forces in the world.

Didn't Iranian officials claim recently that they would be using the Qaher blueprint to develop a high speed maneuverable UAV ? That might actually work. the Chinese have a stealth, maneuverable UAV that can travel at hypersonic speeds.

You aren’t getting too fast of drone using J-79 (owj) engines. Supersonic possibly, but range without drop tanks (raises RCS) will be limited. The removal of a pilot might allow for more space for larger internal fuel tanks.

At best the drone will be similar to the Turkish unmanned jet. Iran will need to use RAS paint as well as honeycomb to bring the RCS down. If possible they should shape/design the exhaust area to reflect away radar. Thermal cooling of engine exhaust will likely be too expensive and is a staple of a true 5th Gen fighter (weather manned or unmanned).
A must watch : A Saudi commander welcoming Iranians evacuated from Sudan to Saudia, I wish you understand Arabic, as subtitles missed many words of welcoming and praising

Sorry for hurting, some racist and retarded, Arabs and Iranians feeling .
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