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Iranian Chill Thread

Have you ever taken a look at the number of native vs foreigner ratio in UAE? Do you know that foreigners make up 85% of the ENTIRE UAE population? That is right.. only 15% of Emiratis are native to that land. Jewish-European oriented Emirati leaders have managed to turn themselves into a freaking minority in the span of just 2 decades. I am not even talking about the mass tourism UAE is witnessing... they have turned UAE into a Arab-Muslim Pattaya anyway. Israeli tourists now don't have to travel much further... they will arrive sooner for their wicked desires. (There was even an entire article about this). Examples are very valid my brother.. there is no difference between a European or an Iranian or an Arab... humans are basically the same.. same desires. The point here is how you govern them according to your heritage,traditions etc

Egypt is a male dominated society.. even though they are a secular and ''free'' nation on paper traditions never died in Egypt. I salute Egyptians for being themselves and not succumbing to the corrupt Western ideology even though they follow a somewhat pro-US foreign policy. India is exactly the same story as Egypt.. they are a male dominated society with a proud patriotic population.. just take a look at the Indian population whenever they have some small scale conflict with Pakistan.. literally almost the entire population gathers around the flag.

What you have said about our own nation is true and this is a moment for us to pause and think what has gone wrong that we became like what you just described. It is shocking yes but the reason Iran is the way it is today is because the role and power of the women and feminization of the Iranian society. In contrary to massive Western propaganda Iranian women wield too much power in the society and this is the root cause of the problem. Just imagine a feminist country like Sweden.. imagine it being sanctioned and demonized for more than 40 years and you will get an Iran. I am sorry to say but Iran is just simply not meant for European style governance or suited for mass tourism or globalism. The reason for the unfortunate situation you described is the victory of the Western propaganda against the Iranian nation. I admit that we got defeated on the PR front and the result of that is clearly visible in the society. We just need correct leaders to fix this issue. It can be solved but needs unity and patriotism.

What you advocated will just make the situation worse. It will defeat Iran much quicker than what i described in general.
خداییش چیزهایی که گفتی اصلاً ناامیدم کرد. فکر می‌کردم تو یکی لااقل عقلت سرجاش باشه. از سالار که انتظاری ندارم چون کسی که مثل کبک سرش رو کرده تو برف نمی‌شه بهش چیزی گفت

براش مقاله آوردم از خود مشرق نیوز که خامنه‌ای به وزارت بهداشت توپیده که چرا آمار نرخ باروری رو دست کاری کردین و از آمار واقعی که ۱.۷ هست به دروغ رسوندینش به ۲.۱ بعد هنوز تو ذهن خودش فکر می کنه اثبات کرده که نرخ باروری ایران طبیعی هست! یه نگاه به رشد جمعیت ایران تو ۱۰ سال گذشته همه چیز رو نشون می‌ده. یه نگاه به اطراف خود آدم و دیدن پسرها و دخترهای دهه شصت و هفتاد که بیشترشون هنوز ازدواج نکردن یا بچه ندارن همه چیز رو نشون می‌ده

واقعاً داری اماراتی که روی هم دیگه به اندازه یک استان ایران هست و جمعیت‌اش در حد چندصد هزار نفر بیشتر نبوده رو با ایران ۸۰ میلیونی مقایسه می‌کنی؟ برای اینکه بلای امارات سر ما بیاد باید نزدیک ۷۰۰ میلیون نفر به ایران مهاجرت کنند. به نظرت اصلاً شدنی هست؟ حرف خیلی عجیبی زدی. بعد اصلاً توریسم چه ربطی به مهاجرت داره؟
تو امارات یک جامعه ۳ ٪‌ تا ۵٪‌ محلی دارن با کیفیتی زندگی می‌کنند که برای ۹۹٪‌ مردم دنیا پس از ده‌ها سال کار در حد رویا باقی می‌مونه و تمام قوانین جامعه و پست‌های رده بالای جامعه در اختیار این ۵٪‌ محلی هست. برو ببین امارات داره چطوری فرهنگش رو گسترش می‌ده و فرهنگ خودش رو تبلیغ می‌کنه. اگه به نظرت خیلی داره به اماراتی‌ها بد می‌گذره و جامعه ما خوبه، واقعاً نمی‌دونم بهت چی بگم دیگه

