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Iranian Chill Thread

به کوری چشمت عید غدیر مبارک

انقد سعی نکن حس ملی گرایی و حس مذهبی گرایی رو به جون هم بندازی
.برای هزارمین بار، این کلیپ یه سخنرانی دیگه است

:متن همون کلیپ

ما بی‌عرضه‌ایم. اینقدر غیرت نداریم. یه عید نوروز میاد تیکه پاره می‌کنیم خودمونو. که حالا چی شده یه زمستون شده بهار. به درک! بهارم میشه تابستون! به کجا برمی‌خوره
به تعداد عمرتون ازین بهارها دیدین. چی شده؟ من مخالفش نیستم. این صله‌ارحام این خونه‌ها رو تمیز کردن... اینا رو حالیمونه. اما می‌خوام بگم خب که چی مثلا! این صدای... همه منتظر دیدی؟ یه توپی میخواد در بشه! دیدی همه.. بشینید حتما باید سر سفره باشی.. بعد یه دَری‌وَری‌هایی هم گذاشتن که هر کاری الان انجام بدی تا آخر سال همون کارو می کنی. مثلا یارو اون لحظه تو مستراح گیر کرده لابد تا آخر سال میخواد بره مستراح. آقا بشینید.. همه منتظر نفس‌ها در سینه حبس.. بووممممم سال هزار و سیصد و نود و هفت... زهر مار
اما من براتون چندین روایت بیارم که امام رضا فرمود که روز غدیر خونه‌هاتونو تمیز کنید. روز غدیر لباس قشنگه‌تون رو تنتون کنید. روز غدیر تو خیابون دارید راه میرید لبخند بزنید بگن امروز متفاوته. یعنی اصل عید ما عید غدیر بود. شهرو بریزید به هم... نورافشانیاتونو بذارید برای غدیر. سیزده روز اینجا تعطیل می‌کنند اونجا حالا یک روز کشتن خودشونو. اونم اگه باز علی مطهری تعطیلشو برنداره. چون دوره افتاده که تعطیلیای اهل بیت رو هم جمع می‌کنند

بله، صد در صد

@Shapur Zol Aktaf !اینجا رو داشته باش
. . .
.برای هزارمین بار، این کلیپ یه سخنرانی دیگه است

:متن همون کلیپ

ما بی‌عرضه‌ایم. اینقدر غیرت نداریم. یه عید نوروز میاد تیکه پاره می‌کنیم خودمونو. که حالا چی شده یه زمستون شده بهار. به درک! بهارم میشه تابستون! به کجا برمی‌خوره
به تعداد عمرتون ازین بهارها دیدین. چی شده؟ من مخالفش نیستم. این صله‌ارحام این خونه‌ها رو تمیز کردن... اینا رو حالیمونه. اما می‌خوام بگم خب که چی مثلا! این صدای... همه منتظر دیدی؟ یه توپی میخواد در بشه! دیدی همه.. بشینید حتما باید سر سفره باشی.. بعد یه دَری‌وَری‌هایی هم گذاشتن که هر کاری الان انجام بدی تا آخر سال همون کارو می کنی. مثلا یارو اون لحظه تو مستراح گیر کرده لابد تا آخر سال میخواد بره مستراح. آقا بشینید.. همه منتظر نفس‌ها در سینه حبس.. بووممممم سال هزار و سیصد و نود و هفت... زهر مار
اما من براتون چندین روایت بیارم که امام رضا فرمود که روز غدیر خونه‌هاتونو تمیز کنید. روز غدیر لباس قشنگه‌تون رو تنتون کنید. روز غدیر تو خیابون دارید راه میرید لبخند بزنید بگن امروز متفاوته. یعنی اصل عید ما عید غدیر بود. شهرو بریزید به هم... نورافشانیاتونو بذارید برای غدیر. سیزده روز اینجا تعطیل می‌کنند اونجا حالا یک روز کشتن خودشونو. اونم اگه باز علی مطهری تعطیلشو برنداره. چون دوره افتاده که تعطیلیای اهل بیت رو هم جمع می‌کنند

بله، صد در صد

@Shapur Zol Aktaf !اینجا رو داشته باش
I didnt even listen/watch the clip, because I'm done with them like all Iranian nationalists. They have no future inside Iran. Throw a dirty fly in water, he will struggle to survive. These people are struggling againt Iranian identity and to impose their ideology. You are witnessing their last efforts, backed by oil money. Oil will finish, islamism will be defeated before oil is finished, 1400 years chapter will be closed in Iran. This is the future.

I'll admit this raefipour guy is confused, in some clips he talks islamism, some clips nationalism:

He's experimenting with mixing islamism and nationalism to deceive Iranian nationalists. But future will be only pure nationalism.
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I didnt even listen/watch the clip, because I'm done with them like all Iranian nationalists. They have no future inside Iran. Throw a dirty fly in water, he will struggle to survive. These people are struggling againt Iranian identity and to impose their ideology. You are witnessing their last efforts, backed by oil money. Oil will finish, islamism will be defeated before oil is finished, 1400 years chapter will be closed in Iran. This is the future.

