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Iran to pay for new babies to boost population

Well right now birth rate per woman has reduced to around only 1.3 baby. As right now 70 percant of the population is below 30 years of age... so population will continue to increase... but when they will grow older there will be very few people of young age and majority will be of older age... so population will continue to dicrease just like japan and germany... Birth rate of 2.1 children per woman is required to replace a population... Among muslim countries turkey and algeria is facing the same problem... This is a good move but provided population do not crose 150 million or remain some where around.

if they want to have population boost based on some scientific calculations then it is fine, but to try to have more people in iran just because not having baby is ungodly then i can say it is very unwise of a president.
if they want to have population boost based on some scientific calculations then it is fine, but to try to have more people in iran just because not having baby is ungodly then i can say it is very unwise of a president.

But that can be an easy trick to lure people into bearing more kids.
As to the topic, whether a country is overpopulated or not is not measured in absolute numbers but rather in the capacity for it to provide its population with infrastructure and jobs.

As such, I find the policy well-advised (in the longer-term) but poorly timed at present. Developed countries such as Sweden, Norway, Italy and so forth promote childbirth given the fact that their population is aging more rapidly and would hence face a more continual decline. What sets them apart from the Iranian case is that they have an excess of recourses and their economy more readily requires an increase in labour.

That being said, Iran's population is very young one and her total fertility rate is decreasing. Hence, attention is required towards this most certainly. What is interesting is that the families are not allowed to access the accounts until the child is 20 years of age-- it should then help the him/her to go to an university, rent a house and get married (which more then often ends up being an expensive affair in Iranian culture.). As such, again I find it to be a pragmatic move. I disagree with the timing of it though.
how the hell the iranians are becoming less, dont they marry lol!!, in pakistan we talk about restricting the population lol!!

This is because the economic and demographic realities of Iran and Pakistan are very different. If matters are allowed to persist, both nations will have rather dramatic population crises albeit in opposite directions.
But that can be an easy trick to lure people into bearing more kids.

Well, i was not talking about ahmadinejad to have sceintific calculations, the relevant departments would make these studies. On the other hand i can see your point, if the gov want to create more babies bcause GOD is not happy, then can manipulate the data as well, but i hope they dont do that.
What is current growth rate of Iran ??

According to the CIA World Factbook, the rate is approximately 0.94% for 2010. The total fertility rate of Iran was estimated to be a low 1.7 (2010) by the same. Studies by analysts conclude that Iran's rate of population growth will continue to slow even further, unless measures are taken, until Iran's population stabilizes near 90+ million by 2050.

The following news article, albeit being dated, provides a further insight into Iran's population troubles: Iran's population growth rate falls to 1.5 percent: UNFP
Strange... This resembles what Hitler did in Nazi Germany,
He paid people to have children, gave them awards and other perks.
Iran to pay for new babies to boost population

By NASSER KARIMI (AP) – 1 hour ago

TEHRAN, Iran — Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad inaugurated a new policy on Tuesday to encourage population growth, dismissing Iran's decades of internationally-acclaimed family planning as ungodly and a Western import.

The new government initiative will pay families for every new child and deposit money into the newborn's bank account until they reach 18, effectively rolling back years of efforts to boost the economy by reducing the country's once runaway population growth.

"Those who raise idea of family planning, they are thinking in the realm of the secular world," Ahmadinejad said during the inauguration ceremony.

The plan is part of Ahmadinejad's stated commitment to further increase Iran's population, which is already estimated at 75 million. He has previously said the country could support up to 150 million.

The program would be especially attractive to the lower income segments of the population formed the backbone of Ahmadinejad's support in the 2005 and 2009 elections.

Throughout his tenure, the president has promoted populist policies in Iran, where 10 million people are estimated to live under the poverty line.

It is unclear, however, where the funds would come from as the government is already having trouble paying for basic infrastructure projects.

Starting in the early 1970s, Iran waged a successful family planning campaign across the country, including banners in public health care centers reading "two children are enough."

It was reversed after the 1979 Islamic revolution only to be brought back 10 years later when the population ballooned and the economy faltered.

Throughout the 1990s, Iran reduced population growth by encouraging men and women to use free or inexpensive contraceptives, as well as vasectomies. The government brought down the country's population growth rate from its 1986 height of 3.9 percent to just 1.6 percent in 2006.

Ahmadinejad caused public outcry, however, when shortly after he was elected in 2005 he said two children per family were not enough and urged Iranians to have more.

Under the new plan each child born in the current Iranian year, which began March 21, will receive a deposit of $950 in a government bank account. They will then continue to receive another $95 every year until they reach 18. Parents will also be expected to pay matching funds into the accounts.

Under the initiative's rules children can withdraw the money at the age of 20 and use it for education, marriage, health and housing.

Iran's official unemployment rate is about 10 percent, but estimates say there are 3 million unemployed people of working age in the country.

Following the 1980s baby boom, some 26 million Iranians are between the ages of 15 and 30.

Copyright © 2010 The Associated Press. All rights reserved.

The Associated Press: Iran to pay for new babies to boost population

Only if Iran had a a baby producing machine like this :

Bihar women deliver two to five children in 60 days! - Hindustan Times
if one can afford what is the problem in having Lion as pet!!
Surely greater & more powerful the population greater chances for your country to go for an offensive stance (something Hitler wrote in his biography MEIN KEMP)
perhaps we could export a few million of our surplus babies to iran and they could pay us with oil lol
Nahh! I think you need to export more northerners and western Indians into east India first. We in the east have a low population and lot of empty land. Invest here and settle down. Then perhaps it would be even.

Our babies remain in our country. I think this low birth rate is because of attitude of Iranian women to their men. I once met a few Irani guys on my expedition and they told me that their women are just way too quarrelsome and totally over-demanding. :lol:.

No offense but I am narrating what I was told.
He plans to take the country into Taliban era afghanistan so his western masters can come and occupy..what nonsense is this man..
They will then continue to receive another $95 every year until they reach 18. Parents will also be expected to pay matching funds into the accounts.

Under the initiative's rules children can withdraw the money at the age of 20 and use it for education, marriage, health and housing.

Lets do basic maths

$95 x 18 = $1710

Well good luck with being able to get married or pay for universities with those peanuts.

At the times of agarian society, having more men meant more cultivation and better income however nowadays agriculture is done by machines and single man cultivates large massases of land. Iran should look into being a small, efficient and prosperous country rather than large bulky elephant.
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