برو ببین چطوری یه بخش زیادی از جامعه تو ایران دارن خودشون رو جر می‌دن که خودشون رو به ترک‌ها بچسبونند. آیا تو ترکیه هم کسی برای چسبوندن خودش به ایران خودش رو جر می‌ده؟ بعد به نظرت ما داریم هویتمون رو بهتر از ترکیه حفظ می‌کنیم؟ ترکیه نه تنها داره هویت خودش رو حفظ می‌کنه، بلکه داره با فیلم‌سازی، تبلیغات و گسترش توریسم هویت خودش رو به کل منطقه گسترش می‌ده

یه جور می‌گی مصر و هند جوامع مردسالار هستند انگار مثلاً ایران یه جامعه فمنیست زن سالار هست. از کی تا حالا ایران کمتر از مصر و هند مردسالار شده؟ یا ترکیه؟ ترکیه هم یک جامعه پدرسالار هست. تمام کشورهای خاورمیانه فرهنگ مردسالاری دارن حتی اگه قوی‌ترین روابط رو با غرب داشته باشن

ایران رو داری با سوئد مقایسه می‌کنی؟ خدا وکیلی داری ایران رو با سوئد مقایسه می‌کنی؟ تو همین چند سال گذشته چند تا پدر دخترش رو به خاطر اینکه به حرفش گوش نکرده کشته و بعد هم از نظر قانونی هیچ مشکلی براش پیش نیومده چون قیم دخترش بوده؟ همون دختری که تو رشت با یه پسر بزرگتر از خودش فرار کرد رو یادت رفته؟ یا نجفی که زنش رو با هفت‌تیر کشت هیچ کاریش نکردن رو یادت رفته؟ اینجا یک دونه زن تو سیاست پیدا نمی‌کنی. افرادی مثل ابتکار و اینها بازیچه دست و نمایشی هستند. داری با سوئدی که تو دانشگاه اگه یک زن یه بار ازت شکایت کرده باشه حتی بدون مدرک دهنت سرویس می‌شه تا فارغ التحصیل بشی مقایسه می‌کنی؟​
Watch this video...This is what happens when a country such as india lived in denial about COVID...Armageddon...real scenes even a movie maker can not make.

Turns out this video was from an gasexplosion (gasleak) in India 9 months back

so yeah, as I sayd, be careful what the mainstream media/media is showing, escpecially when it comes to the Coronavirus
Irrelevant to the point. Salehi the head of Iran’s nuclear program was in the US in the 70’s getting his PHD in nuclear field. There are many ways to assist the homeland besides rushing to pick up a gun. That is why mandatory military service is different the higher the education you have attained.

Mohammad Marandi moved to Iran and served in the front lines as a teenager( before the age of military conscription in Iran) and has lived, studied and worked in Iran ever since. He has done a hell of a job defending Iran on English language news outlets. There should be no barriers for a true Patriotic Iranian like Dr. Marandi to become Foreign minister if he ever choses to.
There should be no barriers for a true Patriotic Iranian like Dr. Marandi to become Foreign minister if he ever choses to.

Again irrelevant. It seems you like to jump from one making one statement to another. First you make fun of Zarif for not rushing back to Iran and joining the military, when I point out that Salehi was also in the US at the same time and there are many methods of serving a country, you jump to another point of how there shouldn’t be any barriers for Dr. Marandi to become a FM....a point that was never even disputed by me (maybe someone else). In Persian, we have saying, you should not grab your sandals and run into a conversation you are not a part of when you don’t understand the full discussion.

Again Dr. Marandi being a “true Patriot” versus Zarif is a personal opinion and irrelevant to the discussion. Both are US educated technocrats and both have defended Iran in US media. Yet double standard exists. You can see the same among Democrats and Republicans in US society.

