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Featured Iran vows 'hit' on all involved in US killing of top general

Iraqi identity is fine, the issue is Iran and the creation of a vacuum of power in Iraq. Caused the animal khamenei to go wild.

Iraq isn't part of any neighbor, it has its own identity. You're the soleimani cheerleader that hates Islam and cheerleads Iran from Europe.
The problem with you is that you think if the Islamic regime in Iran falls by a US coalition like the 2003 invasion of Iraq, Iraq will have a better fate than now or will become prosperous.

Let me clue you in about the future of Iraq without people like Soleimani or Iran. Feel free to correct me anywhere that I say something wrong about Iraq:

Soon after Iran is hypothetically occupied, Kurdistan of Iraq will become an independent country. It's not like they don't want it. Heck, they have even tried it recently, which didn't happen thanks to General Soleimani and his regional influence.
The United States and Israel both want the independence of Kurdistan. The Europeans support it as well. The very day that Kurdistan becomes an independent country, the Europeans, the Israelis and the Americans will flood the country with foreign investments and aid to make it viable as an independent state. They will try to set it as a role model for other Kurds in the region, and for other ethnic groups in the region to sow more discord and perpetual wars in the region. This is Imperialism 101. It's such a well-known pattern that it's textbook.

Kurds are already claiming Arab territory in Iraq, territory that has oil like Mosul. Your army is incompetent to a level that is not even funny anymore. Kurds can launch attacks on your country with the support of Israel, United States and the European powers. Considering bad blood between you and them and historical facts like the Anfal Camp, it doesn't seem far-fetched to me that the "free world" would side with them against you people who have committed genocide against them before. Now add to it the natural terrain of Kurdistan that is harder to conquer than the Arab parts of Iraq.

Even if they don't launch an attack on you, even the independence of the current Kurdistan territory can make you lose a lot. Besides oil (you are already paying oil money to them), you will lose fertile lands and a good share of fresh water, meaning that your country which already has water and agricultural problems will be even less fit for sustaining life and development. Your country will be left with nearly nothing to develop itself.

Turkey will fill the vacuum of power in the region under the pretext that it is worried about her own Kurdish population. Your country will be split in two halves again, but this time instead of US and Iran, Saudi Arabia and Turkey will use your country as a battlefield for regional proxy wars. Turkey is already violating your sovereignty on a monthly basis and what have you done against it? Now imagine it 10 times worse.

And everything I said is just the tip of the iceberg. Believe it or not, if you are not insane, you will start praying that a US-Iran clash would never happen because Iraq will go down the toilet for sure.
Trump can only hide in the bunkers like the rest of your "soldiers" when fires were raining on them:

Biatch please


@ 1:05
Go dig your partner up, bet he can't say shit
And if you looking for the kid, I'll be in Zone 6

Biatch please
View attachment 672005
View attachment 672006

@ 1:05
Go dig your partner up, bet he can't say shit
And if you looking for the kid, I'll be in Zone 6

You bombed a general on diplomatic mission, from a UAV in the typical cowardly manner that your type is known for. Iranians do not need to cowardly engage with your type. When things get face to face, this is what you're like:


Your bravado exists in Hollywood, in real life pants wetting is a more realistic reaction:

Operation Praying Mantis

By the end of the operation, U.S. air and surface units had sunk, or severely damaged, half of Iran's operational fleet. @Philosopher Pull up!


1983 Beirut barracks bombings

On October 23, 1983, two truck bombs struck buildings in Beirut, Lebanon, housing American and French service members of the Multinational Force in Lebanon, a military peacekeeping operation during the Lebanese Civil War. Wikipedia
Start date: October 23, 1983

DeathsTotal: 307
PerpetratorSuspected to be Hezbollah, along with some Iranian and Syrian involvement.
US ResponseNothing but crying for decades after it.
Operation Praying Mantis

By the end of the operation, U.S. air and surface units had sunk, or severely damaged, half of Iran's operational fleet.


Dear me, you're resorting to something that happened over 40 years ago when Iran was in middle of a war? What about the recent attack on your airbase that left 100's of your soldiers with "headaches"? Didn't your beloved Trump say even a single bullet would cause him to retaliate against Iran? so what happened?

Iran has been behind the killing of 1000's of US soldiers, yet you do not dare to fire even a single bullet towards Iran proper in recent memory.

Iran killed more US troops in Iraq than previously known, Pentagon says

1983 Beirut barracks bombings

On October 23, 1983, two truck bombs struck buildings in Beirut, Lebanon, housing American and French service members of the Multinational Force in Lebanon, a military peacekeeping operation during the Lebanese Civil War. Wikipedia
Start date: October 23, 1983

DeathsTotal: 307
PerpetratorSuspected to be Hezbollah, along with some Iranian and Syrian involvement.

This was a master stroke, 241 gone poof in a single strike.
Operation Praying Mantis

By the end of the operation, U.S. air and surface units had sunk, or severely damaged, half of Iran's operational fleet. @Philosopher Pull up!

1988 Iran did not have the capabilities of today. You got very lucky.

When you come to Iran you will just eat Iranian sand

Yes, it is hilarious how they bring up Iran from 40 years ago that did not even have basic missiles. Their most recent war simulation led to a humiliating defeat, the so called Millenium Challenge. Even that is from almost 20 years ago.
The problem with you is that you think if the Islamic regime in Iran falls by a US coalition like the 2003 invasion of Iraq, Iraq will have a better fate than now or will become prosperous.

Let me clue you in about the future of Iraq without people like Soleimani or Iran. Feel free to correct me anywhere that I say something wrong about Iraq:

Soon after Iran is hypothetically occupied, Kurdistan of Iraq will become an independent country. It's not like they don't want it. Heck, they have even tried it recently, which didn't happen thanks to General Soleimani and his regional influence.
The United States and Israel both want the independence of Kurdistan. The Europeans support it as well. The very day that Kurdistan becomes an independent country, the Europeans, the Israelis and the Americans will flood the country with foreign investments and aid to make it viable as an independent state. They will try to set it as a role model for other Kurds in the region, and for other ethnic groups in the region to sow more discord and perpetual wars in the region. This is Imperialism 101. It's such a well-known pattern that it's textbook.

Kurds are already claiming Arab territory in Iraq, territory that has oil like Mosul. Your army is incompetent to a level that is not even funny anymore. Kurds can launch attacks on your country with the support of Israel, United States and the European powers. Considering bad blood between you and them and historical facts like the Anfal Camp, it doesn't seem far-fetched to me that the "free world" would side with them against you people who have committed genocide against them before. Now add to it the natural terrain of Kurdistan that is harder to conquer than the Arab parts of Iraq.

Even if they don't launch an attack on you, even the independence of the current Kurdistan territory can make you lose a lot. Besides oil (you are already paying oil money to them), you will lose fertile lands and a good share of fresh water, meaning that your country which already has water and agricultural problems will be even less fit for sustaining life and development. Your country will be left with nearly nothing to develop itself.

Turkey will fill the vacuum of power in the region under the pretext that it is worried about her own Kurdish population. Your country will be split in two halves again, but this time instead of US and Iran, Saudi Arabia and Turkey will use your country as a battlefield for regional proxy wars. Turkey is already violating your sovereignty on a monthly basis and what have you done against it? Now imagine it 10 times worse.

And everything I said is just the tip of the iceberg. Believe it or not, if you are not insane, you will start praying that a US-Iran clash would never happen because Iraq will go down the toilet for sure.

You assumed, I don't think that

Now the Kurdish part is something you're wrong about. Kurdistan is a joke and they're not a threat in any way. Iraq pays them not because it fears them, the political system is in their favour.

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