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Iranian Chill Thread

i have a question about karrar tank...

is it really on the same level as t-90ms or is it just a dressed up t-72...?

why would we go from negotiations with russia to licence t-90 to revealing our own t-90 equivalent within months... it makes no sense to be negotiating for something when we know we are months away from unveiling the exact same thing...

also i doubt how we can go from zulfaqar tank which is m60 copy (1960s tech) to karrar which they made to look like t-90MS copy (2010s tech!)...

how many karrar tanks do we know have been built so far from videos/photos (ignoring the 800 supposedly ordered)?
Iran-Russia negotiations of T-90 is cancelled because of Iran though that they could make a tanks as capable as T-90, Iran already tested both T-90 and T-90MS. and Zulfiqar is the army progarm to make T-72 like tanks but it was cancelled because of high price and a bit worse than T-72S (Shilden), both Karrar and Zulfiqar were different program, for me i think Karrar is actually further development of long forgotten T-72 Khoramshahr which is hybrid of T-72S chassis with T-80UD turret from Ukraine
Picture of T-72 Khoramshahr:

Here is the link about Karrar's production line:
My estimated about 5-20 already being build which it's started at July 2018 but maybe it's already mass produce earlier
>>>i have a question about karrar tank...
>>>is it really on the same level as t-90ms or is it just a dressed up t-72...?

The T-90 itself is an upgraded version of the T-72.
This is from wikipedia "The tank is a modern variation of the T-72B and incorporates many features found on the T-80U. Originally called the T-72BU, but later renamed to T-90"

>>>why would we go from negotiations with russia to licence t-90 to revealing our own t-90 equivalent within >>>months... it makes no sense to be negotiating for something when we know we are months away from >>>unveiling the exact same thing...

I'm guessing that they were already working on the project long in advance. They went into negotiations to create publicity & draw attention to their "new" tank

>>>also i doubt how we can go from zulfaqar tank which is m60 copy (1960s tech) to karrar which they made to >>>look like t-90MS copy (2010s tech!)...

Well the Abrams is pretty much a continuation of the M-60. Infact the SUPER M-60, an upgraded version of M-60, looks VERY similar to the Abrams. The Zulfiqar was a work in progress/prototype & a test bed product. However, in the end, considering the fact that it used the canon from the T-72 & considering the fact that all of Iran's T-72's would need upgrades, it was a no brainer for Iran to simply develop the T-72 upgrade program to build its own T-90 knockoffs. Currently Iran takes part in Russia's yearly war games & we see China bring over their own tanks, specifically the Type 90/99, which is pretty much an upgraded copy of the T-72, basically a T-90 equivalent, so it made sense for Iran to produce T-90 knockoffs being part of/involved with the Russia/Sino axis.

>>>how many karrar tanks do we know have been built so far from

Nobody knows for sure, but from what I've read they're intending to build 800 Karrars. I'm not sure if that includes upgrading the T-72's to Karrar equivalent and adding on 300 new tanks or actually building 800 brand new Karrar tanks. With Iran you never know however according to the following article from Reuters, Deputy Defense Minister Reza Mozaffarinia, has been quoted as saying that “The upgrade and manufacture of 700 to 800 tanks has been planned. Annually there are 50 to 60 tanks manufactured and a sufficient budget has been allocated because the army and Revolutionary Guards have a great need.”

Based on that quote, I'm guessing that Iran is planning on upgrading it's 500 T-72 tanks to Karrar standard and they plan on building approx 300 brand new Karrar tanks, with approx 50 being built a year. It makes sense for Iran to build approx 50 every year in various editions. This way, every year they can work on flaws/bugs & add upgrades as need be. You have to understand, Iran's military doctrine is based on defense, so for Iran, tanks are really their last concern. Anyways here's the article