In the future when you quote me and interrupt a conversation, please actually have a point to your sporadic thoughts.
. .
India has better situation than us we have 836 death per milion the india only had 147

In a country where less than 40% of deaths and births are officially recorded by the state....you believe the India numbers?

You should educate yourself
In a country where less than 40% of deaths and births are officially recorded by the state....you believe the India numbers?

You should educate yourself
Well what about turkey and russia.
Also its stating the article you say 40% is not recorded i say let say only 25% is recorded and the death rate is 4 time what is in article. Even that is better than here
Thanks to turning red cities into green one just befor norooz .
3500+ dead in India in one day. China has offered to help India with medical aid and equipment. Modi has not responded to China. Covid-19 numbers are surging all over the world it seems.

View attachment 738356

I repeat myself
dont believe everything from the mass media, espcecially when its about Covid
this numbers are totally bollocks
they dont even differentiate if you die BECAUSE of Covid or WITH Covid
Example: If im Covid-positive and die in a car accident Im officially counted as Covid death, do you understand?
This virus serves only one aganda -> THE GREAT RESET
They got exposed already so many times
Do you remember the videos about full hospitals and people collapsing in china or india on the streets
Exposed as fake
In china they used actors
In India the pople lying on the ground exposed as gasexplosion 9 months back
And full/collapsing hospitals? You can remember the dancing doctors and nurses? Do you think they would have time for such choreographics if the hospitals were full?
Guess what, the hospitals were never near full, they were nearly empty, everything exposed on tape..

+ the PCR testing on COVID was already exposed as very unreliable by many experts and even the founder of PCR testing sayd its very unreliable, thats why many positive tests came out as "false positive"

An adivce from me:

Turn off the TV, especially the news, its brainwashing 24hrs a day, they lie and lie
I was like you the first 2 weeks last year, I lived in fear and the news on TV made me more and more fearfull
My mind switched as it was exposed how they count COVID-Deaths (I described it above)
And Im not gonna plan to be vaccinated
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. .
I repeat myself
dont believe everything from the mass media, espcecially when its about Covid
this numbers are totally bollocks
they dont even differentiate if you die BECAUSE of Covid or WITH Covid
Example: If im Covid-positive and die in a car accident Im officially counted as Covid death, do you understand?
This virus serves only one aganda -> THE GREAT RESET
They got exposed already so many times
Do you remember the videos about full hospitals and people collapsing in china or india on the streets
Exposed as fake
In china they used actors
In India the pople lying on the ground exposed as gasexplosion 9 months back
And full/collapsing hospitals? You can remember the dancing doctors and nurses? Do you think they would have time for such choreographics if the hospitals were full?
Guess what, the hospitals were never near full, they were nearly empty, everything exposed on tape..

+ the PCR testing on COVID was already exposed as very unreliable by many experts and even the founder of PCR testing sayd its very unreliable, thats why many positive tests came out as "false positive"

An adivce from me:

Turn off the TV, especially the news, its brainwashing 24hrs a day, they lie and lie
I was like you the first 2 weeks last year, I lived in fear and the news on TV made me more and more fearfull
My mind switched as it was exposed how they count COVID-Deaths (I described it above)
And Im not gonna plan to be vaccinated

You are absolutely right and dozens of lawyers are gathering around the world to make a mega international lawsuit on this big lie of this false pandemic. Currently the biggest lawsuit in the world is in Canada in the province of Quebec.

I'll add to your post that dozens of covid treatments work around the world but these health criminals haven't treated people. He is now preparing a new Nuremberg 2.0 trial with the German lawyer Reiner Fuellmich who is in contact with dozens of lawyers around the world
Well what about turkey and russia.
Also its stating the article you say 40% is not recorded i say let say only 25% is recorded and the death rate is 4 time what is in article. Even that is better than here
Thanks to turning red cities into green one just befor norooz .

The deaths in Iran are the fault of Iranians not taking precautions. Have you driven in Tehran or Shomal? Iran is leader in car accident deaths in the world with it’s crazy driving. Iran is also a leader in air pollution related deaths. So when they refuse to follow government orders about social distancing and masks this is what you get.

