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Iranian Chill Thread

An American flagship in our subforum claims of being an Azeri

I do not see how everyone here is saying option 2 is the right approach
Literally no one said to invade Azerbaijan

In other news,

Russian strategic bombers used X-101 or Kh-101 missiles to target a dam in southern ukraine, destroying it. Surprisingly I did not expect cruise missiles to cause significant damaged to it, they are usually hard to destroy, but low and hold the dam (is still structurally in place) is opened due to the damage causing large floods.
Literally no one said to invade Azerbaijan

In other news,

Russian strategic bombers used X-101 or Kh-101 missiles to target a dam in southern ukraine, destroying it. Surprisingly I did not expect cruise missiles to cause significant damaged to it, they are usually hard to destroy, but low and hold the dam (is still structurally in place) is opened due to the damage causing large floods.

Then they've 'upgraded' the SMO to include critical civilian infrastructure: might be a prelude to a "anti-terrorist" change of designation for the operation.

Drastic increase in escalation.

then lets talk war business- you know the 1st ,main thing Iran will completely destroy in Azerbaijan? their oil and gas installations. No money first - poof!

excellent points......

...until right here.

NATO and US, fortunately or unfortunately, are too stretched and distracted by the Ukraine war. This is US of 2022, not US of 2005, no country opposing Russia in Ukraine can fight Russia in Ukraine AND support anti-iran operations in the middle east at the same time- you'd need an army the size of the Soviet Union to do that, because remember, tht army would need 200K- 500K soldiers ARMED, CLOSE AND READY, but how is that possible today when these same Bad-at-war NATO countries have already drained national ammunition stocks to fight for freedom in stupid Ukraine?

NATO forces today do not have combat readiness, i'm ready to bet money on that. after the hasty and loser exit from Afghanistan and into difficult Ukraine war?? GIMMME A BREAAK.

If it's beneficial and ultimately necessary for Iran to conduct kinetic operations against assets in Azerbaijan. Then I think it would be worth while for I.R.I to explore their operations.
I Would actully love to see Iran open a front with Azerbaijan.. Within 24 hours War will be declared in Istanbul. The Turks will enter in a hasty fashion..

It will lead to quite a large regional war which I prefer it to happen but I don't think Iran will pursue it not atleast for decades from now...

But yes I welcome Azerbaijan, Turkey and Iran war.. This could also open a window and opportunity to disarm Iran once and for all. Iran soil will be invaded in this scenario atleast for a 20-25% of it.

I know some Iranians will think oh well we are hercules and superman we have never experienced yada yada but on the contrary Iran has been the highway of Empires every single empire has gone thru it and conquered it taking at one point.. Perhaps the highway will be reopen again business as usual.. On average it happened every 3rd century

Iran has always been a land empire. With massive porous borders that are extremely difficult to defend with cold weaponry alone

Its a testament to the Iranian states strength that it built such mighty empires that lasted so long.

Just on statistics alone, it is inevitable that some perfect storm will brew. Whereby Iran is in internal turmoil, combined with a once in a 1000 year earth changing event such as alexander, islam, and genghis khan. The 3 times Iranian empires were completely defeated.

Land empirrs are extremely hard to defend. Thats why germany had such a legendary military culture pre ww2. It was essential to their existence facing a similar poor geopolitical position of being surrounded by land and major powers on every side.

The roman empire which was de facto the united civilized european states suffered some of its most brutal and humiliating defeats at Iranian hands, in the absolute prime of their power. Thats what happens when someone invades A united and politically stable Iran

As far as your laughable claims about turkey. They absolutely learned their lesson for the final time after the absolute brutal beatings nader repeatedly inflicted upon them.

Turkey is far more inteligent then to commit national suicide by taking on Iran. If they wanted to, they would have done it in the 80s.

Iran will dismember their country by using the kurdish card if they miscalculate.
What a western stooge. He's probably more concerned about his bank accounts in London, New York and Switzerland. The best source for Armenia to acquire weapons is obviously Iran. Missiles, air defense systems, ATGMs, UAVs. But of course he won't go against his masters orders.

