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Iran Vs Israel Science

Aryab-B we know the fact bro, these people are just thieves and beggars.
they are comparing themselves to a country whose scientists gave the west the scientific and mathematic knowledge without which they would still think the earth is flat.
Aryab-B we know the fact bro, these people are just thieves and beggars.
they are comparing themselves to a country whose scientists gave the west the scientific and mathematic knowledge without which they would still think the earth is flat.

Without American aid would be like Jordan in science.
http://www.sciencedirect.com is a quite interesting tool, what i did found is even more interesting :) :

2012 Israel by affiliation total publication is indeed 2,941
Journal (2,844)
Book (106)
Reference Work (5)

2012 Iran by affiliation total publication 5,034
Journal (5,026)
Book (8)
Reference Work (1)


For all time:

Israeli total 105,758
Journal (104,299)
Book (2,326)
Reference Work (403)

Iran total 42,120
Journal (42,012)
Book (153)
Reference Work (8)

Multinational technology companies with R&D centers in Israel:

Applied Materials
Cisco Systems
Alcatel Lucent
General Electric
BMC Software
CA Technologies
Marvell Technology
Micron Technology
EMC Corporation
Apple Inc

I rest my case, You are inferior Persian Kittens to Israel


All you can do is wipe your аss with an Israeli flag, that is brilliant :lol: i guess you can wipe with American flag as well...
I rest my case, You are inferior Persian Kittens to Israel


All you can do is wipe your *** with an Israeli flag, that is brilliant :lol: i guess you can wipe with American flag as well...

Same thing both nazi flags anyway. but you know it come on admit it Iran is on the up and you are on the way to the toilet why are you crying? Without American money Israel is nothing
What is even more absurd is that you are trying to claim superiority over a nation 10x smaller than Iran, and you FAIL! :lol:
what a pathetic bunch

Same thing both nazi flags anyway. but you know it come on admit it Iran is on the up and you are on the way to the toilet why are you crying? Without American money Israel is nothing

Yes, keep repeating this again and over again, maybe it will help, maybe Intel IBM or Microsoft will open R&D centers in Iran :rofl:
What is even more absurd is that you are trying to claim superiority over a nation 10x smaller than Iran, and you FAIL! :lol:
what a pathetic bunch

YOU are the pathetic one here.
India has a population of billion does that mean it is right to expect them to have a huge superiority?
you have no logic whatsoever. what makes a country great in terms if it's scientific output is how much funding they pour into the field and their education system. for the time being Iran R&D is small compared to the other nation but it will increase.

anyway I am talking about countries here not some illegal military base called Israel who steals it's knowledge, like how you people are trying to make it seem like einstein was Israeli just because he was jewish... so you people are the pathetic ones.
Repeat it one more time, maybe miraculously Cisco R&D center pops in Tehran... :D
@Archdemon (What a name!)

Multinational technology companies with R&D centers in Israel:

Applied Materials
Cisco Systems
Alcatel Lucent
General Electric
BMC Software
CA Technologies
Marvell Technology
Micron Technology
EMC Corporation
Apple Inc

Any Israeli world wide company to brag about? Or you are just bragging with the achievements of others from others? Can you tell this forum it is not typical Israeli Bragging about American and European companies, or weapons or what have you?
You are a retard, im incapable to debate with retard

Resorting to personal insults shows that you have lost the debate. I declare as a neutral in this battle between Israel and Iran. The winners are Iran.

ps to Israelis please do not cry
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