Personally I'm glad that the Iranian military is finally adding new tanks to their inventory. Many of their older tanks, like the M-48 & Chieftains really need to go. What I'm more excited about is the recent announcement that Iran will be procuring new fighter jets. In 2020, the UN embargo which prevents Iran from buying new fighter jets, comes to an end. Rumor has it that Iran has already signed a deal with Russia to purchase a descent number of fighter jets 50-100 with technology transfers. I would like to see Iran get rid of their aging F-4's & purchase the SU-30 & other SU-27 variants. Perhaps a combination of single & double seat fighter jets ? I would also like to see Iran Upgrade their F-5's to Kowsar standard & build a few squadrons of the F-5 Kowsaw to supplement the airforce. It would also be great if Iran got Russia to help upgrade their MIG-29 jets & perhaps a few squadrons of new MIG-29's would be a great addition as well ? Perhaps Iran can try to knock off the MIG-29 & SU-30 after their receive technology transfers ?
مشایی در پاسخ به صحبت قاضی گفت: می‌خواهم با کت و شلوار از خودم دفاع کنم!

رئیس دادگاه گفت: آقای مشایی، اینجا سفارت انگلیس نیست اینجا دادگاه است؛ شما و آقای بقایی چه تفاوتی با سایر مردم دارید که خود را تافته جدا بافته می‌دانید؟

be nazar shoma in ghazi salahiate ghazi bodan dare ?

تصویر زیر، صفحه اول روزنامه اطلاعات در تاریخ ۱۳ شهریور ۱۳۵۲ را نشان می‌دهد.

Same story again :D
I'm guessing that they were already working on the project long in advance. They went into negotiations to create publicity & draw attention to their "new" tank
this doesn't make sense as an explanation to waste Russia's time and just create confusion...

Well the Abrams is pretty much a continuation of the M-60. Infact the SUPER M-60, an upgraded version of M-60, looks VERY similar to the Abrams. The Zulfiqar was a work in progress/prototype & a test bed product. However, in the end, considering the fact that it used the canon from the T-72 & considering the fact that all of Iran's T-72's would need upgrades, it was a no brainer for Iran to simply develop the T-72 upgrade program to build its own T-90 knockoffs. Currently Iran takes part in Russia's yearly war games & we see China bring over their own tanks, specifically the Type 90/99, which is pretty much an upgraded copy of the T-72, basically a T-90 equivalent, so it made sense for Iran to produce T-90 knockoffs being part of/involved with the Russia/Sino axis.
my question is how they can produce a t-90 knockoff, it is big leap from zulfaqar to t-90ms!

specifically, i would like to see if iran can produce 50+ karrar tanks then compare their actual capabilities/specs with t-90ms to see if it actually as capable

Based on that quote, I'm guessing that Iran is planning on upgrading it's 500 T-72 tanks to Karrar standard and they plan on building approx 300 brand new Karrar tanks, with approx 50 being built a year. It makes sense for Iran to build approx 50 every year in various editions. This way, every year they can work on flaws/bugs & add upgrades as need be. You have to understand, Iran's military doctrine is based on defense, so for Iran, tanks are really their last concern. Anyways here's the article
i guess we will have to wait and see if this happens, because a lot of the time iran announces something but we dont see it be created in big numbers and always they say it is just a test bed for something else (which never seems to come)

Personally I'm glad that the Iranian military is finally adding new tanks to their inventory. Many of their older tanks, like the M-48 & Chieftains really need to go.
i agree on this, even if it is just an improved t-72 with some t-90 features copied (some well, others less well) it is still an improvement and will build up our industries of building high quality tanks which will take time but is a good investment for the future

What I'm more excited about is the recent announcement that Iran will be procuring new fighter jets. In 2020, the UN embargo which prevents Iran from buying new fighter jets, comes to an end. Rumor has it that Iran has already signed a deal with Russia to purchase a descent number of fighter jets 50-100 with technology transfers. I would like to see Iran get rid of their aging F-4's & purchase the SU-30 & other SU-27 variants. Perhaps a combination of single & double seat fighter jets ? I would also like to see Iran Upgrade their F-5's to Kowsar standard & build a few squadrons of the F-5 Kowsaw to supplement the airforce. It would also be great if Iran got Russia to help upgrade their MIG-29 jets & perhaps a few squadrons of new MIG-29's would be a great addition as well ? Perhaps Iran can try to knock off the MIG-29 & SU-30 after their receive technology transfers ?
i am very sceptical of any deal with russia, so many times they cancelled agreements or delayed it for so many years... we should switch to china because russia is very easily influenced by the USA/israel and has bad history with us, only problem is our pilots have no experience with chinese jets...
. .