I'll admit this raefipour guy is confused, in some clips he talks islamism, some clips nationalism:

He's experimenting with mixing islamism and nationalism. But future will be only pure nationalism.

This regime destroyed Islam by the atrocities they have committed and continue to commit under the name of religion .It is clear as day when you talk to Iranian youth born after the revolution. Frankly, they do not give a fvck about Islam. The more they push the ideology of the illiterates from the desert of Wahabia, the more disenfranchise people get, the better it be in the long run.

The tribal customs of the ape/camel pediphiles are already dead thanks to the regime. They hold rallies and cry for the same people that hated the Iranians then and their offsprings hate Iranians today.The only people that show up to their rallies are the uneducated, brainwashed, idiots that are bussed in.They will show up as long as they get their free rice and roughan kermanshah.

You tell me people are not fed up with these Charlatans?
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. . .
Lmao i remember one day this group was super chill and fun. Wtf are you guys blabbing about here?
@Serpentine1 close this thread?
. . . . .


Iran plans to acquire MODERN FIGHTER JETS & boost missile capacity in spite of sanctions

Announced intention to strengthen Iran's defence capabilities also includes acquiring fighter jets and submarines.

Iran is planning to increase its missile capacity and acquire modern fighter jets and submarines as part of efforts to expand its defence capabilities, a senior official has said.

Mohammad Ahadi, Iran's deputy defence minister for international affairs, made the announcement in a speech to a group of foreign military attaches, the Islamic Republic News Agency (IRNA) reported on Saturday.

"Increasing ballistic and cruise missile capacity ... and the acquisition of next-generation fighters and heavy and long-range vessels and submarines with various weapons capabilities are among the new plans of this ministry," he said in the capital, Tehran.

His comments came a day after Tehran rejected a French call for negotiations on future nuclear plans, its ballistic missile arsenal and its role in ongoing regional conflicts, in the wake of a decision by the United States to withdraw from a multinational nuclear deal with Iran and reimpose sanctions against it.

Earlier this week, Iranian lawyers asked the International Court of Justice to order the US to lift the sanctions, saying the measures - which are damaging Iran's already weak economy - violate terms of a little-known 1955 friendship treaty between the two countries.

In his address, Ahadi said the sanctions had not slowed the development of the country's arms industry.

"We have the necessary infrastructure and what we need to do is research and development, and at the same time upgrade and update the defence industry while relying on the country's very high scientific capabilities and tens of thousands of graduates in technical fields and engineering," he was quoted as saying by IRNA.

He also defended Iran's actions in Syria and Iraq, saying they were central to defeating the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (also known as ISIL or ISIS) armed group.

Iran unveils new domestic fighter jet
"If Iran and its allies ... had not stopped [the] Islamic State [of Iraq and the Levant], today the map of the region would be different and the world would face a terrible challenge."

In August, Iran unveiled a new domestic fighter jet, reportedly the first to be "100-percent indigenously made".

At the time, Iranian President Hassan Rouhani said the country's military strength was designed to deter enemies and create "lasting peace".

Rouhani later said that the Islamic Republic's military prowess deterred the US from attacking it.

Relations worsened between the two countries after US President Donald Trump's decision in May to pull out from the landmark nuclear deal, which was signed in 2015 between Iran and several world powers.

War games
In a separate announcement on Saturday, the head of the defence ministry's naval industries said a water jet propulsion system was in development and would be ready by March, according to semi-official news agency Tasnim.

Earlier this week, Iranian state media reported the launch of military exercises involving some 150,000 volunteer Basij militia members, led by Iran's Revolutionary Guards, who vowed to protect Iran from "foreign threats".

"The motto of these war games is unity ... and to declare that, when it comes to adversity and threats from foreigners, we all join to defend the [Islamic Republic's] system," Basij commander Gholam-Hossein Gheibparvar was quoted by IRNA as saying.

The exercises come in advance of massive annual rallies planned for later this month to mark the start of the Iran-Iraq war, which raged from 1980 to 1988.
at Asian Games...

Basketball lost to China 72-84 in the final and won silver.

Volleyball beat South Korea in the final 3-0 and won gold!

Water polo Iran beat China 16-15 and won bronze, Iran's first medal in water polo since 1974!

I don't think there are any more competitions for Iran so the total medals is: 20 gold - 20 silver - 22 bronze (62 total). This is the second most medals Iran has ever won at the Asian Games (highest was 1974). :smart:
i have a question about karrar tank...

is it really on the same level as t-90ms or is it just a dressed up t-72...?

why would we go from negotiations with russia to licence t-90 to revealing our own t-90 equivalent within months... it makes no sense to be negotiating for something when we know we are months away from unveiling the exact same thing...

also i doubt how we can go from zulfaqar tank which is m60 copy (1960s tech) to karrar which they made to look like t-90MS copy (2010s tech!)...

how many karrar tanks do we know have been built so far from videos/photos (ignoring the 800 supposedly ordered)?

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