Massive protests against Pashinyan. Apparently he wants to make more concessions to Azerbaijan. At this rate this stooge might as well give up Yerevan LOL

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What a western stooge. He's probably more concerned about his bank accounts in London, New York and Switzerland. The best source for Armenia to acquire weapons is obviously Iran. Missiles, air defense systems, ATGMs, UAVs. But of course he won't go against his masters orders.

Massive protests against Pashinyan. Apparently he wants to make more concessions to Azerbaijan. At this rate this stooge might as well give up Yerevan LOL

If Azerbaijan is threatening Armenia and the Armenian Gouverment rejects any kind of help, than there is not much Iran can do. Its very bad to have weak neighbours. When I say "weak" I dont talk about the countrysize or economy...I talk about weak behaviour and character of political leaders.
Only Armenian people can change something at this moment. They should take this guy from power and replace him with a strong nationalist leader. Weak leaders are also no reliable partners for Iran.

Secondly: This Armenian president maybe feel secure with his appeacement policy. But fact is that any kind of weakness is considered by Armenias enemies to go one step further. Like an agressive dog who licked blood and wants more.

But as far as Armenian president continues his weak policy Iran should not intervene. I feel that the political leaders of Armenia expect others to fight for them because they dont believe in their own spirit.
Iran should not go into confict for a nation wich is not willing to fight for themselves.
LOL First of all take a look at Turkey's economic situation. Inflation at over 100% and the Lira becoming more worthless by the day This is not one of your video games. Wars require massive amounts of funding. Turkey is currently broke, with empty pockets and friction in Syria, Libya and now Greece.

And how exactly do you intend on reaching Azerbaijan ? Turkey's only access is via a narrow mountain pass to the enclave of Nakhchivan. Meanwhile Nakhchivan and Azerbaijan's entire southern border shares long borders with Iran.

Iran has 150 km of access into Nakhchivan alone. Turkey doesn't even have 1 km. If Iran destroys that narrow mountain pass, which would be very easy with a few missiles, then how is Turkey going to access Nakhchivan ? Go through Iranian territory, through the mountains ? Yeah good luck with that.

Or go through Armenian territory where I'm sure your soldiers will be welcomed with open arms ? More than likely ambushed with ATGMs, mines and snipers without mercy before your army can get anywhere. Again good luck.

Nakhchivan Sept 12, 22.jpg

I Would actully love to see Iran open a front with Azerbaijan.. Within 24 hours War will be declared in Istanbul. The Turks will enter in a hasty fashion..

It will lead to quite a large regional war which I prefer it to happen but I don't think Iran will pursue it not atleast for decades from now...

But yes I welcome Azerbaijan, Turkey and Iran war.. This could also open a window and opportunity to disarm Iran once and for all. Iran soil will be invaded in this scenario atleast for a 20-25% of it.

I know some Iranians will think oh well we are hercules and superman we have never experienced yada yada but on the contrary Iran has been the highway of Empires every single empire has gone thru it and conquered it taking at one point.. Perhaps the highway will be reopen again business as usual.. On average it happened every 3rd century
LOL First of all take a look at Turkey's economic situation. Inflation at over 100% and the Lira becoming more worthless by the day This is not one of your video games. Wars require massive amounts of funding. Turkey is currently broke, with empty pockets and friction in Syria, Libya and now Greece.

And how exactly do you intend on reaching Azerbaijan ? Turkey's only access is via a narrow mountain pass to the enclave of Nakhchivan. Meanwhile Nakhchivan and Azerbaijan's entire southern border shares long borders with Iran.

Iran has 150 km of access into Nakhchivan alone. Turkey doesn't even have 1 km. If Iran destroys that narrow mountain pass, which would be very easy with a few missiles, then how is Turkey going to access Nakhchivan ? Go through Iranian territory, through the mountains ? Yeah good luck with that.

Or go through Armenian territory where I'm sure your soldiers will be welcomed with open arms ? More than likely ambushed with ATGMs, mines and snipers without mercy before your army can get anywhere. Again good luck.

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If Iran would support armenia in a conflict. (directly or indirectly), Turkey could provide Supply threw Georgia or Air supply. May Iran and turkey , both would avoid a direct confict wich means Iran can not attack turkish supply.
If Azerbaijan is threatening Armenia and the Armenian Gouverment rejects any kind of help, than there is not much Iran can do. Its very bad to have weak neighbours. When I say "weak" I dont talk about the countrysize or economy...I talk about weak behaviour and character of political leaders.
Only Armenian people can change something at this moment. They should take this guy from power and replace him with a strong nationalist leader. Weak leaders are also no reliable partners for Iran.

