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Iranian Chill Thread

This idiot has created this thread and claimed Elamites, Assyrians, Sumerians and Egyptians were Arab!!!

Arab, Semitic & Hamitic Empires and Ancient Kingdoms

The funny thing is that most of the Assyrians and Sumerian kings had the letter "g" which Arabs even can't pronounce and don't have it in their language. The first point!

There are several importnat points that needs to be told :

-Prophet Ibrahim (PBUH) grandfather of prophet Muhammad (PBUH) was an Iranian who born in Ur an old city of Iran. He arised against idol worshipper Assyrians and some of Iranians like Isfahanis helped him and he defeated idol worshippers and Nimrod.


-There is a mountain in Kerman province in Iran which is called Prophet Ibrahim (PBUH) mountain, Iranians believe Ibrahim (PBUH) prayed for God in that mountain in his younger ages. The same as Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) that prayed for God in Hara mountain in Mecca.

-Name of Ibrahim (PBUH) is a Persian word.

Who is Abraham? The Man Known as the forefather of Jews. By HammaMirwaisi

[1] Ἀbrāhām(Ha-brha-hham [2])--- His name means he is a “brother to all” in the Airyanem (Iranian) old language written in Mount Behistun cuneiform inscriptions by Emperor Darius the Great of the Achaemenid Empire. The word, He-brew, meaning Oh-brother, is clearly the derivative of Prophet Abraham name. The name could actually be a title because he was the religious leader of his people.

Abraham was most likely an Airyanem (Iranian) from Matiene, Mitanni or Hurrian [3] born and raised as a member of the Mitra, Mithra [4] or Zoroastrianism [5] religion from Harran [6].

33 prophets from his offspring have lived in Iran.
Daniel, Yaghoub, Yoshe,

Prophet Daniel (PBUH), Susa:


Prophet Hezghil (PBUH), Dezful:


Prophet Yushe (PBUH), Isfahan:


Prophet Heighugh (PBUH), Hamadan:


List of 33 prophets that are buried in Iran:


-Arabs were the tribes that lived in South of Arabian peninsula and migrated to Hijaz at 1600 years ago.

'Aad' and 'Thamud' were Arab people and they are also mentioned in Holy Quran. Most of the Aad and Thamud nation destroyed by punishment of God because of paganism and their plundering habit.

Thamud & Aad:



-Assyrians, Sumerians, Egyptians, Elamites (ancient Persians) were not Arab.
Ur is not iranian city but iraqi city prophet ibrahim(PBUH) was aramean who was born in the Sumerian-Akkadian city of ur some claim he was born in northern Iraq which was aramean Assyrian at that time and back then there was no kurds in that region so their claim is false

Elamites were not persians or indo-Europeans or Semitic people some of the arabs claim that the Elamites were arabs and some kurds claim them too

Ur is in Iraq and iraq(Uruk)is older than iran and its civilizations even predate the arrival of the indo Europeans to the iranian plateau
@Saif al-Arab
Ur is not iranian city but iraqi city prophet ibrahim(PBUH) was aramean who was born in the Sumerian-Akkadian city of ur some claim he was born in northern Iraq which was aramean Assyrian at that time and back then there was no kurds in that region so their claim is false

Elamites were not persians or indo-Europeans or Semitic people some of the arabs claim that the Elamites were arabs and some kurds claim them too

Ur is in Iraq and iraq(Uruk)is older than iran and its civilizations even predate the arrival of the indo Europeans to the iranian plateau
@Saif al-Arab
Ur people were Elamite people with 9000-12000 years civilization they have always been "theist" while Sumerians, Assyriens, Babylonians and Egyptians were idol worshippers.

Today we are considered as Indo-European people while our greatest empires were by offspring of Elamite people and their culture. Elamite people were not Kurds, Kurds are from offspring of Assyrians.



Meosopotamia, 2500 BCE


Meosopotamia, 1500 BCE


There was/is no specific border between Iranian and Iraqi people and today's Iraqis people have become Arab speakers after Islam plus some of Arabs have migrated to Iraq since 1500 years ago.
Prophet Ibrahim (PBUH) was an Iranian person because he born in Iran and spent most of life in Iran and later he fought he against idol worshipper Sumerians and defeated their king Nimrud. Also 'Ibrahim' is an Iranian word.
Prophet Ibrahim (PBUH) was the first Iranian man who put foot in Arabian peninsula and rebuilt Kaaba when even no bird lived there. Except prophet Muhammad (PBUH) and Khaldi ibn Sanan no prophet ever revealed in Arabian peninsula while ten hundreds prophets have revealed between Iranian/Iraqis people.
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Ur is not iranian city but iraqi city prophet ibrahim(PBUH) was aramean who was born in the Sumerian-Akkadian city of ur some claim he was born in northern Iraq which was aramean Assyrian at that time and back then there was no kurds in that region so their claim is false

Elamites were not persians or indo-Europeans or Semitic people some of the arabs claim that the Elamites were arabs and some kurds claim them too