Many people I talk to in that country Don’t take that virus seriously.

So let’s not blame this on green and red zones like we are school children. Common sense should dictate you wear masks and avoid large crowds. If celebrating new years is more important than that, then you will reap the consequences.

Also at current pace India will have more infected than the entire population of Iran
. .
And people wonder why Iran stays away from Azerbaijan.

And when people get upset, they say....Shia brotherhood is a lie from Iran.


Jabrayil is a town that used to be controlled by Armenia. Base is probably for monitoring the new borders with Armenia,.

How much do these drones cost?

Azerbaijan should be focused on improving the lives of its people instead of some pseudo Erdogan wanna be parading around in military attire spending money on overpriced Israeli drones.
خداییش چیزهایی که گفتی اصلاً ناامیدم کرد. فکر می‌کردم تو یکی لااقل عقلت سرجاش باشه. از سالار که انتظاری ندارم چون کسی که مثل کبک سرش رو کرده تو برف نمی‌شه بهش چیزی گفت

براش مقاله آوردم از خود مشرق نیوز که خامنه‌ای به وزارت بهداشت توپیده که چرا آمار نرخ باروری رو دست کاری کردین و از آمار واقعی که ۱.۷ هست به دروغ رسوندینش به ۲.۱ بعد هنوز تو ذهن خودش فکر می کنه اثبات کرده که نرخ باروری ایران طبیعی هست! یه نگاه به رشد جمعیت ایران تو ۱۰ سال گذشته همه چیز رو نشون می‌ده. یه نگاه به اطراف خود آدم و دیدن پسرها و دخترهای دهه شصت و هفتاد که بیشترشون هنوز ازدواج نکردن یا بچه ندارن همه چیز رو نشون می‌ده

واقعاً داری اماراتی که روی هم دیگه به اندازه یک استان ایران هست و جمعیت‌اش در حد چندصد هزار نفر بیشتر نبوده رو با ایران ۸۰ میلیونی مقایسه می‌کنی؟ برای اینکه بلای امارات سر ما بیاد باید نزدیک ۷۰۰ میلیون نفر به ایران مهاجرت کنند. به نظرت اصلاً شدنی هست؟ حرف خیلی عجیبی زدی. بعد اصلاً توریسم چه ربطی به مهاجرت داره؟
تو امارات یک جامعه ۳ ٪‌ تا ۵٪‌ محلی دارن با کیفیتی زندگی می‌کنند که برای ۹۹٪‌ مردم دنیا پس از ده‌ها سال کار در حد رویا باقی می‌مونه و تمام قوانین جامعه و پست‌های رده بالای جامعه در اختیار این ۵٪‌ محلی هست. برو ببین امارات داره چطوری فرهنگش رو گسترش می‌ده و فرهنگ خودش رو تبلیغ می‌کنه. اگه به نظرت خیلی داره به اماراتی‌ها بد می‌گذره و جامعه ما خوبه، واقعاً نمی‌دونم بهت چی بگم دیگه

برو ببین چطوری یه بخش زیادی از جامعه تو ایران دارن خودشون رو جر می‌دن که خودشون رو به ترک‌ها بچسبونند. آیا تو ترکیه هم کسی برای چسبوندن خودش به ایران خودش رو جر می‌ده؟ بعد به نظرت ما داریم هویتمون رو بهتر از ترکیه حفظ می‌کنیم؟ ترکیه نه تنها داره هویت خودش رو حفظ می‌کنه، بلکه داره با فیلم‌سازی، تبلیغات و گسترش توریسم هویت خودش رو به کل منطقه گسترش می‌ده

یه جور می‌گی مصر و هند جوامع مردسالار هستند انگار مثلاً ایران یه جامعه فمنیست زن سالار هست. از کی تا حالا ایران کمتر از مصر و هند مردسالار شده؟ یا ترکیه؟ ترکیه هم یک جامعه پدرسالار هست. تمام کشورهای خاورمیانه فرهنگ مردسالاری دارن حتی اگه قوی‌ترین روابط رو با غرب داشته باشن