Secondly: This Armenian president maybe feel secure with his appeacement policy. But fact is that any kind of weakness is considered by Armenias enemies to go one step further. Like an agressive dog who licked blood and wants more.

But as far as Armenian president continues his weak policy Iran should not intervene. I feel that the political leaders of Armenia expect others to fight for them because they dont believe in their own spirit.
Iran should not go into confict for a nation wich is not willing to fight for themselves.
Broadly I agree. But you don't address the elephant in the room which is possible loss of the Armenian border by Iran. if that is a real threat (I don't know given the propaganda from all sides) then it would leave Iran with no choice but at least have an incursion to maintain the corridor.
Russia used a large number of Iranian drones to target Nikopol, across the river north of the Zaporizhia nuclear plant.

Also today Russia attacked a hydro electric dam in Kryvyi Rih, Zelensky's hometown. This caused the level of the Ingulets river to rise 2.5 meters, flooding the town.

Today Zelensky got into a car crash, meanwhile an assassination attempt against Putin's vehicle failed.

Like I mentioned in my previous post, Turkey is dirt broke. From an economic standpoint they're on the verge of bankruptcy, with some economists saying that they might even default on their debts soon. Recently the Erdogan government basically begged citizens to hand in their gold in exchange for Lira so yeah...

Anyways the last thing Iran wants is a war. But if Turkey/Azerbaijan refuse to accept Armenia's internationally recognized borders, thereby cutting off Iran's access to Armenia, then Iran will likely act. In such a scenario the best option would be to quickly occupy Nakhchivan to pressure Baku. If things escalate Iran could saturate Baku's airspace with missiles and very easily cut off their pipelines.

If Turkey responds by sending troops, then destroying the narrow mountain pass which connects Nakhchivan to Turkey will leave them with two options. Go through Iran's mountains or go offroad through mountainous terrain, though Armenia, where they'll likely get ambushed, just to reach Nakhchivan's borders.

Meanwhile Iran shares 150 KM of border with Nakhchivan, so for Iran it would be a peace of cake. Like Napoleon said "Amateurs discuss tactics, while professionals discuss logistics" When it comes to Nagorno Karabakh, Iran has a hands off approach since its disputed territory. But when it comes to the corridor connection Armenia to Iran, it's a matter of national security.

If Iran would support armenia in a conflict. (directly or indirectly), Turkey could provide Supply threw Georgia or Air supply. May Iran and turkey , both would avoid a direct confict wich means Iran can not attack turkish supply.
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If it's beneficial and ultimately necessary for Iran to conduct kinetic operations against assets in Azerbaijan. Then I think it would be worth while for I.R.I to explore their operations.

Me think Iran knows well where and what in Azerbaijan is existential for the Azerbaijan war machinery and how to eliminate it in a first strike.
I favor sending significant arms to Armenia under a plausible deniability regime in order to minimize potential political fallout with Turkey and help restore Armenian territorial integrity to some appreciable degree. But Azerbaijan, knowing full well who is sending Armenia these major arms. Would be more emboldened to keep pushing Iran until some redline is crossed.

Game of chicken really...

IRGC would need to gauge the correct strike package that can accomplish mission goals without leading into a significant regional war. To be completely honest, any Iranian lead operation against Azerbaijan will open the flood gates and that'll be that.

I don't see how a highly militantly radical ethnocentric(somewhat) state like Pan-Turkish Azerbaijan is going to say "well, Iran is hitting us now. Better stop what we're doing". If anything, Israel/NATO/America will use this as an opportunity to form a new front against Tehran, this time right at home.
The problem with this is that we have a stable and working relationship with Turkey, not the best but still Iran and Turkey are benefitting from each other. Iran's relationship with Azerbaijan is at a lower level compared to the one with Turkey but still no open enmity.
I do not think making enemies out of Turkey and Azarbaijan is a good idea especially with the Zionist scum waiting for the opportunity. Direct all the energy towards the Zionists, they are safe sitting and stoking tensions waiting for us to fight each other.

Do not fall for their trap.
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