Ur is in Iraq and iraq(Uruk)is older than iran and its civilizations even predate the arrival of the indo Europeans to the iranian plateau
@Saif al-Arab

Neither Elamites language nor Sumerian language were Semitic. Their languages were not Indo-European either. But, who were they? The point is that this linguistic categories are useless in many cases, and people of the region of Fertile Crescent, and West/South/North Iranian Plateau have the same roots. FYI, even Farsi language was considered semitic by the end of 19th century, then a german linguist changed the category and said that Persian language is indo-european. There is nothing more solid than genetics. But, what does Genetic studies say? Genetics studies say that most Iranians living in Iran, have minor genetical differences and their ancestors were emigrated from fertile crescent(Israel, Lebanon, Syria, Iraq, West and South West Iran) to Iran during the Neolithic Revolution. J2 haplogroup is a good marker that clearly shows this fact. Iranians are inheritors of Elamite civilization, and Southern Iraqis are inheritors of Sumerian and Babylonian civilizations, but the racial difference between different groups of people living in Northern Middle East(Levant, Iraq, Iran) is not that significant as you think. An Iraqi is more racially close to an Iranian than an Egyptian Arab or a Moroccan, ...
The idea of Semitic is pushed by these afro arab sauds who have no history and want to claim to be related to Sumerians etc. Trying to relate people to each other due to language is one of the most moronic things possible. It is genetics that matters. Sumerians were most definitely much more related to the Iranians than they are to the sauds.
The idea of Semitic is pushed by these afro arab sauds who have no history and want to claim to be related to Sumerians etc. Trying to relate people to each other due to language is one of the most moronic things possible. It is genetics that matters. Sumerians were most definitely much more related to the Iranians than they are to the sauds.

That's right, but remember that this Aryan race theory that some Pan-Iranists were saying, is not realistic either. The same goes for Pan-turkists claims. The reality is that we, people of the Northern Middle East, have lived there for thousands of years and those linguistic categories are useless in general, as Genetic studies proves.
That's right, but remember that this Aryan race theory that some Pan-Iranists were saying, is not realistic either. The same goes for Pan-turkists claims. The reality is that we, people of the Northern Middle East, have lived there for thousands of years and those linguistic categories are useless in general, as Genetic studies proves.

As far as I know, the oldest evidence of aryans being associated with a race is from Darius the great in the behistoon inscription, who called the people form his land as aryans. Thus I presume basically aryan was just another way of talking about Iranians at that time. I don't think too much of this whole aryan anyway.

As far as Iranians are concerned. Genetics test have apparently shown the people living in Iran today have very similar genetics and also, our genetics are very similar to those ancient Iranians. For example, those from jiroft civilization and the "bunt city". Languages is just language it does not change ones race. Sadly you get bunch of retards who put division between themselves just because they speak a different language eventhough genetically, they are so similar. You see this in Iran as well.

Also I should note this as well, people think being a "Persian" means you're a certain Iranian ethnicity when in reality, any Iranian can call themselves a Persian. I don't think Persian ever refereed to a particular Iranian people. For example, my family are bakhtiari /Luri and mix of others and still I can still call myself Persian.
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As far as I know, the oldest evidence of aryans being associated with a race is from Darius the great in the behistoon inscription, who called the people form his land as aryans. Thus I presume basically aryan was just another way of talking about Iranians at that time. I don't think too much of this whole aryan anyway.

As far as Iranians are concerned. Genetics test have apparently shown the people living in Iran today have very similar genetics and also, our genetics are very similar to those ancient Iranians. For example, those from jiroft civilization and the "bunt city". Languages is just language it does not change ones race. Sadly you get bunch of retards who put division between themselves just because they speak a different language eventhough genetically, they are so similar. You see this in Iran as well.

Yes, the studies that you refer to, was done between the samples from Media(Hegmataneh, Hamedan) to the people currently living in that area, and as you said, the result was similarity between two groups. I guess the same studies are done for the samples from Northern Iran historical sites like Marlik(Gilan) and Sialk(Kashan) and the genetic tests have yielded the same results.
Ur is not iranian city but iraqi city prophet ibrahim(PBUH) was aramean who was born in the Sumerian-Akkadian city of ur some claim he was born in northern Iraq which was aramean Assyrian at that time and back then there was no kurds in that region so their claim is false

Elamites were not persians or indo-Europeans or Semitic people some of the arabs claim that the Elamites were arabs and some kurds claim them too

Ur is in Iraq and iraq(Uruk)is older than iran and its civilizations even predate the arrival of the indo Europeans to the iranian plateau
@Saif al-Arab

Salman Al Farsi these borders are a century old. Iran and Iraq were one single country for most of last couple of thousand years. Iraqis in majority are not Arab in race. You can easily say who has more Arab blood in Iraq and who has no Arab blood at all. You know what I,m talking about as you're an Iraqi yourself.

