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Iran unveiled indigenous "kowsar" fighter jet with 4th gen avionics

I am not sure about your thinking capabilities, but to clarify, when threads are merged, posts are arranged based on the dates they were posted, that's why your post is not first anymore. It's very simple, just try to understand.
It's you who can't understand (supposedly) that I'm objecting the merge of my thread with some random unrelated threads, my post being first or last makes no difference.

In this thread, people were arguing and guessing about the next Iranian fighter jet with zero knowledge about it,
in my thread, I wanted to discuss about Kowsar (and later news and updates) based on the published info about it, that's why I wasted my time to translate the video, these threads are not the same at all;

what if some member wanted to study about kowsar and then jump to discussion, he has to review 11 pages of wild guesses first?!

If you plan to not undo it, then choose the title based on their dates as well.
this is the right title for this thread: "What Iran will fly next week ?"
not the one you took from my thread.
What's a nice Jewish boy doing trolling in the Iran Defence forum? Isn't there a Israeli defence circle jerk somewhere beckoning you?
They fear Iran more than that of Azrael . They don't want to be entrenched by Iran in Syria .
The hot water stands for the new jet that is released 2 times a year by the Iranian defence industry. Everybody knows it is garbage propaganda when they release more fighter jets than Huawei releases phones.
Yesterday you said I should be patient and see what they are revealing before making comments on it, but now I am pointing out that sometimes you dont have to see it to know it is shite.
It is a grate move by Iranians to develop their own fighter jets . In fact , they start various projects only after the Iraq Iran war . By few years they revealed some proto types , trainers etc. Remember, necessity is the key to success . Their seriousness will bring them to success one day to produce their advanced fighters like their self sufficiency in missile and radar technology .
Without any offence intended towards our Iranian brothers but I find it hard to believe that Iran is able to produce a 100% indigenous 4+ generation fighter jet while being sanctioned prone.
I think it is a 2.5 or 3rd generation figter with 4th generation Avionics . They are serious to develope their own fighters and one day they will be able to produce advanced fighters .
That again is nonsense: The AIM-54 has a weight of how much kgs an how much can a wing pylon of a F-5F carry? Also a R-73 is much heavier (roughly 105-110 kg vs 85 kg) so simply forget it.
I would be happy if possible but without any proof to state this as a fact is unprofessional ... IMO fan-boy-like.

Come on ... just do a bit of your homework, it's indeed an achievement that the Iranian aircraft industries managed to reverse manufacture and update this type regardless or esp. in mind of all sanctions, but a weapon in the range of the AIM-54 is beyond reality. Not even the F-15, F-16 or F-18 carried that monster (of 450-480kg weight). And finally if reports are true and the radar is "related" to a Chinese system - maybe the KLJ-6E - even then it is plain impossible since that radar is not even able to guide radar guided missiles in PLAAF service.

Again, I do not want to downgrade the Iranian efforts, I have the higest respect for their achievement, but it is what it is: a reverse-manufactured 1960s design a bit popped up with modern avionics ... nothing less, but surely nothing more.


Nothing is known about it but if the radar shown was Chinese and not customized then it most probably was KLJ-6F with 86+ km detection range. I am just guessing it based upon what they showed and what could fit inside an F-5E/F cone. I do not know its tracking range but it can enable borderline BVR combat capability. May be KLJ-7 is fitted into fighter version prototype with radome changes. IRIAF is in bad shape right now because of political sanctions but it is a force with glorious history and stature, they would not pick a low tech device when better is available to them from same company in China called NRIET. Why do you think they redesigned the radome of Saeghe prototype 3-7366 before ? look at larger redesigned and LARGER nose cone of this prototype.


KLJ-7 can guide PL-12A BVR. There is an AESA version of KLJ-7 coming as well from NRIET. KLJ-7 carrying domestically produced F-5E/F with all those avionics they showed (or better ones in next prototype) will result into a 4.0 generation fighter. Specially if armed with PL-12A and HOBS WVR weaponry. Remember we can now produce squadrons after squadrons in home. Would not probably happen but it can be done. Iranian planners know what they are doing. I am seeing a proper 100 % locally built 4th generation fighter jet at end of this Azarakhsh, Saeghe prototypes.

People probably laughed when we tested Shahab-1 in 80s. Same people now purchase ABM and AD to safe their oil fields and bases, ships from our new missiles. Time is a vicious entity for you never know who becomes what.
I have seen so much nagging and negativity. Iran needed to start from somewhere. Of course you would not see an F-35 like plane now. What is important is that they seem to be giving the air-force somewhat more attention and priority now. That is what is important. Yes I wish we seen these developments 10 years ago, but better late than never. At least they are now moving in the direction of development in the airforce.

I actually give respect to Iran for being pragmatic. You think Iran could not designed a new airframe? Of course it can, but it's focusing more on testing these avionics etc on a tested and proven platform before starting to design and produce its own air-frame. Once Iran has mastered the building of components, then building a newly design plane is not that far away. Heck, they're building the damned engine themselves, which is without a doubt the most difficult part.

