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Iran Vs Israel Science

Wow guys I never thought you would be so touchy about me suggesting that in science Iran if it has not already it will overtake Israel some time in the future

By any measure, Iran's scientific output has surpassed so called "Israel's" scientific output a long time back. Leeching off Western immoral societies' resources and claiming fake awards based on Jewish control of Western media and decision making does not make so called "Israel" a scientific powerhouse.

It is a shame that other Muslim majority countries are not trying to outperform Iran in scientific fields with their deeds. Most of them only compete in words, in media, and in internet fora. Malaysia and Turkey are progressing quite well in the scientific publications area, though, and let's hope Egypt will perform better if a popular government is in power. Tunisia is another potential star with Ben Ali gone. It would be of immense benefit to the North Africans and the Muslim world in general if these North African countries all choose their popular leaders based on Islamic Shariah and eventually merge their countries into one to achieve grand things. Such a process could potentially spark off a chain reaction with other Muslim countries merging into one to achieve grand things that the same countries can not dream of achieving based on their current limitations. Western aligned/secular leaders and 'intellectuals' need to be eliminated from the scene for progress commensurate with the Muslims' needs to be achieved.
Ok ! thanks Uncle Britain :lol:
Britain did not give any aid to us.

Its not about jealousy its about comparing how well Iran has done despite sanctions whereas Israel has received more aid than any other country in the world to assist it and puts to bed the myth that you are supermen
Its jealousy when you make obviously idiotic claims against Israel.

Israel population: 7,590,758
Israel exports: $62.5 billion (2011 est.)
Israel per capita export: 8,234$

Iran population: 78,868,711
Iran exports: $131.8 billion (2011 est.) 80% - crude oil
Iran per capita exports: 1,671$
Iran per capita exports minus oil: 334$

That's the difference.
sciencedirect just serves as database for all articles, to see article published in a journal indicates the quality of article, as i said Iran can publish million articles, they be as good as toilet paper...
January 2012 is in the past just like January 2002.
Aren't we all living in the past?
http://www.sciencedirect.com is a quite interesting tool, what i did found is even more interesting :) :

2012 Israel by affiliation total publication is indeed 2,941
Journal (2,844)
Book (106)
Reference Work (5)

2012 Iran by affiliation total publication 5,034
Journal (5,026)
Book (8)
Reference Work (1)


For all time:

Israeli total 105,758
Journal (104,299)
Book (2,326)
Reference Work (403)

Iran total 42,120
Journal (42,012)
Book (153)
Reference Work (8)

This is for you Persian kittens and "Iran strong team" something to think about, take your time.
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