Most of Iraqis has an ancient linage as you say it from their facial features.

So, don't fall for this Arab, Persian pit hole. No matter that we were one country for the most of time. All that matters now is that we all are Shias who are going to stand next to each other no matter what our language or race is.

The history of both Arabs and Iran/q are known, and it is nothing to brag about. What is important is what we are today.

Even today Iran is treating Iraqis like they are Iranians and never treat them as strangers. Afghans, Indians, Pakistanis have problem living and working in Iran legally while Iraqis were given the right to work and live as long as they want.

Even yesterday there was a call for Iraqis in Iran to go receive their residence and working documents with no exception.

This Arab or Persian or Turk nationalist agenda is as false as basing your judgement on language or ancient alliances or color of skin... Tomorrow that Mahdi comes, non of these would matter. There are those who are his soldiers and those who stand on his way opposing.
Salman Al Farsi these borders are a century old. Iran and Iraq were one single country for most of last couple of thousand years. Iraqis in majority are not Arab in race. You can easily say who has more Arab blood in Iraq and who has no Arab blood at all. You know what I,m talking about as you're an Iraqi yourself.

Most of Iraqis has an ancient linage as you say it from their facial features.

So, don't fall for this Arab, Persian pit hole. No matter that we were one country for the most of time. All that matters now is that we all are Shias who are going to stand next to each other no matter what our language or race is.

The history of both Arabs and Iran/q are known, and it is nothing to brag about. What is important is what we are today.

Even today Iran is treating Iraqis like they are Iranians and never treat them as strangers. Afghans, Indians, Pakistanis have problem living and working in Iran legally while Iraqis were given the right to work and live as long as they want.

Even yesterday there was a call for Iraqis in Iran to go receive their residence and working documents with no exception.

This Arab or Persian or Turk nationalist agenda is as false as basing your judgement on language or ancient alliances or color of skin... Tomorrow that Mahdi comes, non of these would matter. There are those who are his soldiers and those who stand on his way opposing.

This is the most possible silly thing that our ancient Iranic/Iraqi civilizations are considered 'Arab' by this Saudi.

Arab, Semitic & Hamitic Empires and Ancient Kingdoms

I have read history very much none of the Sumerians, Assyrians, Babylonians were Arab or Arab speaker. At time of Sasanid empire there were Arabs living in Arabian peninsula but at time of Achaemenid empire no Arab ever existed.


Anyway let them steal Iranic/Iraqi civilization but they can't steal the reality.
dustan man diruz tu ghesmate khavar miane azad shode budam va raftam se ta payam gozashtam unja ke unaam asan fosh nabudan vali be elate hajv nevisi tu un ghesmat dobare gereftar shodam. berid khodetun se ta payame man ro bekhunid bebinid tohin hast ya na. gure babaye har chi adame hamseye rastie mas ke hamashun ye seri shashe shotor khore pa berahne ro miparsan.
gure pedaro hamashun. az hala be baad adamaye keshvare rasti doshmane khunie manan. digam tu in kharab shode joz har chand ye bar nemiam.
dustan man diruz tu ghesmate khavar miane azad shode budam va raftam se ta payam gozashtam unja ke unaam asan fosh nabudan vali be elate hajv nevisi tu un ghesmat dobare gereftar shodam. berid khodetun se ta payame man ro bekhunid bebinid tohin hast ya na. gure babaye har chi adame hamseye rastie mas ke hamashun ye seri shashe shotor khore pa berahne ro miparsan.
gure pedaro hamashun. az hala be baad adamaye keshvare rasti doshmane khunie manan. digam tu in kharab shode joz har chand ye bar nemiam.

LOL, I would have given you a positive rating, if I could. :rofl:

Aren't these trolls?

Arab affairs News and Discussion Thread | Page 3

Arab affairs News and Discussion Thread | Page 4

WikiLeaks Cables Show a Saudi Obsession With Iran

Beilive me you Pakistanis have become Arab worshippers, a nation [Suadi Arabia] that did not exist on world's maps in 80 years ago. Soon you will find out your fault.

I'm not goning to waste my time anymore since you Pakistanis do completely nothing about trolling against my country but if @Ceylal put a picture about arabs he gets banned!!! That's your fair!

This idiot @Saif al-Arab has insulted Iran for 1 million times but you never do any crap against him! Keep loving your arab brothers while they have killed 1.5 million Muslims in sectarian medieval wars and suicide terrors in Iraq, Syria, Yemen and Africa.
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. .

The user sinan posted graphic photos and yet he is not banned permanently according to the forum's own rule. Why bro? Apparently he has not been banned for good despite the fact he has twice now been banned for posting graphic photos.
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Is there a reason the Turkish members get let off the hook? The user sinan posted graphic photos and yet he is not banned permanently according to the forum's own rule. Why bro? Apparently he has not been banned for good despite the fact he has twice now been banned for posting graphic photos.

He was banned bro. There is a big discussion going on right now about the whole pictures stuff and what is "graphic".

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