ایران رو داری با سوئد مقایسه می‌کنی؟ خدا وکیلی داری ایران رو با سوئد مقایسه می‌کنی؟ تو همین چند سال گذشته چند تا پدر دخترش رو به خاطر اینکه به حرفش گوش نکرده کشته و بعد هم از نظر قانونی هیچ مشکلی براش پیش نیومده چون قیم دخترش بوده؟ همون دختری که تو رشت با یه پسر بزرگتر از خودش فرار کرد رو یادت رفته؟ یا نجفی که زنش رو با هفت‌تیر کشت هیچ کاریش نکردن رو یادت رفته؟ اینجا یک دونه زن تو سیاست پیدا نمی‌کنی. افرادی مثل ابتکار و اینها بازیچه دست و نمایشی هستند. داری با سوئدی که تو دانشگاه اگه یک زن یه بار ازت شکایت کرده باشه حتی بدون مدرک دهنت سرویس می‌شه تا فارغ التحصیل بشی مقایسه می‌کنی؟​
Bazi az Nokatet be ja bood baradar. Vali Iran amade baaz shodan be samte gharb nist. Ja'ame Iran besiar gharbparast hast va in be zarare keshvar hast. Hamin alanesh ham khodeshun ro jer midan ke yekami shabihe gharbi ha beshan. Hala tassavor kon farda tamaame marz ha ro baaz bekonand che etefaghi miofte. Yani bi bande baari va dalghak baazi dar level ke hanuz too donya dide nashode khahim did. Jaame Iran bayad be khodesh biad va bayad be in natije berese ke agar bekhad az nezhad sefid poosta ham ba arzeshtar va tiz hush tar hastan. In gharbparasti bayad be morur zaman az beyn bere.. badan mishe gaam be gaam keshvar ro baaz kard. Vali oon ham baz bayad hormat va sharayete khodesh baashe.. yek keshvare asil mesle Iran ke nemituni tabdil be Pattaya bokoni (va in etefagh khahad oftad agar marzha iran ro alan baaz koni).
Bazi az Nokatet be ja bood baradar. Vali Iran amade baaz shodan be samte gharb nist. Ja'ame Iran besiar gharbparast hast va in be zarare keshvar hast. Hamin alanesh ham khodeshun ro jer midan ke yekami shabihe gharbi ha beshan. Hala tassavor kon farda tamaame marz ha ro baaz bekonand che etefaghi miofte. Yani bi bande baari va dalghak baazi dar level ke hanuz too donya dide nashode khahim did. Jaame Iran bayad be khodesh biad va bayad be in natije berese ke agar bekhad az nezhad sefid poosta ham ba arzeshtar va tiz hush tar hastan. In gharbparasti bayad be morur zaman az beyn bere.. badan mishe gaam be gaam keshvar ro baaz kard. Vali oon ham baz bayad hormat va sharayete khodesh baashe.. yek keshvare asil mesle Iran ke nemituni tabdil be Pattaya bokoni (va in etefagh khahad oftad agar marzha iran ro alan baaz koni).
اتفاقاً من دیدگاهم ۱۸۰ درجه عکس دیدگاه شماست
مردم وقتی چیزی رو امتحان نکردن بهش تمایل خیلی زیاد دارن، وقتی براشون عادی بشه جاذبه‌اش هم از بین می‌ره
اگه جامعه ایران به روی دنیا باز بشه، مردم ایران وطن پرست‌تر می‌شن و قدر و ارزش خودشون رو بیشتر می‌دونند و تازه به چشم دروغ‌هایی که درباره خودشون بهشون می‌گن رو می‌بینند و می‌فهمن که غربی‌ها فریبشون می‌دن

قدرت خیالی و پوشالی رسانه‌های غربی در ایران بر پایه ندونستن و تجربه نداشتن مردم ایران هست. هر قدر فضا بسته‌تر بشه مردم بیشتر اون وری غش می‌کنند. کاری که ۸ سال روحانی با جریان غربگرا کرد هیچ کسی نمی‌تونست بکنه​

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