That's a point and we should ponder over it or impending doom is inevitable .... it's been a Q that was asked a long long time ago and as it sims we ( a handful number of ppl) still wonder what that magical answer might be:
عباس میرزا خائن که خیانتش پرسیدن سوال های ممنوعه بود
"مردم به کارهای من افتخار می کنند ولی چون از ضعیفی من بی خبرند چه کرده ام که قدر و قدرت جنگجویان مغرب زمین را داشته باشم؟یا چه شهری را تسخیر کرده ام وچه انتقامی توانسته ام از تاراج ایالات خود بکشم؟...از شهرت وفتوحات قشون فرانسه دانستم که رشادت قشون روسیه در برابر آنان هیچ است مع الوصف تمام قوای مرا یک مشت اروپایی سرگرم داشته ومانع پیشرفت کار من می شوند....نمی دانم این قدرتی که شما اروپایی ها را بر ما مسلط کرده چیست وموجب ضعف ما وترقی شما چه؟شما در قشون جنگیدن وفتح کردن وبه کار بردن قوای عقلیه متبحرید وحال آنکه ما در جهل وشغب غوطه ور وبه ندرت آتیه را در نظر می گیریم.مگر جمعیت وحاصل خیزی وثروت مشرق زمین از اروپا کمتر است؟یا آفتاب که قبل از رسیدن به شما به ما می تابد تاثیرات مفیدش در سر ما کمتر از سر شماست؟یا خدایی که مراحمش بر جمیع ذرات عالم یکسان است خواسته شما را بر ما برتری دهد؟گمان نمی کنم اجنبی حرف بزن!بگو من چگونه باید ایرانیان را هوشیار کنم؟
What you are saying is right.
Japan also learnt it from Europeans:
One funny thing I have seen here is very much similar to the quote you have mentioned above. In Western universities, you see students from all nationalities. Really amazing. Probably the hardest working of all these students are East Asians. No one else can compete with them in hard work they put in it. There are South Asians, Iranians and other students who work hard too.
But at the end of the day, it is the Western student himself, while being much more relaxed, and even partying and doing all his fun shitt, who comes and says, listen folks "I have an idea here", "I discovered something last night" or "do you want to see my new invention?". And everyone else is like, not again! Even what little comes out of non-Western students with except to Japanese people, it is almost always achieved under the direction and with help of Western minds.
To all dear Iranian philosophers in this forum. This is a nice depiction of all the humans that have ever lived.
Brings me to two questions:
Knowing this, is there anyone in this world who still believes in "tanasokh"? Then there should be a long line for people to wait to get back to the living world.
The other question which is more mathematical, how many different combinations of humans DNA is there? I may be mistaken but I think once I calculated it to be around 6 billion different combinations. If that's true does it mean there are one billion of people who are natural clones of other who are living today? Have we ever witnessed any natural clones? Is that what has caused humanity to believe in tanasokh?
What you are asking is not clear.
But very roughly by doing some back-of-the-envelope calculations and taking some very simplistic and rudimentary assumptions without going into technicalities, this is what you get:
Human genetic material (excluding mitochondrial DNA) is about 3 billion base pairs.
Humans have about 25 thousand genes (most of the DNA is "junk" which we do not fully understand but it appears to play some role).
Assuming viable human life allows just 0.1% base variation between humans (a conservative estimate), and disregarding all other factors which can play in human genetic variation such as mitochondrial DNA, copy number variation etc, it would mean 3 million bases, here for our rudimentary calculation.
We have four bases so the number of probabilities arising would be 4 ^ 3 million or about 10^1.8million. A very huge number of probabilities.
Just to put this number in context, let me remind you that there are less than 10^80 atoms in the entire observable universe. Even if we take the plank volume (an extremely small volume-a proton is a galaxy compared to a plank volume!), which is the smallest space currently understandable in physics, there is less than 10^184 plank volumes in the observable universe.
The number of possible different humans is over a million order of magnitude greater than any countable thing in universe.
This goes to show every one is unique in its genetic code. And the probability to have been repeated in past or in future is simply unfathomable.