Let the others nag and mock. They once mocked Iran's missiles, but today, they're begging Iran to sit down and negotiate over them and have annual conferences over Iran's missiles.:lol:
Three threads merged.

I agree first and second threads were the same however the third thread was not similar to first and second threads. (wild talks, chit chat and guesses)

Our Iranian mod did his best to collect these threads into one thread.

However I want @mohsen to creat his thread again (if this is not againt forum's laws) so we're not obliged to turn over 10 pages to read specs of "Kowsar" and some scientific information about Kowsar.
It's you who can't understand (supposedly) that I'm objecting the merge of my thread with some random unrelated threads, my post being first or last makes no difference.

In this thread, people were arguing and guessing about the next Iranian fighter jet with zero knowledge about it,
in my thread, I wanted to discuss about Kowsar (and later news and updates) based on the published info about it, that's why I wasted my time to translate the video, these threads are not the same at all;

what if some member wanted to study about kowsar and then jump to discussion, he has to review 11 pages of wild guesses first?!

If you plan to not undo it, then choose the title based on their dates as well.
this is the right title for this thread: "What Iran will fly next week ?"
not the one you took from my thread.

There is no way to undo a merge. If you want you can copy/paste your thread info in a new thread and I will change the name of this one afterwards.
Are you kidding me? Did you see the article? Did you see the pictures? Did you see the F-5 yesterday that they revealed as a NEW aircraft? How many Azarakesh have you seen beside the original 7? How about the Qaher? How much do you want to bet that it will never reach production? Heck I'll bet you'll never see it fly...they will let it die quietly.

No, I don't know if they're gonna either produce it or not but I've seen a pattern and its output .. sure they didn't produce Azarakesh or Saeghe mostly 'cause all of them have been bed tests ...stupid naming is not the case I've heard it was gonna be named PG Hawk ..by NEW aircraft they meant "fully produced by Iran" ...
Oh i forget to edit it what i mean is, is it has capability to arm with AiM-54 and R-73?
And also it has capability to carry at least 4 R-73 because of it's lighter than AiM-9 and it could be enough to fire it because the radar is new and possibly has range of 80-90 km (speculation)
No,sadly the aim54 is a real monster both in size and weight and needs a powerful radar as well,however the R73/AA11[x4] is certainly do-able as is the R60/AA8[x6/x8],tho to get the most out of the R73 you`ll need a helmet mounted sight.With a decent radar like the EL/M-2032 BVR missiles like the R77 should be possible also as the singapore AF F5 has the capability to use the very similar amraam,I also wouldnt rule out the R27 either,tho it is a bit on the heavy side but its extended range IR,passive and active variants are quite nasty potentially.
That again is nonsense: The AIM-54 has a weight of how much kgs an how much can a wing pylon of a F-5F carry? Also a R-73 is much heavier (roughly 105-110 kg vs 85 kg) so simply forget it.
I would be happy if possible but without any proof to state this as a fact is unprofessional ... IMO fan-boy-like.

Come on ... just do a bit of your homework, it's indeed an achievement that the Iranian aircraft industries managed to reverse manufacture and update this type regardless or esp. in mind of all sanctions, but a weapon in the range of the AIM-54 is beyond reality. Not even the F-15, F-16 or F-18 carried that monster (of 450-480kg weight). And finally if reports are true and the radar is "related" to a Chinese system - maybe the KLJ-6E - even then it is plain impossible since that radar is not even able to guide radar guided missiles in PLAAF service.

Again, I do not want to downgrade the Iranian efforts, I have the higest respect for their achievement, but it is what it is: a reverse-manufactured 1960s design a bit popped up with modern avionics ... nothing less, but surely nothing more.

There shouldnt be any big problems with the R73 as the brazilian f5em upgrade can carry both the derby and the python 4 which are slightly heavier than the R73,and supposedly the singapore af f5s were upgraded to be compatible with the amraam[tho I havent been able to find any pics of them actually being carried]

And if the amraam is possible then I dont see why the R77 shouldnt be possible either,assuming you have a good compatible little radar of course.
There shouldnt be any big problems with the R73 as the brazilian f5em upgrade can carry both the derby and the python 4 which are slightly heavier than the R73,and supposedly the singapore af f5s were upgraded to be compatible with the amraam[tho I havent been able to find any pics of them actually being carried]
And if the amraam is possible then I dont see why the R77 shouldnt be possible either,assuming you have a good compatible little radar of course.

Thanks ... however the mentioned Phoenix is still a completely different story and IMO way out of any possibility.
Thanks ... however the mentioned Phoenix is still a completely different story and IMO way out of any possibility.
Oh yes,I quite agree:agree:,the idea of an F5 trying to lug a monster like the Aim54 around is rather silly.It`d be like a Mig21 trying to lug an R33/AA9 around:p:
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