Here is an illiterate preaching the tribal customs of the camel/ape lizard eaters of Wahabi Desert which is based on pedophilia . He goes on to say that God created women, which are animals and god made them look like humans so he won't be scared while fvvking . From his accent you can tell he is a foreigner. Daste Daste golhaye Illiterate Islamists!

Now you compare that with Christ at the well with the Samarian women.

The woman appears in John 4:4–42:
A Samaritan woman came to draw water, and Jesus said to her, "Give me a drink." (His disciples had gone to the city to buy food.) The Samaritan woman said to him, "How is it that you, a Jew, ask a drink of me, a woman of Samaria?" (Jews do not share things in common with Samaritans.) Jesus answered her, "If you knew the gift of God, and who it is that is saying to you, 'Give me a drink', you would have asked him, and he would have given you living water." The woman said to him, "Sir, you have no bucket, and the well is deep. Where do you get that living water? Are you greater than our ancestor Jacob, who gave us the well, and with his sons and his flocks drank from it?" Jesus said to her, "Everyone who drinks of this water will be thirsty again, but those who drink of the water that I will give them will never be thirsty. The water that I will give will become in them a spring of water gushing up to eternal life." The woman said to him, "Sir, give me this water, so that I may never be thirsty or have to keep coming here to draw water."

Jesus said to her, "Go, call your husband, and come back." The woman answered him, "I have no husband." Jesus said to her, "You are right in saying, 'I have no husband'; for you have had five husbands, and the man you are now living with is not your husband. What you have said is true!" The woman said to him, "Sir, I see that you are a prophet. Our ancestors worshipped on this mountain, but you say that the place where people must worship is in Jerusalem." Jesus said to her, "Woman, believe me, the hour is coming when you will worship the Father neither on this mountain nor in Jerusalem. You worship what you do not know; we worship what we know, for salvation is from the Jews. But the hour is coming, and is now here, when the true worshippers will worship the Father in spirit and truth, for the Father seeks such as these to worship him. God is spirit, and those who worship him must worship in spirit and truth." The woman said to him, "I know that Messiah is coming" (who is called Christ). "When he comes, he will proclaim all things to us." Jesus said to her, "I am he, the one who is speaking to you."[1]

These Charlatan Occupiers of Iran

raman ghavami is a piece of shit western puppet like that heshmat alavi bastard

the video of the cleric is misleading and wrong, he cut the full video where the cleric was quoting something else and was disagreeing!

raman ghavami is a piece of shit western puppet like that heshmat alavi bastard

the video of the cleric is misleading and wrong, he cut the full video where the cleric was quoting something else and was disagreeing!

Anyone that exposes these Charlatans is not a puppet. Criticism does not make one a traitor but selling out Darya Mazandaran makes you a traitor.

The Cleric was sent to clean up and discredit another Cleric’s , Islamist Savage Illiterate , or whatever ( they are all the same) .

He goes on to say and explain that Stone Age thinking , 7th century culture of illegitimate savages is actually quite advanced.

Furthermore, he explains that his colleague is a well known scholar in the Muslim community and his work has been published.

Frankly , I do not give a Fock about Raman Ghavami or any one else. The dissemination Of truth about people’s suffering does not make a puppet. The Cuban rebels exposure of Spanish atrocities against Cuba did not make them traitors. They were heros.

The protests in Ahvaz ,right now for lack of pay ,is not Western propaganda.

The Charlatans can start by bringing back the $200,000,000,000 that they have stolen for starters. That will relieve a lot of pressure and hardships .
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Coming from The fake Joos “ Khazars” who converted to Jewdism and revived the forgotten language of Hebrew from the dust bin so they can continue their lies. They all have changed their names to Hebrew names to validate the lies.

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